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My wife
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My wife

"a woman smiling with a necklace"

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Comments for: My wife
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2007 06:11PM

Ok, who's the shit head that gave this a 1?
Anonymous Critic Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2007 07:58PM

It's nice to see that you have much better taste in women than you do in comedians. (Kidding.)

She's damn cute -- especially her smile.

But now I have to ask how you landed a woman like her. You rich or something? (Again - kidding.)
quasi Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2007 09:34PM

She must really have a thing for older men, you lucky caveman, you.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 03, 2007 11:51PM

Bitch needs to lose the clothes and get a cock in her mouth. Then we can rate her properly...
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2007 12:03AM

so went and married a *.jpg
i myself was consider getting hitched with yua_aida.jpg, but then i met bouncy_tit_azn.gif
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2007 02:04AM

I used to front a blues band (guitar & vocals) and I met her at a restaurant/lounge in Yachats, OR (pronounced "ya-hots"winking
smiley I was playing at. She was working in the kitchen and she'd come to the lounge after work to listen to me and the band. The first time I saw her I was almost stunned and I could never take my eyes off of her. I'd been single for about a year and a half and was getting pretty lonely. I didn't want another short-lived fling, I wanted a wife. So one day I actually got on my knees and prayed to God for a wife, the right person for me, someone who would really love me. I swear God spoke back to me (for once!) and said, "Ok, you'll meet her this week." I was doubtful and prayed, "Yeah right, Lord. I want some proof. The right woman for me is going to just come right up to me and tell me she loves me." The Lord said, "Deal. This week. You'll see." At the next gig I played there (I think it was about 3 days later) she came up to me on a break and said, "I love you and you love me, too, you just don't know it yet." She moved in with me about three weeks later, we got married in our back yard four months later, and we have a beautiful two year old daughter. Best deal I ever made with God.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 04, 2007 03:22PM


In your dreams, punk.

I don't think she'd agree to that idea. I posted this pic with her permission and unlike some of the other heartless bastards around here I'd never do anything of the sort.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2007 07:51PM

Is that Rick Springfield?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 06, 2007 07:52PM

Nahhhh, that's Jessie's girl!
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 07, 2007 02:33AM

Close but no cigar, that's Jessi's mom.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 07, 2007 07:05PM

whata fucking hound. I guess its true blah, love is blind.

if i were you i wouldnt be putin up pix of this "woman" the cool thing about this place is that you will get an honest opinion. ublike your family or friends who dont want to hurt your feelings by telling you your wife is a ugly bitch.

chill out.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2007 03:24AM

I am actually glad to learn that a "person" such as you doesn't find her attractive.

I didn't post her picture to get ratings. If you don't like the thumbnail, then don't click on it. All you did was use it as an opportunity to make a meaningless, trollish insult. Keep it up, dickhead, yeah, do your part to help turn "culture in the blender" to "shit in the blender." This site definitely needs the likes of you to help make it "honestly" negative, demeaning, and a home away from home for trolls.

Love is not blind. You are. OK, so she's not the prettiest woman in the world (even if she is to me), but I see her as she is, and I'm the lucky one. What have YOU got?
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 08, 2007 05:40PM

my wie is HOT dude. and more inportantly a fantastic mother to my kids.

and i too am glad you have her ad that you are happy. that just means she isnt out looking to pick up men. god how uncomfortable it would be if this hound licked eyes on me in a club.

im sure you will now say something to boost your own ego and justify wwhy you have to fuck this beast.

lets hear it...
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2007 02:54PM

What the fuck are you talking about, Anon? The only thing I got out of that nonsensical horse shit was something about boosting my ego. I assure you, I don't need an ego boost, and if I did I certainly wouldn't seek it here.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 10, 2007 09:10PM

"I assure you, I don't need an ego boost"

see, there it is. confirmation. your self esteem is so low you need to "make sure' that everyone knows you are okay with yourself.

whta a tool...

you got anymore? you need to "raise" yourelf up anymore?

is this a prticularly bad day for you?

its okay, well will all listen...
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2007 09:32AM

Ok, motherfucker, how's this?
Go fuck yourself in the ass with splintered 2x4.
You can read into this anything you want to. Go ahead Mr. Ego-boost, say something witty, you pathetic shitstain. At least try to make it mildly entertaining. I've seen better crap come out of my dog. thumbs
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2007 07:52PM

you must idolize me cause you just basically mirorred what i said.

i like the shitstain comment. i may use it. as far as the 2x4, i guessing you have experience as that seems quite odd to just come up with on the spot.

ill bet that hurt you huh? hope you have a good rectal surgeon.

ill bet he has made his living off of you fag.

keep it coming, be dont have a seziure.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 11, 2007 07:54PM

it must be embarrasing admiting that you stare at your dog while its crapping. that seems rather advanced pervertedness. im sure there is a long history there.

im gonna call PETA and tell them what you are doing.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2007 10:30PM

For your info, our veterinarian told us to check his shit now and then, so go ahead with your stupid call to PETA.

