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"a woman with her face on her hands"

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Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2007 06:01AM

Turn the wipers on quick before it starts bleedin all over the windshield !!!

quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2007 10:58PM

What happened? Did you post her nude pictures over on porn613 and she found out?
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2007 08:03AM

Actually quasi its kind of fucked up.The dude was cheating on her and he got caught and she went all crazy and jumped on his car.Apperently this punk ass called the police on this women and she got arrested.On top of it all he loaded some naked pics of her which by the way wasnt really impressive.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2007 11:48AM

ORLANDO399 Wrote:
> Actually quasi its kind of fucked up.The dude was
> cheating on her and he got caught and she went all
> crazy and jumped on his car.Apperently this punk
> ass called the police on this women and she got
> arrested.On top of it all he loaded some naked
> pics of her which by the way wasnt really
> impressive.

Dude, the above is exactly the kinda sexist logic that keeps men in trouble in the constant clash between the genders.

You say he cheated on this chic and then she acted out against him for doing so, so he called the cops on her which led to her arrest for her actions as if that's a bad thing.

EVERYONE is or at least SHOULD be held responsible for their actions and NO ONE regardless of their gender gets a pass for their actions just because they feel wronged by another.

For true equalty to exist between the sexes the law MUST be applied fairly to both sexes!

As an interesting twist for inspection of this scenario try reversing the roles in this one and let's assume the situation instead is a man finding his woman has cheated on him and he instead then acts out against her and she calls the cops on him. What do you think almost 100% of the time is gonna happen when they show up ? The dude will be forcefully and physically restrained and if he even tries to defend himself verbally, much less physically, he'll be beaten down, cuffed and stuffed into their car and hauled off all in the blink of an eye.

Do you really think the same is gonna happen to a chic in this same scenario ? Not very fuckin likely!!! The chic is gonna be given several attempts to calm down, make every possible allowance to NOT get arrested and will likely ONLY get hauled off if she just is really just totally unmanangeable AFTER having been given multiple opportunities which ain't a happening thing at all if the roles are reversed!

Don't get me wrong and think I'm accepting of anyones misdeeds or bad behavior in a given situation. What I'm trying to get across here is that the law MUST be enforced equally regardless of ones gender and it's high time that women became just as responsible for their acts of drama and violence as men ALWAYS have been !

ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2007 04:40PM

I agree with you mrkim,but i dont agree with men calling the police on women unless it's absolutely necessary,which in the case all she did was jump on his car.If you go do your dirt than be prepared to suffer conquences and be a man about it instead of being a punkass!You say equal rights,that will never happen!Our laws are fucked up,theyre designed to protect the women and let women take advatage of us,as we were taking advantage of them for hundreds of years before.Lets face it :we as men are screwed:
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2007 02:31AM

I can tellya from personal experience buddy that we are indeed screwed when a woman says ANYTHING about a man to a cop, whether it's true or not ! The cops will almost always take her side and as a man .... YOU'RE FUCKED, whether you're guilty or not !

Having wound up under the thumb of the local constabularies for a period of 3 yrs, payin a lawyer, court costs, fines, probation, anger management course, a drug and alcohol course and 100hrs of community service crap for something I didn't even do really sucked !

When I met with my attorney and discussed the allegations she said from our conversation and in reading the officers report she didn't doubt me at all, but ....... unless I could prove my (at the time wife) as a bad character or poor mother it wouldn't matter and the charges would stand, meaning I'd be convicted, which is of course EXACTLY what happened.

You might think it's chickenshit to call the cops on a chic but I've seen 'em get away with a shitload more than a man ever can & I wouldn't hesitate the slightest in makin that call if some chic was messin with my posessions!

From what I've experienced, making such a call might have kept ME outta trouble and have put the shoe on the other foot in my circumstance & if there's ever a next time such a situation arises I can damned well betcha I AIN'T takin the fall again for HER shit hot smiley

ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2007 05:15AM

Damn that sucks,i thought i had it bad with my kids mother,when i got stabbed in the ass and i started cussing her out.To make a long story short the police came and the bitch actually told the police that i threatened her life and she stabbed me to protect herself.The police actually took me in and i had the stab wound and nothing on bruises no nothing.They dropped the charges two days later and i boke it off with her the next day.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2007 08:07AM

Hey , that's Minty onah Orlando's putput !!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2007 01:12PM

Sorry to hear that buddy, but now I'm curious .... did she have any consequences from having stabbed ya?

While the law here reads that if the cops are called and either party shows any injury, the other partner goes to jail, in reality there are tons of horror stories about such situations being handled totally incorrectly when the woman is shown to be the aggressor.

All in all justice isn't just blind, it's sexist as well thumbs

ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2007 03:24PM

Nope,my hands are pretty tied up when it comes to her.She has my two kids,didnt want to cause too much drama otherwise i might of never seen my two kids again.This happened seven years ago,at the time orlando was having alot of domestic disputes so they were focusing on "making examples"These days i see my kids anytime i want,she doesnt have me on child support.So i consider myself one of the lucky ones!