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Marj Springthorpe
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Marj Springthorpe

"a woman with a black eye"

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Comments for: Marj Springthorpe
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 05:03AM

what is this springthorpe-lightfoot deal...
i see this all over the net in aus... just american, curious about this?
Mint Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 05:53AM

wondering the same thing myself, but its pretty stupid.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 07:08AM

Seems like more of the same juvenile BS weak minded fuckers use to intimidate and badger people they don't like by spewing more BS about them online. How pathetic that some people can attempt to utilize the net to give them a forum to deride others over thoughts and ideas that really should be dealt with privately instead of publicly.

The only rationalization I have ever found in this type of action is that the individual hopes to sway others to then also attack their targeted enemy FOR them. Just another true sign of one either unable or incapable of standing up for themselves and hope instead to inspire some sense of MOB justice against their perceived enemies..... whatta maroooon eye
rolling smiley

David Springthorpe Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 07:21AM

shaDEz Wrote:
> what is this springthorpe-lightfoot deal...
> i see this all over the net in aus... just
> american, curious about this?

My maother passed away just under a year ago, I started confiding in my friend Gordon. Over some Tawny Port one evening we kissed and after some fun we decided to become partners.
We were together for several months till just after Christmas when after two bottles of Chardonnay down by the North Harbour Walk we made some fruit salad. I wanted to slice the mango and he wanted to dice the mango.
I slabbed him up the side of the head with the mango, it turned into a fight with a lot of slapping and scratching.
It was at this time he went public with the fight and accused me of killing and eating parts of my mother to get the $2.6m from her house.

He sent people to the open house and over the following week he emailed me stuff like Did you clean your teeth we wiped our arse with your tooth brush or check the ice crean in the downstairs freezer. Someone had shit in it.
The lowest act was one of them pissed in the sitting room on the floor took pictures of the stain and posted it here.

It is quite simple, I want to rip this prick apart piece by piece.

Dave Springthorpe
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 07:30AM

Here is a pic of Springthorpes pee stained sitting room.

And as for Springy wanting to 'rip this prick apart' here is the truth.
We met at a pub in Sydney for a fight and here's what happened.

Well as expected, DAvo didn't show. I got there around 5pm and waited
all night, ended up drinking with a couple of Islander guys and we got
really smashed. I was just about to leave, when Springy came in.

Now I was just about legless but when I saw Springy standing in the
doorway of the Aces, my blood started to boil. I staggered over to him
and threw a punch, and that's the last thing I remember.

Apparently I passed out from being so drunk halfway through the punch,
and Springy caught me in his arms. The next thing I remember was
waking up in his Astra parked near Harry's Cafe De Wheels at

We sat in the car a while, I spewed out the window a few times before
I started to come good. We made small talk for a while, forgetting the
bad blood between us then Springy glanced over to the pie shop, and
with that mischievous look in his eye I remember from when we were
dating, he said, pie race? I said... YUP.

Springy came back with a couple of pie floaters and we got ready for
the race.

Now this just isn't a standard pie eating race, there is a little
something extra.
The rules are you eat the pie with one hand, and the with the other
hand you give the other guy hand relief. The person who comes first
gets point, and the person who finishes the pie first gets a point.

So off we went, cramming the floater into our mouths while jerking the
other off like crazy. I was halfway through my pie when I exploded all
over the Astra's dashboard, I looked at Springy to see he had come at
exactly the same time. A dead heat. I crammed that pie into my mouth
as fast as I could, and when I was on the last bight, I looked around
and saw Springy cramming the last bit of crust in his mouth. A dead
heat again.

I guess in light of the bad blood and competitiveness between us in
recent time, a draw was the best result. So we sat in his little
Astra, all sticky and covered in crumbs.

I said, ok, cya then.
I got out,
and never looked back.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 08:08AM

okay, so basicly this is just a bunch of garbage that i need to remove from the site...
thanx for the extra troll shit you stupid fucks... and if you're really serious... well shit! i've know some pretty fucked up white trsh fuckers livin' here in georgia, but jesus fucking christ! yall aussie assholes take the cake! lol
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 08:28AM

shaDEz Wrote:
> okay, so basicly this is just a bunch of garbage
> that i need to remove from the site...

I think someone's on a power trip.