No, I've never been fucked in the ass by anything, much less a splintered 2x4, but I suspect you might be experienced in that department. If not, go ahead and try it. You'll probably like it.

As far as me possibly being a fag, BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I've got a loving wife and have fathered a beautiful little girl.

<sigh> So much for your pathetic attempt at being mildly entertaining. I hope you can cope with your failure, dickhead, oops, I mean shitstain. smiling
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2007 10:48PM

Haha! My wife just read this whole thread and laughed her ass off. Good job at trying to piss anybody off. Oh, that with a sarcastic tone, BTW. She says if your wife is such a hottie then why don't you post a picture of her? How about your kids? Or are they a bunch of retards that drool and rub shit in their hair?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2007 10:53PM

Shit, almost forgot... If you want a real pissing match then you'd better be prepared to get soaked, `cause I've had a LOT of beer!
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 15, 2007 02:44AM

so a little girl you have? and drink lots of beer. and you surf the web day and night for porn. what a great dad/husband you must be. what a happy home you must have.

i hope when you girl grows up its not too much of a shock when both my boys fuck the shit out of her better than you ever did.

anon Report This Comment
Date: February 15, 2007 02:58AM

so your wife saw all this and laughed?

ill bet is was that forced kind of laugh. the kind that tries to offer support and comfort to you for doing your best to defend her when all the while, inside, she is crying because now everyone knows that you married a hound. its that kind of laugh she laughs when you innocently say "that girl sure is attractive". that must killer her when you say that.

i wonder how the sex was that night. the bone you threw her to make her feel like you are still attracted to her. for your sake i hope you have to take viagra anyway. that way its not so embarrassing for your hound.

your poor little girl. it must also be hard on her at school knowing that she will very much resemble her mom.

too bad.

oh well, at least she has her daddy?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2007 01:55PM

Message reported.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2007 09:50PM

obviously what i said hit a nreve. your poor family. what a bunch of fucking trailer trash.

if you cant hang with the big dogs, stay on the portch.

go run and tattle. you fucking poor, pathetic, little, man.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2007 10:08PM

hey blah, why dont you let your wife read this one too huh?

or are you afraid that EVERYTING i said was true and you dont want to gurt her anyomre?

dumb fucking fool.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 17, 2007 03:37AM

Nothing you have said here is true. I don't have to "let" her read anything here. She knows. I hide NOTHING from her.

You need some serious help, Anon.

Ok folk, the troll has been fed enough. Nothing to see here.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 17, 2007 08:39PM

prove it then and let her respond herself. i would like to hear what the ound has to say.

im guessing if you arent there she will be completly honest and confirm what a small man you really are.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2007 07:22PM

Fuck off, Troll. Give it up. You're really not very good at this. Lame, re-hashed, textbook insults.... <yawn>
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2007 07:29PM

do you hear something? it sounds a bit like blah but it couldnt be. his voice is much higher.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2007 08:26PM

Hello Anon,

This is Mrs. Blah, I cannot tell you how I appreciate your comments! I have a degree in English, and psychology (graduated in 1988) from The University of Berkeley, California. Since having my daughter, whom BTW your sons will NEVER touch, I haven't had the opportunity to grade any essays. You fail. You have no grammar skills, no imagination, and a sad, sad desire to hurt other people.

My Husband is a loving father, and the best man -inside and out- that I have ever met. You, however need to do some soul searching. The advise I am about to give you is remedial at best. We'll start there, and later I may give you more therapy
as I see fit.

Always remember, when you point a finger at anyone, you have four pointing back at you. Get it? You are ranting about your own life. You have no insite whatsover into anyone else's.

Take this to heart.

I'll pray for your anger to dissipate, and I hope you the best.

