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Those Cheeky Peace Loving Muslims :>)
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Those Cheeky Peace Loving Muslims :>)

"a group of people protesting"

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Comments for: Those Cheeky Peace Loving Muslims :>)
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2006 04:25AM

Ok, here's the deal. This and the following 6 pics depict some seriously twisted folks of the Muslim faith and I'm lookin for even ONE truly peaceful Muslim to comment on these images.

I'd honestly like to find even ONE Muslim willing to post a dissenting view regarding these disturbing images.

Ball's in your court ......
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2006 04:43AM

Uh huh. And how many serious muslims would post to Plus613-waste-of-time ? I'm gonna guess exactly 0.

There are plenty of muslims who are horrified by 9/11, 3/11, Qaeda and all of it.

Back at you: Are you a Christian?
How to do you comment on Christian warrior groups that burn buildings, shoot doctors or plant burning crosses in peoples yards?
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2006 04:59AM

Sorry bud, NO religous affiliations here. I am an aethiest.

But ... I've yet to see even Christains demonstrating publicly for beheadings, thereatening all of Europe or calling for the eradication by mass murder of people making fun of Christianity.

If you wanna draw comparisons make sure it's an apples to apples sampling.

BTW ... are YOU a peace loving Muslim ? Is that why you, like many of the folks in these pics choose to hide in anonymity and make remarks ?

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2006 05:14AM

MrsKim .. you may be an athiest but you ARE still a moron.

Try getting outside Texas and you will see all of the shit you haven;t seen yet.

Get off the fucking plantation asshole.
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2006 11:22AM

Well, well, the same tactics as always beast. Name calling and more BS while never really addressing the issue at hand. Good to see you're maintaining continuity in your methodology.

Some things never change eh ?:>winking
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2006 11:51AM

The peacelovinf muslims, if there are any, are too chicken shit to come out in public and denounce these things. They are afraid they would be targeted by their own people if they do. The more the muslims continue this kind of action the sooner the wanted holy war will come. I am 55 years old now and I will see it in my lifetime. When is comes beast will find out that all his crap will have done him no good, he will be one of the first casualties.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2006 05:19PM

Drop a couple of Daisy cutters on 'em. Show 'em the straight path to Allah and those 7o virgins.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2006 09:43PM

The problem with the daisy comment is due to
"our"disappointed smileythe peaceful western nations) fucked up
immigration policies over the last 35 years we
would have to drop the bombs on ourselves.It's
time to kick all these bastards back to where
they came from.I don't care if it's PC or not
it's the truth.
Bottom_Line Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2006 11:33PM

This is the deal, I grew up in the middle east. I am not an Arab, I am White and North American. My family had the opportunity to work over there. We had an amazing experience, kind people, fantastic country.

The people in these photos need to be deported. Anyone who is not with you is against you. People who openly wave signs in your back yard telling you that you will "pay the price" or openly use hateful words such as "exterminate" or "massacare" to anyone who slanders a their religon and who are seeking refuge/immigration to or have immigrated to your country need to be removed. Lets not forget whos country this is. It is ours. Not the whites, not the black, hispanics or arabs but ours, all of ours.

Having these people spread these messges like this and openly threaten our people need to be taught a lesson that if you want to come here to OUR country that will not be tollerated.

Sorry for the rant! Muslims are good people, kind people I grew up with them. They are all getting tarred with the same brush right now. But these fuckers need to taught a lesson that we will NOT take that kind of shit laying down and that if they want to do that then they need to get on the next plane or boat and get the hell out of the place that they hate so much!

nuff said!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 12:01AM

MrsKim .. this is the internet. The home of namecalling.

You must have skipped ancient history class where you would have learned about the romans torturing people with crucifixions, beheadings, and other various disgusting ways to kill people.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 12:03AM

the fact is that the west had the opportunity to make great allies in muslims nations and they squandered it by treating them like children.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 12:25AM

you want comments? Their signs say it all. Islamists are the new Nazis - kill them now or kill them later.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 05:00AM

It's come to that, has it? "the new Nazis". =sigh=
We will never learn.

jgoins said :
The peacelovinf muslims, if there are any, are too chicken shit to come out in public and denounce these things.

I would imagine that their comments appear in publications a little out of your reading sphere, mr. goins.


Our buddies in Saudi Arabia get down with the public beheading thing, as a punishment for certain crimes. I think many Christians in the US would be ok with that sort of 'capital punishment' too.

I do agree with Bottom Line that if people advocate hurting other people, they need to be dealt with and removed.

But then the same goes for the super-powers who have the ability to commit near-genocide from the air, and over the horizon. Who fund tinpot dictators. Who illegally bomb far over the border.

Standing up for what is just, even if your own government is on the other side of that, is never wrong.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 11:28AM

46103, you said "But then the same goes for the super-powers who have the ability to commit near-genocide from the air, and over the horizon. Who fund tinpot dictators. Who illegally bomb far over the border."

My guess you mean only America should be held to those standards and you don't think Irna or Syria should be held responsible for it's cross border attacks.

