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G.W. Bush
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G.W. Bush

"a man in a military uniform"

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Comments for: G.W. Bush
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 05:47AM

GW has some issues,,but to group him in the same area as the guy in this pic,,just shows that your a fucking IDIOT !!! And you should move out to the Left Coast with all the other extreme liberal morons that are America haters,,and if the rest of us are lucky,,you just mite fall into the ocean !!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 06:49AM


GW has some issues,,but to group him in the same area as the guy in this pic,,just shows that your a fucking IDIOT !!! And you should move out to the Left Coast with all the other extreme liberal morons that are America haters,,and if the rest of us are lucky,,you just mite fall into the ocean !!!

Here we go again, first you (a Bush supporter) say he wasn't that bad then you wish millions, yeah millions of people would all move to an area where they would all die!

I see a lot of this fanatic behavior around here.

You guys are the weak ones because you just follow along and wish death on anyone that disagrees with you and by the way, quit pretending that everyone against the whole Bush Administration is "Left" or "Long Haired Hippie Type Pinko Fags" because that is very untrue, there are a lot of Very Conservatives, Republicans and everything else out there that doesn't agree with "The Left" that will tell you that bush is WRONG in many many ways, if you insecure little pussies would quit crying about everyone else always seeing the truth then maybe you could rise up from caveman views, it's funny (NOT) the hardass right-wing neos are just copies of Extreme Islamist, you both deal with the world in the same way... "What, you don't agree with what we say is right? Well, then fuck you, we are going to kill you until you see things our way"---Extreme Neos and Extreme Islamist.

"You can listen to simplistic statements of the administration, appealing to emotion and fear, or you can take an analytical approach and see the reality of the world. I live in an entirely different world of reality than President Bush, Vice President Cheney and other members of the administration." - Brig. Gen. John Johns (Ret.) U.S. Army

I don't understand how people can watch these and then ramble on about "Lefties" and all there other shit, what these guys are trying to say is, Bush Sucks!

Do you spit out propaganda just to try to slow things down because you can feel things rising?

Brig. General John Johns (Ret.)

Ray Mcgovern - CIA 27 years (Ret.)

McGovern on Tenet/Cheney


What the World Should Know

Foreign Policy
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 07:26AM

I just thought it was a funny picture, but Hate and anger, well that is your problem. I am an idiot? ok, but only cause you are an authority on being one, I can only imagine. If you are saying the west coast? yeah I lived somewhere around there all my life. Now I do have to correct you on "America Hater" 1. I don't hate. 2. I have served in the armed forces of the United States of America. I am a soldier and a Patriot. Last thing about falling off into the ocean? Careful what you wish for..........hope you feel better.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 10:54AM

You have a right to your opinion just the same as I have a right to my opinion and support for Bush. Bush only has about 20 months left in office and you only have until Nov. '08 to see who will take his place the following January. Seems to me your time would be better spent trying to elect his replacement instead to trying to promote Chaney to the office through impeachment. There will never be an impeachment of Bush because there is no evidence to support it which will be acceptable in court so you are wasting your time calling for it. Pick your candidate to replace him and use your time to support that candidate. Bush will not remain in office beyond his term and he will not become our dictator for life so stop crying about it.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 02:02PM

Anyone who really believes that Bush is anywhere close to being like Hitler probably doesn't have a clue about either one of them and is the one who is fearfully following the politically correct path. Hitler was a sadistic, power hungry, evil almost-genius who didn't recognize his own shortcomings while Bush is just a relatively normal guy who was able to get into a powerful position because he lacked a more worthy opponent, knows his time will be over soon (probably gratefully), and doesn't recognize his own shortcomings.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 04:01PM

Is religion the basis for this? Two different sides arguing, killing, etc. for their "cause" and they don't even see they are the same. Religion. Think twice about that.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 08:14PM

Right on bush!Instead of fucking up the jews,lets fuck up all the fags.I nominate the first two to get the gas chamber 1.THE BEAST 2.FAGMEX
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 08:48PM

You sound like a fag expert. George Bush sucks and the history books will say it too. Your moms pussy orlando is a gas chamber. and all tremble from fear.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 08:53PM

wow... all dude did was post a funny picture
amazing how all of you fucktards are affected by it
i'm refering to both sides in here too just so you all understand
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 09:49PM

the anonymous you stooge master is the funniest. smiling bouncing smiley
Placelowerplace Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2007 10:08PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2007 03:45AM

kumbayah,my lord,kumbayah... kumbayah,my lord,kumbayah.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2007 05:05AM

This is really stupid!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2007 10:46AM

There are those who believe Bush will install himself in as a dictator and stay in office beyond his term. These people have no brain cells left and they choose to use what little gray matter they have left to try and convince others to join them. I have supported Bush wholeheartedly but if that were to happen I would then join the revolt, but it will never happen.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2007 01:45PM

I was just having a little fun with fagmex,wasnt it you the other day who was insulting a new user in the forum of porn613? Oh let me guess you were just having a little fun.I guess when you want to have fun thats different,when anybody else has fun their a fucktard!