Jessi's Mom
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2007 09:59PM

OMG it all becomes clear now. Berkley, you guys are fucking pot smoking hippies. which means, that you daughter will grow up hippie too and spread her legs for the world. like you did working in the kitchen when all those bands came thru huh. too bad to know that youer little girl will grow up like you. my boys are hoping that you two negatives make a positive. you daughter being the positve. LOL

i read what you said and partiularly like=d the comment about pointing the finger back at yourself.

here is what your "Wonderful husband" said about me. or actually i guess he says it about himself huh:


She was working in the kitchen and she'd come to the lounge after work to listen to me and the band.
i Guess thats what a degree at Berkley gets you, A job as a dishwasher and a groupie.

Keep it up, dickhead, yeah, do your part to help turn "culture in the blender" to "shit in the blender." This site definitely needs the likes of you to help make it "honestly" negative, demeaning, and a home away from home for trolls.
i think he likes me. he may be gay

OK, so she's not the prettiest woman in the world.
He Said it, not me. well I guess I did too. Great minds think alike.

Go fuck yourself in the ass with splintered 2x4.
You can read into this anything you want to. Go ahead Mr. Ego-boost, say something witty, you pathetic shitstain. At least try to make it mildly entertaining. I've seen better crap come out of my dog.
Has a canine fecal fetish. I think thats illegal.

No, I've never been fucked in the ass by anything, much less a splintered 2x4, but I suspect you might be experienced in that department. If not, go ahead and try it. You'll probably like it.
pointing finger?

I hope you can cope with your failure, dickhead, oops, I mean shitstain.
pointing finger?

How about your kids? Or are they a bunch of retards that drool and rub shit in their hair?
a loving father, and the best man -inside and out? sounds pretty evil to me.

Shit, almost forgot... If you want a real pissing match then you'd better be prepared to get soaked, `cause I've had a LOT of beer!
probable alcoholic

Ok folk, the troll has been fed enough. Nothing to see here.
Believes he is god and can influence others. Go live in cuba dude. free thinker here.

Fuck off, Troll. Give it up. You're really not very good at this. Lame, re-hashed, textbook insults....
note the anger and immature name calling

I guess they let any AnonyMoron post here! You're just envious, admit it, punk!
Hey piss-ant, I got the girl! What the hell have you got? A stiffy with nowhere to put it? LOL! You don't even rate a "pathetic". LOL!
delusions that he is the only happily-married-to-a-hound man in the world?

I have the balls to stand up to your lame and unoriginal abuse. That makes me weak? LOL! You're a fucking idiot. That's the simple truth.
such anger. i would be too if i married that hound

I don't start arguments, but I don't back down from them either. If some dickhead like you decides to insult me for no good reason then I have every right to slap you right back.
i don't think i ever insulted you until you did me. proof of martyrdom.

Fuck you and the shitstain you're sitting on, Anon. You wouldn't know beauty if it bit you on the nutsack and smacked you upside the head with a tire iron. If you don't like the way my wife looks then don't fucking look at her, you dickheaded troll. Post some pictures of your wife, I dare you, I double-dare you motherfucker. You'll never do it cuz you're a ball-less little fucking troll.
wow, what to gather here. angry, god complex, truly violent, some fascination with tolls, wants to see pics of HOT women, probably addicted to porn. infantile...

Ok you big-mouthed little chicken shit, hiding behind your keyboard. You want to see what a little man I really am? You'll never see because all you see is your own pathetic attempts at flaming.
pointing finger?

What a pathetic loser you are. I hope you grow up some day and I sincerely pity your children, that is if you even have any (I pray you don't). You don't know who I really am, and I pray to God that I never find out who you really are.
pointing finger? confrontational. violent. would run the risk of getting hurt and leaving his family cause someone called him a name. sad.

Conversation over. Or in Trollese, that's "fuck off".
Liar and definitely has OCD

I've had better insults from a fresh pile of dog shit.
again, fecal fetish

You are so pitiful and you haven't crushed anyone except yourself with your ASSinine behaviour. Now go crawl back into your shit pile of a life and leave me alone.
if you wanted that you would stop replying.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 19, 2007 10:29PM


I am perfectly aware what my husband wrote AND what you wrote.

If you ask me, and you did, inadvertently, you are both being adolescent here.
Two little boys, trying to one up each other. Yeah, it's sad.

I may have graduated Berkley, that doesn't mean I'm a hop head. Hippie, Maybe. But only in the sense that I am gentle and kind and believe in peace at all costs.

I was working in the kitchen as a prep chef for My Mothers business to help her while school was out BTW. Don't know what that does.


Jessi's Mom
quasi Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 12:34AM

You're OK, Jessi's mom, Blah has every reason and right to be proud of you and your daughter. He's a lucky man. That anonymous troll just can't stand to see anyone else happy so he has to try to tear them down. What a nasty shithead, but then I've noticed there are some of them in every crowd.

