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MRKIMS/anonymous voting buddy
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MRKIMS/anonymous voting buddy

"a man in a suit and tie"

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Comments for: MRKIMS/anonymous voting buddy
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2006 03:20PM

Wow your fukn cool MRKIM, and friends.This Ass nugget has dontated 10's of Millions of dollars to the GOP and is a very active BUSH supporter. Maybe you two oughta get a room together and smear shit and slap each others asses with bibles.Does your girlfriend know that you and the reverend think alike. Whatever you do don't tell her or youll loose her to a DEMOCTAT(hahaah).
Fukn Punk...
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2006 05:42PM

i am not really into politics (or democracy for that matter), as there aren't any people really around that i would like to see in power
hell i'd rather just take this shit myself and run it like a dictatorship where i would take people in death row, throw them in a pit with some chainsaws and televise them killing each other, and then execute the victor... and of course gather up all people protesting my sport because it is inhumane, and throw them into the pit as well... that's just the kind of monster i am (and yall are crying about bush, haha, thank your lucky stars that i'm not from the 'family')
and pehaps i am ignorant, but what the fuck is a 'democtat'?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2006 05:43PM

oh nvm, i see the err you made simple typo anybody could have made
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2006 06:12PM

'democtat' rimes with 'plastinian'
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2006 09:18PM

madnez, let me impart something I learned long ago that will likely serve you well in the future : It's best to know all you can about your adversary(oh sorry : enemy), their weaknesses and their strengths before deciding to attack them.

If you had the ability or depth of wit to do so you'd have noticed my several mentions in the past of being an aethiest. Just in case the term is above your head, it means I don't agree nor would I ever partner up with ANY religeon since I don't believe in any of them.

Hence my dim bulb witted taco vendor choomish friend, there would never be any sessions involving myself and anyone else and Bibles. Hence my girlfriend would never worry about me thinkin like a reverend of any religeon.

Lastly, if ya wann go callin anyone a punk, how about growin some real ones and try doin that in person on your next trip through Texas, like a REAL MAN would do. If you're not prepared to man up and do so I honestly wouldn't be the least bit surprised since it's exactly what I'd expect from a mindless, spineless individual like yourself.
festus Report This Comment
Date: September 26, 2006 11:44PM

I guess this calls for a Bin&Jerrys ice cream.If it will upload smiling
HellBent Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2006 01:22AM

"rimes" rhymes with "grammar crimes".
"121121" rhymes with "i finshd twef garade!"
HellBent Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2006 01:22AM

as if MrKim can opine on what "real men" are or do.
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2006 03:12AM

As if you had enough brains to opine on any topic at all HB. Now THAT'S a good one dweeb :>winking
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2006 04:21AM

millions of people will wake up from a christian fanatic stupor when this fucker pass away.


You shouldn't tell anyone they have no brains. fucking retard.
mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2006 06:03AM

Re-read what I wrote and try it again B. Your reading and comprehension skills seem to be in the shitter lately dude. Maybe 7th grade will come easier :>winking
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2006 06:19AM

= if i said it once, i've said it a thousand times... who are all of you people? =
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2006 06:20AM

that was supposed to be in it was from that crazy old dude from 'the critic'
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 27, 2006 10:12PM

Back to you HellBent:
old proverb: look before bending over
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 01, 2006 08:09AM


"As if you had enough brains to opine on any topic at all HB"

Not much rereading needed here chump. You're the one who made reference to someones "brains".

Judging by the slum (Not modest) you live in (your posted pictures) you should not be talking.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2006 11:39AM

Still trying to manipulate reality eh beast ? Somethings just never change.

How 'bout you post some pics of where you live so we can compare? Of course your own sense of paranoia will prevent you from doing so, or even if you were to post any pics they'd likley be of someone else dwelling to make yourself look better than reality would otherwise reveal, muahahahahaha !

I much prefer my lil piece of country comfort over the typical in town dwellings and hardly see it as a slum. Though your own twisted sense of reality might say otherwise, a nice 3br, 2 ba, 2 car garage home with an additional 4 car carport sitting on an acre of nicely kept land suits me just fine.

So come on now beast, show us some pics of your fucking lil POS innercity crackerbox palace, then we'll see who's the slum dweller :>winking