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Drunk Rick Perry Speech
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Drunk Rick Perry  Speech

"a man speaking into a microphone"

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Comments for: Drunk Rick Perry Speech
Mach Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2011 08:54AM

Definitely not President worthy.

quasi Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2011 10:55AM

The Republican party is going to screw around and give us one of the assholes for a candidate causing Obama to get a second term because the majority is too blind to see that the real candidate of change is Ron Paul.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2011 11:27AM

If Ron Paul wins the nomination then Odamna will win a second term for sure.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2011 01:41PM

Too true quasi, too true.

If Ron Paul wins the nomination he'd pull a large percentage of the centrists and independents, along with a segment of Obozos own base of voters.Even Obozos once solid base of union, environmentalists, entitlement babies and even the illegals has become somewhat splintered over his policies and actions.

No prez in history has managed to so completely divide the country and stir up as much resentment among the various factions within US society as Obozo has.

It is with a definite sadness that I see a man as devoid of anything scandalous in his background, who has steadfastly served in congress to always support Constitutional legislation only and know that such a man is labeled as radical, which is a common moniker given to Ron Paul.

The current Republican front runners, Romney and Gingrich, are just more of the same ol same ol and hardly the answer for what's needed. Romney is so far left it's hard to understand how he can even work with the conservative side of things and Gingrich is very much old school Repub big business, big government all the way.

Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who really calls for smaller Constitutional governance, wants the govt to give back the states and individual rights the fed has usurped, has called for an audit and then an ending of the federal reserve, looks to stem the tide of illegals by denying them benefits they do not deserve and proposes a return to a non-interventionist foreign policy where the US would no longer seek to invade and occupy foreign countries.

It's all too telling that so many in the press vilify these positions as lunacy, and the lemmings that decide their votes by sound bites instead of understanding whats behind the candidates speeches, and indeed, what's best for the country as a whole continue to purport Ron Paul as some loony uncle instead of what he really is .... the only clear choice to have a chance to change what's so badly needed (*facepalm*)

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2011 11:50AM

Some of which Ron Paul stands for I agree with but I do not agree with him on leaving Israel to die on their own or his belief that Iran should be allowed to have nuclear weapons. Plus I would rather someone win the republican nomination who actually has a chance to beat Odamna and I really don't care who it is as long as Odamna is only a one term president.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2011 05:55PM

Nice job JG, you've managed to swallow hook line and sinker the same crap the media keeps saying, even though it bears no relation to anything like the truth about Ron Paul (*facepalm*)

Your above comments only point to how successful the media smear has been at totally distorting his positions .... thanks for being another pawn to be utilized for their benefit eye
rolling smiley

Mach Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2011 06:32PM

Ahhh yes, jgoin, I know it won't sway you.... for some strange reason..... but here is a video that's going a little viral, 40,000 in two days.

If you already clicked the video from the "US Foreign Policy" image I uploaded recently, then.......... watch it again!

The guys over in Iraq and Afghanistan sure do see the truth, but hey, it can be life or death for them, so, lying to themselves can have a bad outcome, I think they are a little more serious than you are.

By the way, the only reason Obama is bringing them home is because the Election is coming up..... gee, even Obama is ripping off Ron Pauls way, it's disgusting, the more people that stand up and say they're done with the game, the more the other politicians keep trying to steal Ron Pauls "freedom talk."

They're foolin' yuh.... and yuh like it!

JGOIN >>>>>> (*butt*)

Mach Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2011 06:43PM

This is from 4/5/11, but listen to Dylan Ratigan (MSNBC) explain how much he looks up to Ron Paul.

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2011 01:39PM

Isolationism alone is not the answer. If we want to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world then we would need to follow the Swiss in that way. We would have to require all people becoming adults to join the military for a given amount of time and then require them keep their weapons and maintain proficiency with them. We cannot be a nation of pacifists and pussies or we will be attacked in the future. If we are to remain within our border then we must make those borders strong and defend them with fierce determination.

If all of our troops are brought home then most of them would be released from active duty and take their place in the unemployment line. This would make unemployment skyrocket and our economy would not be able to improve fast enough to handle it.

Should we really mind our own business when Iran is developing nuclear weapons? We all know who will be the target of those nuclear weapons, Israel. Even if you hate Israel why would you want Iran to have nuclear capability? Not only would they use them on Israel but they would sell the weapons and technology to all who want them. Even if everything that is happening over there is blowback from our past actions, are we to believe that if we leave them alone they would leave us alone? I don't think so, I believe that if left alone those nations would sooner or later turn their attention to us as payback.

I believe we would have to make our nation strong within our borders before we take our eyes off the middle east and North Korea. Also, what of our protectorates like Guam and others? Are we to leave them flapping in the breeze while we live securely within our borders? Should we just let the United Nations take care of everything, they have done so good until now, (where is the sarcasm font)?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2011 10:34PM

I thought he was just acting like a regular Texas politician. smiling
Mach Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2011 02:37AM

"If all of our troops are brought home then most of them would be released from active duty and take their place in the unemployment line. This would make unemployment skyrocket and our economy would not be able to improve fast enough to handle it."
- jgoin

So, that's your line of thinking, let's not bring soldiers home from wars because it will just hurt us by adding to our unemployment?


By the way, "Isolationism" sure is a very negative sounding word, I call it letting all of those other countries take care of themselves first.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2011 11:37AM

I was not just talking about the soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan. I was talking about all military stationed everywhere overseas. The military of the United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, with more than 369,000 of its 1,580,255 active-duty personnel serving outside the United States and its territories based on Department of Defense statistics from December 2010. When you talk about isolationism you would have to include all military stationed anywhere around the world being brought home, not just those in a war zone. When you read my post you wanted to deride it so badly that you only thought of those engaged in war. Our economy will have to try and handle those in a war zone being brought home because wars can't last forever.

When Iran gets a nuclear weapon it will be used.

Figures found on this site Wikipedia

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 17/12/2011 11:40AM by jgoins.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2011 05:11PM

fuck it, I'm voting for Ross Perot....again. (*butt*)
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2011 12:04PM

why bother voting they are just going to put whoever they want in the office anyway(damn where is that sarcasm font).
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2012 04:54AM

For jgoins