Blah, just ignore that sociopathic son of a bitch - he's a waste of time and energy.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 01:04AM

ms blah, I'm glad to see that you agree that your dumb fuck of a husband is somewhat less than a man. you are a pretty articulate one. i think i like you. i think you are wrong about me but i don't give a shit. unlike you're dumb fuck husband. i hope that you let your husband know that he would not be up for such criticism if he knew his place and kept his mouth shut.

he is a little man and doesn't know when to shut up. you are probably good for him. sometimes liberal pot smoking hippies hippies like you are what a beast like your dumb fuck husband needs to make them productive people in society.

hats off to you, you have an enormous task ahead but you seem like you can handle it.

P.S. if your dumb fuck husband mouths off again i will help you raise him into the man your daughter needs.

have a great day and a wonderful life toots.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 01:07AM

hey quasi, didnt you die by an american misslie in that god for saken bit of dirt the filthy snad nigger's call i-rock?

keep your mouth shut fucker. this is between some dumb fuck and his pretty cool but no too attractive, bright wife.


you on the other hand seem to be a greasy pig fucker.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 01:10AM

i hate gettin' bit by horseflies. eye
rolling smiley
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 02:18AM

So I stooped to your adolescent level in an attempt to communicate with your low-level of intelligence. I can quote shit, too, motherfucker, and do so with accuracy. And yes, YOU started it, dickhead. You've got nothing but stupidity on your side. Wanna see? Her ya go, fuckface...

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 07, 2007 01:05PM

whata fucking hound. I guess its true blah, love is blind.

if i were you i wouldnt be putin up pix of this "woman" the cool thing about this place is that you will get an honest opinion. ublike your family or friends who dont want to hurt your feelings by telling you your wife is a ugly bitch.

chill out.

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 08, 2007 11:40AM

my wie is HOT dude. and more inportantly a fantastic mother to my kids.

and i too am glad you have her ad that you are happy. that just means she isnt out looking to pick up men. god how uncomfortable it would be if this hound licked eyes on me in a club.

im sure you will now say something to boost your own ego and justify wwhy you have to fuck this beast.

lets hear it...

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 10, 2007 03:10PM

"I assure you, I don't need an ego boost"

see, there it is. confirmation. your self esteem is so low you need to "make sure' that everyone knows you are okay with yourself.

whta a tool...

you got anymore? you need to "raise" yourelf up anymore?

is this a prticularly bad day for you?

its okay, well will all listen...

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 11, 2007 01:52PM

you must idolize me cause you just basically mirorred what i said.

i like the shitstain comment. i may use it. as far as the 2x4, i guessing you have experience as that seems quite odd to just come up with on the spot.

ill bet that hurt you huh? hope you have a good rectal surgeon.

ill bet he has made his living off of you fag.

keep it coming, be dont have a seziure.

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 11, 2007 01:54PM

it must be embarrasing admiting that you stare at your dog while its crapping. that seems rather advanced pervertedness. im sure there is a long history there.

im gonna call PETA and tell them what you are doing.

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 14, 2007 08:44PM

so a little girl you have? and drink lots of beer. and you surf the web day and night for porn. what a great dad/husband you must be. what a happy home you must have.

i hope when you girl grows up its not too much of a shock when both my boys fuck the shit out of her better than you ever did.


Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 14, 2007 08:58PM

so your wife saw all this and laughed?

ill bet is was that forced kind of laugh. the kind that tries to offer support and comfort to you for doing your best to defend her when all the while, inside, she is crying because now everyone knows that you married a hound. its that kind of laugh she laughs when you innocently say "that girl sure is attractive". that must killer her when you say that.

i wonder how the sex was that night. the bone you threw her to make her feel like you are still attracted to her. for your sake i hope you have to take viagra anyway. that way its not so embarrassing for your hound.

your poor little girl. it must also be hard on her at school knowing that she will very much resemble her mom.

too bad.

oh well, at least she has her daddy?

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 16, 2007 03:50PM

obviously what i said hit a nreve. your poor family. what a bunch of fucking trailer trash.

if you cant hang with the big dogs, stay on the portch.

go run and tattle. you fucking poor, pathetic, little, man.

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 16, 2007 04:08PM

hey blah, why dont you let your wife read this one too huh?

or are you afraid that EVERYTING i said was true and you dont want to gurt her anyomre?

dumb fucking fool.

