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One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
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One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.

"a man sitting at a table with a gold ring on his finger"

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Comments for: One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
steve Report This Comment
Date: September 05, 2004 07:54AM

I cannot stand this goofy fucking loser. Did you make your daddy proud you Texas homo? Kick up some more bullshit and get some more troops killed you worthless son of a bitch.
Bletso Report This Comment
Date: September 05, 2004 05:59PM

George Bush is the man i think he will lead us all into great times. Hes the man. Thats just my opinion.
bletso is corrupt Report This Comment
Date: September 06, 2004 03:17PM

Hey Bletso. your name wouldn't happen to be Little Johnny Howard is it. Get your head out of your arse and your hand of your dick you shameful wanker. The guy is a goof just like you!
Bill Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2004 01:05PM

This guy has some balls to do what he's doing. He's a hero.
GW Report This Comment
Date: September 07, 2004 11:54PM

Balls?!?!? It isn't his kids ... or those of any other politian .... that are getting killed or wounded to save some friggin oil revenues for the greedy SOBs he's in bed with. The guy's a puppet.
ZZZ Report This Comment
Date: September 09, 2004 03:27AM

BUSH = Hitler
bush Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2004 10:30PM

steves your a fucken jerk off
Date: September 23, 2004 06:26PM

Strife Report This Comment
Date: October 22, 2004 03:00PM

Congressional families are more likely to be related closely to someone in Iraq.

"We then see that of 535 Congressional families, there are two with a child who served in Iraq. How does this compare with American families in general? In the summer of 2003, U.S. troop levels in Iraq were raised to 145,000. If we factor in troop rotation, we could estimate that about 300,000 people have served in Iraq at some point. According to the Census Bureau, there were 104,705,000 households in the United States in 2000. (See Table 1 of the Census Report.) So the ratio of ordinary U.S. households to Iraqi service personnel is 104,705,000 to 300,000. This reduces to a ratio of 349:1.

"In contrast the ratio of Congressional households to Iraqi service personnel is 535:2. This reduces to a ratio of 268:1.

"Stated another way, a Congressional household is about 23 percent more likely than an ordinary household to be closely related to an Iraqi serviceman or servicewoman.

"Of course my statistical methodology is very simple. A more sophisticated analysis would look only at Congressional and U.S. households from which at least one child is legally eligible to enlist in the military. Moore, obviously, never attempted such a comparison; instead, he deceived viewers into believing that Congressional families were extremely different from other families in enlistment rates."
Dave Kopel, from his article 59 deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11

Oh, and in between Bush and John Kerry, it's Kerry that's the admitted war criminal.

"There are all kinds of atrocities, and I would have to say that, yes, yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free fire zones. I conducted harassment and interdiction fire. I used 50 calibre machine guns, which we were granted and ordered to use, which were our only weapon against people. I took part in search and destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare, all of this is contrary to the Geneva Conventions and all of this is ordered as a matter of written established policy by the government of the United States from the top down. And I believe that the men who designed these, the men who designed the free fire zone, the men who ordered us, the men who signed off the air raid strike areas, I think these men, by the letter of the law, the same letter of the law that tried Lieutenant Calley, are war criminals."

-- John Kerry, on NBC's "Meet the Press" April 18, 1971

If you don't believe me, listen to it for yourself:

Think about that for a bit.
snowyxtacy Report This Comment
Date: November 03, 2004 02:18AM

bush doesnt deserve to be in the seat hes in. i mean cmon, hes worthless. the only thing hes done is raise taxes, send jobs overseas-the ones that are still around, and send our troops over to a country that he had no business being in. and for what? to get rid of a "terrorist". yeah, we caught sadaam....ok what about bin laden? huh? everyone forget about him? everyone forget that hes the one that bombed us....not sadaam u fucking moron. thats great....bin laden bombs us, we go pick on people that werent even bothering us at the moment & the dick for brains bin laden is STILL sending us video tapes. wow....what an accomplishment that was. wow....that guy really has done alot for this country....alot of bullshit. bush shouldve never been president. a monkey couldnt have screwed up our country as bad as bush did.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2004 04:51AM

Strange nothing posted since the Nov.2nd overwelming victory of the greatest president since Reagan. Now eat shit for 4 years and shut up.
ThePowerOfXtc Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2004 05:39PM

you little bitches need to quit complaining. Bush was smart to take us to war, what would you do, just let us sit here and take the chance they don't have WMD. no, it doesn't work that way. you don't chance something that is powerful enough to destroy the world, you have to take action
ugugu Report This Comment
Date: November 28, 2004 02:40PM

all you PRO bush have 000000 brain... thats the way i see it...
FEAR, thats the 1 thing that controlls you ...
and who takes that fact to do profits :
Mr. George Wanker Bush...
the dumbest president of all times... even dumber than berlusconi in Italy or LePen (right son of a b. who luckily didnt make it... ) in France...

But hey to all you american bush voters: Continue to live on your Island an mock the rest of the world..... go to college, and get educated kids
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2005 02:10AM

Hey ugugu, what you talkin about? The american voters just gave voted for bush. He got the largest number of votes in American history.
Chris Report This Comment
Date: January 29, 2005 03:12AM

He gets his orders from Higher up, just as all presidents have since Wilson. And just as all future presidents will
america_sux Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 11:22PM

all americans suk u freaks
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 10, 2005 11:23PM

no we dnt u faggots
go suk ur cok u horney ass bitch
Drew Report This Comment
Date: November 05, 2005 06:44AM

On September 5, 2004, 2:54 am steve said :
I cannot stand this goofy fucking loser. Did you make your daddy proud you Texas homo? Kick up some more bullshit and get some more troops killed you worthless son of a bitch.

There's room in France Asshole