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Propaganda Master... back in business!
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Propaganda Master... back in business!

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: Propaganda Master... back in business!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 02:30AM

"In George Orwell's 1984, there was an organization known as the Ministry of Peace, whose purpose was to promote perpetual war. The Wiki definition[16] explains that 'If the citizens of Oceania have a well-defined enemy, Eastasia or Eurasia, then they know whom they hate, and constant homeland propaganda helps to convince them to vent all their unconscious rage for their own country against the opposing one. Since that means the balance of the country rests in the war, the Ministry of Peace is in charge of fighting the war (mostly centered around Africa and India), but making sure to never tip the scales, in case the war should become one-sided.'

"That definition has come into fruition with Ari Fleischer's 'Freedom's Watch' organization. While not a government agency per say, certainly it is doing the White House's bidding by overtly connecting the war in Iraq to 9/11 in an attempt to influence the American public into 'staying the course'," the Armchair Generalist states.



Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 02:34AM

And away we go..................

90130_ Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 02:40AM

You silly monkeys need to get out more often....the
finger smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 02:43AM

90310 - 'Forum Addict' in denial...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 02:44AM

90210 - 'Forum Addict' in denial...
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 02:48AM

Anon conspiracy theorists. Who gives a fuck!smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 03:01AM

same old anoymous bullshit! smiling bouncing smiley

now he's gonna come up with some really stupid mother joke, or maybe your gay nine-o. freakin' loser. smiling bouncing smiley
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 03:06AM

I wouldn't expect anything less, Fossil. These guys are just hit and run, all freakin' pomp and no circumstance.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 03:11AM

but he made you think could this be true? are we all stupid for not following? smiling bouncing smiley

you are funnier than adcbitch though anoymous, i'll give you that. smiling bouncing smiley
do you have any thoughts of your own boy? or are they all some dumbass net videos that most likely noone will ever watch?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 04:59AM

Ari Fleischer, dual citizenship, ain't that a bitch!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 11:29AM

When someone posts something anonymously it appears they do not believe it enough to sign their name to it. My name is always attached to everything I post because I never post sommething I don't believe in. Registering here is free and easy so why not put a name to it and show you really believe what you say?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 01:09PM

Anonymous speech is a cornerstone of the internet. It is an expression of freedom and a shield against retribution by employers, etc. for espousing unpopular viewpoints. I occasionaly post anonymously just on principle. I am, however, not the poster of this picture or the anonymous person posting earlier in this topic.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 02:29PM

Yeah, the retribution on this site is so harsh; someone my say something mean to you or call you a nasty name. Don't blame you for being afraid.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 05:06PM

sniveling cowardice is the cornerstone of the internet? smiling bouncing smiley now that's funny! smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 05:17PM

if you had said, "it's a way for people living in countries where freedom of speech is not a reality to speak their ming w/o retribution...yada yada yada". then i might agree.
but seeing as there are few of those examples around anymore, i stand by the sniveling comment.

freedom of speech is a relative reality even in the U.S. you can't tell a co-worker to kiss you ass, or even a female co-worker she has a nice ass so...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 16/09/2007 05:18PM by fossil_digger.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 05:29PM

I would hardly call it "sniveling cowardice". After all, one could easily begin posting under a name like "Joe Smith" then change names later. Or create another name "Bob Wilson" and make supporting posts agreeing (or disagreeing) with Joe Smith. You can discard your identity easily here, so it is not "brave" to post using a screen name. It is the same reason how we vote in elections is private.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 05:51PM