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 17, 2007 02:39PM

prove it then and let her respond herself. i would like to hear what the ound has to say.

im guessing if you arent there she will be completly honest and confirm what a small man you really are.

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 19, 2007 01:29PM

do you hear something? it sounds a bit like blah but it couldnt be. his voice is much higher.

Oh, this is my favorite

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 19, 2007 07:04PM

ms blah, I'm glad to see that you agree that your dumb fuck of a husband is somewhat less than a man. you are a pretty articulate one. i think i like you. i think you are wrong about me but i don't give a shit. unlike you're dumb fuck husband. i hope that you let your husband know that he would not be up for such criticism if he knew his place and kept his mouth shut.

he is a little man and doesn't know when to shut up. you are probably good for him. sometimes liberal pot smoking hippies hippies like you are what a beast like your dumb fuck husband needs to make them productive people in society.

hats off to you, you have an enormous task ahead but you seem like you can handle it.

P.S. if your dumb fuck husband mouths off again i will help you raise him into the man your daughter needs.

have a great day and a wonderful life toots.

Fuck you, you little pathetic man. You're the one who started mouthing off in the first place. Talk about dumb fucks, at least I can spell and use grammar and punctuation. Where'd you get schooled at, Mississippi? Alabama? Home? You're an idiot. I pity your ancestors. My God, you are so pitiful it almost makes me nauseous. LOL! Take it easy, asshole, don't give yourself a stroke trying to think up some more bullshit to say.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 02:32AM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 02:51AM

hot smiley
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 02:51AM

i think your wife said it best...

you are immature. she can say that about me cause she doesn't know me. but she lives with you and called you immature. LMFA. way to support your husband. LMAO. you picked a winner blah. she is as bad as the congress. LMFAO.

as for the spelling and punctuation: i cant say this enough. i dont care about this enough to proof read or worry about punctuation. besides, read your wife's recent response, i guess they aint teachin' much good stuff in berkley neither huh?


i love the way that vein pops out on your forehead when you're mad.

i thought you were done talking to me. that why you told on me. thats why you sent your wife here to do your fighting for you? at least you stropped calling me a troll. that is so adolescent.

now shut your mouth before i start in on your wife and daughter again. be a good daddy and husband and dont bring anymore emotion anguish upon them. well no more that you give them yourself. how does it make a man feel when his wife makes more money than he does?

I'll bet your daughter is pretty disappointed in you. its OK my boys will take care of her. provided she is not as ugly as...

whoops, i almost went there but i stopped myself because i think your wife and i bonded. we both agree that you are immature.

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 02:55AM

damn, yo btype like the wind. drinking smiley
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 02:58AM

I need to come here more often,this is greatcool
Anon Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 03:23AM

BlahX3 Wrote:
> I am actually glad to learn that a "person" such
> as you doesn't find her attractive.
> I didn't post her picture to get ratings.

But your first comment was

Posted by: BlahX3 - Mad Poster (IP Logged)
Date: February 03, 2007 12:11PM

Ok, who's the shit head that gave this a 1?

Ratings must play some part in it
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 03:55AM

I Forgive You.................................................................


That's All For Now...........

As Woody Woodpecker would say.......HEE,EEE, HEE,EEEE, HEEEE,EEEEEEE,EEEEEE!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 03:58AM

you misspelled dat! smiling bouncing smiley
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 04:25AM

Last comment was Blah, This is me. Jessi's Mom

I made him say I'm sorry, cause I am sick of this shit! First time I have cussed here, and am sorry.

I do not believe in putting anyone down. Much less someone who has half a brain. So I picked up my lil' Bro at Ma's restauraunt and am going to let him go at ya....... Seeing as you can't shut up!
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 06:10AM

You gotta count all the E's, F_D.

B-de-b-de-b-de-b-de-b-de-b-dat's all, Folks.smileys with beer
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 01:58PM

Posted by: anon - Anonymous (IP Logged)
Date: February 19, 2007 08:51PM

i think your wife said it best...

you are immature. she can say that about me cause she doesn't know me. but she lives with you and called you immature. LMFA. way to support your husband. LMAO. you picked a winner blah. she is as bad as the congress. LMFAO.

No, she said we BOTH were being adolescent.

as for the spelling and punctuation: i cant say this enough. i dont care about this enough to proof read or worry about punctuation. besides, read your wife's recent response, i guess they aint teachin' much good stuff in berkley neither huh?


LOL! You can't even capitalize the first word in a sentence.

i love the way that vein pops out on your forehead when you're mad.