Yes the comments by peace loving muslims against the terrists actions must be outside my reading sphere because it is fiction.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: August 18, 2006 05:28PM

we should lock them all in a big warehouse and put them to sleep. No, not like the Nazis & Jews, but with anaesthetic. Then while they sleep give them all big doses of LSD and decorate the warehouse with flowers and shit. When they awaken they will think they are real hippies and peace and love will prevail. And play some Led Zep to them very loud too. *That is a PLAN*
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 01:43AM

Beast, the Romans that crucified, beheaded, etc..etc, were not Christians. YOU must've missed the ancient history lesson that explained that they were, as you were saying?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 02:21AM

I want to put a bullet into the head of the guy in the BL of the shot. Whammo
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 06:51AM

jgoins .. you are the typical neocon rube.

The rise in islamic militantism is directly related to the west (mainly France, Britain, and the US) entering the islamic world over the past century. The islamic world finally got around to defending itself.

It seems whiteys are pissed off that the islamic world finally stood up for it self and said "we're not going to take the west's shit anymore"

Stop thinking that the US and the rest didn't bring this on themselves. It is time to start being honest with yourself about your country. Otherwise you are part of the problem.


The romans forced their citizens to become christians. Swear to christ or die by crucifixion, beheading, or the lions pit.

Look it up young boy.
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 07:06AM

Man zxz555 that's a SWEET plan there buddy ! I'm up for it so long as I get to help administer the doses .... one for ollie ak bar, one for me ..... one for shay en sobar, two for me ..... and so on and so on :>winking

But can we substitute Nine Inch Nails and maybe some Beck instead, I'm kinda bored with Zepplin. 'Sides, it sounds really cool when you crank that shit waaaay up :>P

zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 09:26AM

Of course! NIN - Heresy: god is dead and no-one cares, if there is a hell I´ll see you there.

They are suitable words for the topic, wish I´d thought of it first, mrkim. But we need to give them Western media too, after a couple of weeks of this they´ll start thinking: Western civilisation shows signs of decline but there is nothing we can do to stop it spreading, and our own way of life is primitive and our own civilisation has not developed for centuries. Let us, we former muslims, deny all religion and let us enjoy ourselves for a change. And let´s see those burka / tent clad women in _tight_ clothing with a drink in one hand and a joint in the other. I think we have the solution for the rise of a New World Order. Let´s write the book! =and muhammed quoteth unto ibraham the Blockheads and Ian Dury and the words were sex and drugs and rock and roll is all my body needs and those were the words spoketh the letters contained within them and no god refuted them and when mohammed and ibraham came down into the valley from the mountain havig watched the sun set the desciples lit the doobie of peace the sounds were played and the girls they did dance and all was well= =and the sunworshipers were ignored neither mocked nor encouraged but invited to participate=
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 11:33AM

Beast, do you really think they only want us out of their countries when they keep spouting "death to America" "death to the west"? You are completely insane, if you hate America so much, why do you stay? You say it is America's aggression over the past century and you still blame Bush for all the problems and he is not even that old. I think maybe you just choose the opposing side of everything just because you like conflict. Flush
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 02:31PM

Hell yeah, at long last a plan for world peace .... sex, drugs and rock and roll, all my favorites !:>winking
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 07:50PM

Negative Beast, your making shit up again. They feed CHRISTIANS to the lions. BTW, if I am to "look it up", where would be a good place? Name one, just one LEGITIMATE source - ASSHOLE!
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 08:46PM

Now come on ninepointfiver, it seems you haven't been keeping current on the "adcbeast rules of posting".
1. He ONLY posts truths here on 613 to enlighten us, well .... less enlightened.
2. Any time someone disagrees with his posts it only means that they can't handle the truth.
3. And, any time someone disagrees with him it automatically validates what he's said as being absolute and unquestionable truth.

It's all important to remember these rules when responding to the B man as he adheres to these fantasies completely in that vast open space between his ears :>winking
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 19, 2006 09:41PM

As a white British citizen, if I took to the streets carrying a banner with similar threats against Muslims, I'd be arrested within minutes... so you'll understand that I'm a bit pissed off about them being allowed to get away with this.
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 20, 2006 01:36AM

Thanks for the info mrkim. Aparrently I didn't get the memo on that.
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2006 05:56AM

Once again, ADCBitch has no retort!!!
Tiw Report This Comment
Date: January 12, 2007 02:16PM

I am also a white heterosexual Englishman who hates current Muslim attitudes. I have spoken with Muslims here and almost all of them think of themselves as Muslim before anything else, even those who were born here don't think of themselves as anything but Muslim and many even hate the country but don't do anything about it (make it a better place to live in or leave).

I am happy for a few Muslims to live here but am not happy with the fact that they are given far more freedom than anyone else. It is almost as though the government is frightened to stop them because they would be accused of targeting Muslims.

I agree with BottomLine when he says any Muslim who protests like many seem to do over any silly little thing and call for people to be murdered, etc needs to be punished but I am not sure if sending them to another country would be wise as that would just fill that country with people who hate the west.

As for myself, I could not consider any people who use Shira Law as an enlightened people so cannot be considered equal to more developed nations such as those in the West (excluding Africa) and some in the east like Japan.

All in all, I think Muslims are their own worst enemies because when something happens they don't like they don't act rationally, they just work themselves up into a frenzy and start rioting, looting, murdering innocents, etc. This in turn generates more publicity for the thing they don't like which increases its popularity as people are more curious about what they are complaining about (see The Satanic Verses and the Mohammad Cartoons as an example) as both of them received much more publicity and greater sales as a result of their 'protests'.