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good riddence
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good riddence

"a man holding a fish"

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Comments for: good riddence
quasi Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2012 02:45PM

Dumbass thought he was bringing a knife to a rape & probably murder but turns out he brought a knife to a gunfight. And folks want to take our guns away. When seconds count the police are minutes away.

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2012 02:53PM

21 minutes to break in? smiling bouncing smiley BOOM!!
quasi Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2012 03:13PM

Like I said, dumbass, probably too drunk to figure out how to break in I'm guessing.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2012 05:55PM

I certainly do not blame the woman for shooting the fucker dead and yes, good riddance. I am glad to read that the law is on her side in this one. It's not the same in every state. In some places she'd be charged with manslaughter.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2012 07:59PM

Most of you here know my stance on gun control laws, but in this instance the dumbass got what he deserved. That is a very composed mum for just 18 years old. She sounded calm even during the 911 call. He probably targeted her because she appeared to be an easier target.

One question I would be asking though is why did it take so long to get a cop there? 21 minutes on the phone and she was the one to shoot him? If it was a rural area I could understand it, but it doesn't seem to be.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: January 06, 2012 09:40PM

We've had problems in this area with 911 calls being forwarded to the proper authorities when there is a question of what jusisdiction the call is from or if the offense happens in one jurisdiction and moves to another. We had an incident here a few years ago where a young mother was kidnapped. She was spotted in the back of the kidnapper's car, aparrently in distress, by a motorist who was unaware of the complete situation just over the county line from where the woman was kidnapped. The motorist phoned 911 but the message didn't get to the police dept. that was looking for the young woman until it was too late; she was raped, murdered, and her body left in a swamp not far from where she was spotted and yet back in the original jurisdiction where it all started. If there had been better sharing of information between the two departments she might have been saved and there have been some statewide changes to 911 policies and training due to this incident.

I had an incident where a guy was mercilessly beating another guy who was already down in the ditch in front of my house a few years ago. We called the sheriff and it was at least 10 minutes before a deputy arrived. Since then I've kept my rifle at the ready because I think just the sight of it and the sound of the lever action would have been enough to stop the beating. If not, after a verbal warning, I'd shoot the guy if it happened today because he could've killed the guy who was down. As it was, the guy administering the beating got away before the cops arrived and the guy being beaten was eventually able to get up & move under his own power.

It's like I always say, when seconds count, the cops are minutes away. And though I'd prefer non violence, some violent people can only be met with violence like this scumbag in the picture who preyed on a young woman and her baby who he knew full well just lost their husband & father; people like that just don't deserve the air they breathe.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2012 02:35AM

Emergency services response time has and always will be a major problem until someone invents a teleporter.

I don't know about the laws in Fla but in some places you could have been arrested for assault had you winged the perp. Fucking laws.

Of course I was talking about your experience Quasi, not the gal who killed the shitbag breaking into her house. I don't own any firearms but sometimes I wonder why I don't to be honest. Being non-violent sometimes only goes so far, doesn't it?

Although I have never owned firearms I have never been opposed to the right for law abiding citizens to have them and this is a good example why.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2012 03:37AM by BlahX3.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2012 11:22AM

Yes, I probably would have been charged with assault but I would expect with the number of witnesses it would have been trumped by the good samaritan act. As it was when my kids called me outside to see what was happening all I had to do was loudly tell them to bring me the phone and I made the 911 call right there within earshot of what was going on. The guy took off pretty quickly then and thank goodness for the cordless phone so I was able to make a show of calling. If not for my kids being there I would have gone over and knocked the shit out of the asshole & held him for the cops.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2012 12:06PM

Blah said "I don't know about the laws in Fla but in some places you could have been arrested for assault had you winged the perp. Fucking laws. "

This is why I believe wholeheartedly that if you have to shoot someone, you must kill him. That way there is only one story to tell the police, yours.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2012 04:53PM

Haha! That is a very good point.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2012 09:16PM

yep, dead men tell no tales...
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2012 09:56PM

Ducky says otherwise smiling

Another good one is "A secret is something only two people know and one of them is dead."
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2012 03:32AM

Hurry up and post more pics to get the dead fuck's smirk off my screen!
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2012 10:50AM

She did him a favor by killing him. He would not have done well in prison at all.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2012 01:12AM

The picture creeps me out. I know an asshole who looks too much like this one. He is bad news too.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2012 11:30AM

Just go ahead and shoot him and save someone else the trouble.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2012 09:11PM

Two problems with that idea. 1. I don't have a gun. 2. I don't do favors anymore.

I have helped a lot of people over time but they don't help me when I need it so fuck em. I will work out trades with friends I can count on (who are very few BTW) but that's pretty much it.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 10, 2012 01:12AM

Your letterbox is the only part of your home that is in the public domain (so to speak).
If someone steps foot on your property you should be able to kill them...
...providing you can prove their intentions.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: January 10, 2012 01:30AM

Florida has a "stand your ground" law as do several other states that says just that, woberto.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 10, 2012 01:08PM

Well I was told by a Sheriff and several other local LEOs that if you shoot someone in your doorway and he falls out be sure to drag him back in. IF you shoot someone outside on your property you should have a cheap throw down weapon just in case.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2012 09:52PM

Watch this space...
"Police will RECOMMEND that no charges be laid against a homeowner after he fatally stabbed an intruder who threatened him with a stun gun."
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2012 10:35PM

So this guy has been waiting since Sept 20th to get the word he is NOT going to face manslaughter charges. Nice to see the wheels of justice turn quickly just like in the states. Do they use the grand jury system for felonies there like in a lot of American states?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: January 12, 2012 05:05PM

Now I hear that the accomplice of the dickweed in the photo got so scared when the shooting started that he called 911 himself in fear for his life.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: January 13, 2012 11:51AM

If you are going to pull a boner like they did then you should be man enough to take what you get like a man. The very least his accomplice should have done would have been to go outside and down on his belly with his hands on his head and wait for the police.