Who said I was mad? You flatter yourself.

i thought you were done talking to me. that why you told on me.

I was, but you just have to keep at it.

thats why you sent your wife here to do your fighting for you? at least you stropped calling me a troll. that is so adolescent.

Wrong. You asked for her to speak for herself, which she did. Find some new tricks, taking things out of context is so overdone.

now shut your mouth before i start in on your wife and daughter again.

LOL! Ooooh! So scary! I'm shaking!

be a good daddy and husband and dont bring anymore emotion anguish upon them. well no more that you give them yourself. how does it make a man feel when his wife makes more money than he does?

LOL! My wife works at home taking care of our home and our daughter. I'm the one with the job, taking care of idiots that can't read a computer screen or type in a password. You assume so much, no wonder you're so wrong.

I'll bet your daughter is pretty disappointed in you.

Nah, my daughter loves and admires me.

its OK my boys will take care of her. provided she is not as ugly as...

whoops, i almost went there but i stopped myself because i think your wife and i bonded.

Too late, you already did. The only thing I think you've bonded with is your ego. I hope your boys grow up healthy and learn from your mistakes. We don't really need anymore people with such twisted and perverted attitudes.

we both agree that you are immature.


Again, no. She said that you and I were being adolescent. There is a difference. Too bad you're so poor at English that you can't fathom that.

Well, it's been fun while it lasted, Anon. I wish you the best and I hope you can adjust.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 02:54PM

You two guys are like the energizer rabbit,keep going and going and goinghot smiley
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 20, 2007 06:42PM

ya she said we both are but like i said she doesnt know me. she knows you.

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2007 02:10AM

No, you still don't get it. She wrote, "you are both being adolescent here" not that we are adolescent.

Sigh. You tire me, Anon. Have a nice life.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2007 02:25AM

That's it, anon, you're on the naughty Christmas list - and it's still February. The only one who ever got on the naughty list quicker than that was aDCbeast. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that thing with fossil_digger and the cheerleaders - lucky for him they didn't have DNA testing back then or what he got from Santa Quas would have paled in comparison to all that child support.

And, no, I don't fuck pigs; you just don't turn me on, anon.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2007 02:31AM

LOL! Too funny! Thanks Santa Quas!smileys with beer
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2007 10:48AM

is it that embarrassing that your wife said you are being adolescent? i mean, she said that. just scroll up. why are you denying it? does it shame you that all these anonymous people know what your wife thinks of you?

and i thought is was just a river in egypt...


bet you respond...

you fucking lap dog
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2007 01:47PM

Learn to read, idiot.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2007 07:23PM

here it is dip shit:

If you ask me, and you did, inadvertently, you are both being adolescent here.
Two little boys, trying to one up each other. Yeah, it's sad.

thats the quote from you wife. im confused as to why you are denting it. i guess i would be in denial too if my wife betrayed me in a stupid online argument.


fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2007 08:54PM

yeah Blah, quit denting the O.L. they're harder than hell to pop out! smiling bouncing smiley
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 21, 2007 10:45PM

Just because you quoted it doesn't mean you understood it, moron.

You keep saying over and over that my wife thinks I'm immature, and that is baseless.

She was saying that we were being adolescent in our argument here, NOT that either of us ARE adolescent. Jeez, what a dope, I gotta spell everything out for you, multiple times even.

Yes, it was childish, but remeber, YOU started it, I don't back down from an argument or insults, and when I finally stooped to your level with it you just went nuts. The more you persue this crap the stupider it makes you appear. Take a break. Drop it already.
anon Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2007 11:49PM

Me look stupid?


dude you are my fucking puppet. dont you see that. everyone else does.


c'mon howdy. respond. i dare you.

maybe you your wife will again. howdy duche'. talk about stirring up the family.

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2007 01:11AM

anon Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2007 02:06AM

Posted by: BlahX3 - Mad Poster (IP Logged)
Date: February 23, 2007 05:17PM

It's been amusing to watch you make an ass out of yourself. Bon voyage.

well at least you are still curious enough to keep checking.

you are such a small man. you care so much about what i am saying to you you cant stop checking. LOL, i believe you will keep looking often to read what i say about you. LMFAO. like i said you are my puppet. i am making you check this. i'll bet you are lying in bed next to the hound wondering what i will say. OMFG LOL.

i got you howdy doody by the strings. LOL.

simon says respond to this post. howdy. you fucking puppet, you fucking lap dog LMAO!!!

anon Report This Comment
Date: March 01, 2007 02:56AM

now this string...