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Nukyalur ALERT: 52% of the American Electorate-DUMBER THAN A BAG OF HAMMERS!!!!
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Nukyalur ALERT:  52% of the American Electorate-DUMBER THAN A BAG OF HAMMERS!!!!

"a hand putting a bush into a box"

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Comments for: Nukyalur ALERT: 52% of the American Electorate-DUMBER THAN A BAG OF HAMMERS!!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 25, 2006 10:39PM

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2006 12:51AM

A bit of paranoia there Bucky ??
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2006 01:01AM

Yep, sure. We need a Dumb-O-Crat in office to "fix" things. Ahahahaahhhhaaaaa!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2006 01:48AM

This pics really a bit off the mark since he won't even BE on the ballot again.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2006 02:06AM

If you could? Who would know?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2006 02:51AM

If I could ? Dunno, depends on the other offerings. It's usually a process of deciding between the lesser of 2 evils anyway. I don't really expect the next elections to be much different, yakno?

I damned sure wasn't about to vote for Kerry last time though, so ...

I'd really appreciate seeing an election campaign devoid of shitslinging tactics and more focused on issues that actually matter instead.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2006 04:23AM

you and me both kinda rediculous what our =democrasy= has become; a circus
brokntoad Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2006 03:22PM

All elections are always between a douce and a turd sandwitch.

South Park: Season 8 episode 8
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2006 06:24PM

Do YOU trust touch-screen, no-paper receipt, trade-secret source-code, voting computers to correctly tabulate an election?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: March 26, 2006 08:21PM

Good question John. But, how much more screwed up could that be than the BS way it's done now ?

When every recount comes up with a different figure how reliable can that really be anyway ?

I'd think it would be OK so long as each side were given the code to verify the results with .... which problee wouldn't happen either :>disappointed smiley
what Report This Comment
Date: March 28, 2006 02:10AM

one thing that has always bothered me about liberals is the fact that they are so obsessed with talking about "respecting everyone's beliefs." From my experience, what they really mean is that the traditional christian and moral values upon which this country was founded need to step down while the homosexual, abortionist, antiwar, antiracism liberals get even for all the years that they were "silenced because of lack of kindness and awareness towards the way we choose to live." If I'm not mistaken, these types of people have been fighting for equality, not the upper hand. I'm not saying that racism isn't wrong, or that women shouldn't be able to vote, etc. what I am saying is that: WE GET THE POINT!!! Another bothersome thing is the fact that often times liberals can be hypocritical, which brings me to my point about this particular picture. Many liberals, who are all about respecting people, blatantly disrespect Bush, and anyone else who takes his stance, because he is a Christian. What is wrong with that? Nothing.

Another thing that should be mentioned is the radical liberals who always try to find a bad motive in everything that Bush has done. A classic example is the war in Iraq. "Bush only wants the oil." Bullshit. He believed there was a threat, and, acting in what he thought was in the best interest of the US people, that's you, you unappreciative liberals, he invaded. Saddam was a bad man. He killed 10 million of his own people, he killed 2,000 Kurds living in his country with chemical warfare. This is enough for me to back him in deciding to invade. I think what we're doing in the Middle East is perfectly legitimate. People are angry because we are trying to "police the world." But this becomes necessary when crazy Muslim leaders are openly against the Christian world. This becomes necessary when Muslims are told that they will receive 72 virgins in heaven if they kill Americans. This becomes necessary when no one else seems interested in the fact that there is an obvious threat coming from the Middle East.

Many liberals say that Christians are getting too out of hand, and too imposing with respect to their beliefs. They think we aren't considerate of other religions. They begin to respect Muslims more than us. But let me remind you that it isn't Christians who use car bombs and declare a holy war whenever something goes wrong for us. Liberals say that much of Muslim violence is justified because they are not being given respect or a voice. Don't give me that. We've been putting up with all kinds of persecution ever since the Roman Empire was still around. You don't see us blowing up buildings. People can't seem to get it through their heads that there is a problem in the Middle East (including Iraq), and it needs to be dealt with.

So for all you little kids who think you're a bunch of political geniuses, screw off. I'm ashamed that such a picture would find its way onto this site. When the liberals finally figured out that they'd lost, they had to blame it on something besides their weak principles, and this is one example. I am ashamed that people who support this picture are Americans. If your not going to support the current President, then shut up. You're not making you're situation any better by complaining.

messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: April 16, 2006 03:31AM

"it isn't Christians who use car bombs "

Can I remind you of the IRA terror campaign in which numerous car bombs have been used to kill and maim innocent civilians.

And can I also remind you that for many years McDonalds profits were covertly directed to that campaign

"You don't see us blowing up buildings."

Bullshit. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.
what Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 11:42PM


Let me remind you that the IRA is Irish, not American, and Catholic, not Protestant, which is what I was referring to.

As for your second comment, before it means anything to me, you've got to explain why you're saying it and give me some concrete facts to back it up. Until then, this doesn't constitute a strong argument.

And about the McDonalds thing, I may just be grossly uninformed, but I've never heard of such a fact. Is this just another excuse you liberals use to explain you're defeat? If not, I'd very much appreciate some proof.