Anonymous Wrote:
> "In George Orwell's 1984, there was an
> organization known as the Ministry of Peace, whose
> purpose was to promote perpetual war. The Wiki
> definition[16] explains that 'If the citizens of
> Oceania have a well-defined enemy, Eastasia or
> Eurasia, then they know whom they hate, and
> constant homeland propaganda helps to convince
> them to vent all their unconscious rage for their
> own country against the opposing one. Since that
> means the balance of the country rests in the war,
> the Ministry of Peace is in charge of fighting the
> war (mostly centered around Africa and India), but
> making sure to never tip the scales, in case the
> war should become one-sided.'
> "That definition has come into fruition with
> Ari Fleischer's 'Freedom's Watch' organization.
> While not a government agency per say, certainly
> it is doing the White House's bidding by overtly
> connecting the war in Iraq to 9/11 in an attempt
> to influence the American public into 'staying the
> course'," the Armchair Generalist states.
> -fossil
> []
> ischer
> []
> 's_Watch
> []
> roup

This shit sounds like when my old lady is pissed of at me for drinking too much, I'll just tell her that the bitch next door says she's fat and 10 minutes later we're both pissed of at the bitch next door....(problem solved)
drinking smileydrinking smileydrinking smiley
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 09:59PM

Talk about cowards, you guys pretend like you are not Anonymous.... just pretend that my made up bullshit name is "Anonymous" and maybe you can stop crying.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2007 10:16PM

yeah yeah, we're all anonymous. smiling bouncing smiley my real name is john fossil digger. don't believe me? look me up in the phone book. smiling bouncing smiley
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 12:05AM

My full name is Quasimodo and I haven't had a shread of anonymity since Victor Hugo wrote that fucking book, most of which is based on lies and inuendo. Damned bells give me a headache.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 12:22AM

poster child for excedrin. smiling bouncing smiley
duane Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 01:22AM

I'll take the OJ defense. If the message is stupid then so is the messenger.winking
You base your politics on fiction. Take all unknown factors and fill them in with conjecture. You were right about one thing, you are a "Propaganda Master" but your still wrong.smiling bouncing smiley
Hey did you guys notice there are two Duane's on the board now.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 05:44AM

I'm 90130_ and I approved this message.the
finger smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 12:06PM

Well my screen name is indeed my real name and I don't care who knows it. I am not afraid of retribution of any kind so I use my own name. When I have an opinion I own it lock stock and barrel and I am not afraid to put my name to it. Why would anyone be afraid of anything on this site?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 12:37PM

I'll stick by what I've said for a long time here. Anyone unwilling to at least adopt even a bullshit ID here of some sort points to weakness in their own convictions. And as for retribution for lack of anonymity .... gimme a fuckin break.

Reprisals here are nonexistant and if your fear is retribution for posts contrary to work necessitated positions it's easy enough to drum up some totally BS handle that cannot be tied to oneself specifically so that BS can fly out the window with the bath water too eye
rolling smiley

I think cowardice and a desire to achieve a total lack of accountability (or plausible deniability) for ones thoughts or ideas is the main reason people want to remain anonymous here.

I have always gone by my name, here as well as most other places on the net, and my real world email addy never leaves any doubt about who you're contacting when you key it in.

To me, anyone who chooses to hide in total anonymity in an already anonymous medium like the net is exhibiting a massive case of paranoia eye
rolling smiley

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 02:03PM

If this is all you guys got to cry about you've got problems, work on yourselves!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 03:40PM

you won't find many idle minds around here that need enlightening. we pretty much all think for ourselves and need no videos to speak for us.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 03:42PM

if you want to keep being anonymous maybe you should get a new IP. or get a name and stand behind and for what you think, or keep making me laugh. i prefer the latter. smiling bouncing smiley
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2007 09:31PM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2007 12:22PM

I guess these anonymous people never voice their opinions anywhere in real life where they can't hide their name. I have the same opinions in public as I do here and I don't care who knows it. There are no reprisals on the internet which can get anyone in trouble unless you are doing something illegal. One should always stand behind their convictions unless they plan to waffle on them. My real name is Goins and I stand behind my convictions regardless of who disagrees with them.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2007 12:49AM

ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2007 04:07AM

and when you guys hit quasi's link,dont forget to vote on itthe
finger smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2007 11:57AM

Anonymous posters are either too cowardly to register or too lazy.