> thanx for the extra troll shit you stupid fucks...
> and if you're really serious... well shit! i've
> know some pretty fucked up white trsh fuckers
> livin' here in georgia, but jesus fucking christ!
> yall aussie assholes take the cake!

So an Australia website has POS yank mods that think they can put shit on Aussie just because they are mods.

Great site guys, Keep up the good work. Can only get better with moderators like this scum bag calling the shots.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 01:22PM

Hey shaDEz, threatening to take those folks silly ramblings off here didn't seem to be an idea that was in tune with the ideal form of Marxism you're in favor of, you know, where everybody has an equal share and equal say. You sounded just like a corporate leader or, wait a minute, a communist dictator who says, "you're all equal, just not as equal as me." And by the way, I doubt if this wonderful and, yes, often corrupt internet and all these nice PC's that even people who live near or under the poverty level would exist if it wasn't for capitalism which is also wonderful though often corrupt. Just some random thought's for ya, buddy.

And as for you springthorpians, you've got wonderful imaginations, but the lady you're refering to as marj springthorpe had a very fucked up life and just died a horrible death - how about a little respect for the dead. She was a nut, but I don't think she was really a bad lady, she just had a really sleazy crook for a husband back in the day.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 01:31PM

OK, I meant to say, "PC's that people at or near the poverty level could afford." I just woke up and haven't had my coffee.

Just tryin' to point out a couple of flaws in your communist utopia, shaDEz. Peace, man.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 01:52PM

Fuck off quasi you queer cunt.

Shadez is a power tripper, always has been and always will be.
He has no life which is proved by his photo of him sitting at home drinking alone.
Making him moderator has done more to kill this site than anything else.

But I can see your point, you are one of the regulars that want to keep plus as the regular registered posters group. FD, MrKim, Blah, Shadez.

You all need to step out of the dwelling and realise life is passing you by.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 05:33PM

Oh, but I have stepped out of my dwelling and identified myself so everyone knows who they're dealing with, as have the rest of the registered users, while you have your little tantrums and hide behind the fact that no one can tell who they're dealing with when you post. You have an idea who your slinging your crap at while you hide among the crowd. Coward.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 05:38PM

Anonymous Wrote:

Oh boy, another dickless wonder obviously too challenged by the concept of generating a user name. Makes it pretty easy for cowardly types to hide in the shadows and take pot shots since no one ever knows who the fuck you are. Just another of the nameless wonders here which really lends absolutely NO credibility to your thoughts from my persective eye
rolling smiley

> Fuck off quasi you queer cunt.

That's really pretty unnecessary dick head. Quasi is one of the few folks here that's always a nice guy, obviously unlike yourself.

> Shadez is a power tripper, always has been and
> always will be.
> He has no life which is proved by his photo of him
> sitting at home drinking alone.
> Making him moderator has done more to kill this
> site than anything else.

shaDEz is shaDEZ and just like many others here is one with an opinion and never ceases to have the guts to put it on display. If you think some casper milktoast type would be a better moderator I can't say I'd agree. It takes ballz to be a mod.

> But I can see your point, you are one of the
> regulars that want to keep plus as the regular
> registered posters group. FD, MrKim, Blah,
> Shadez.
> You all need to step out of the dwelling and
> realise life is passing you by.

I step out every day dude. I have a job, a life, kids, hobbies and manage to take care of it all as well as enjoy the stuff here. If you disagree with me personally or my comments here that's cool and feel free to rub your remaining brain cells together and lay into me at any time. Not that doing so will change anything, but it's certainly your right, so have at it smileys with beer

shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 06:56PM

haha, thanx quasi...

and no i'm not on a power trip

no you two are not hearing me, i don't get rid of things of different opinions than my own
i just get rid of things of innapropriate content(from what the users of the site deem that way)
or stuff that is damaging to the site like spam, adverts, and trolls
and as for this one in particular(even though i think it a bit on the troll shit side) i was really just pulling dude's leg
now, light up, and lighten up!
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2007 08:19PM

FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! kick his ass shaDEz!

BTW....what is this post all about anyways? pee stains and fruit salad attacks? So now it is the moderators fault and anyone else who frequence the 613 website with an actual logon?

As far as this wesite being shitty because shaDEz is a moderator, I'd say he was more trouble when he wasn't a moderator and I really miss the antics he used to do here.