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i dont think that guy was right in the head
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i dont think that guy was right in the head

"a man holding a gun and another man holding a gun"

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Comments for: i dont think that guy was right in the head
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 01, 2005 03:14PM

satanico13 Report This Comment
Date: November 01, 2005 03:37PM

whoa whoa whoa not all germans are like that but theres always gonna be some asshole no matter what country or race he/she is from
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 01, 2005 07:33PM

MOST of the nazi were exterminated after WW2 but some, sadly, survive. The race were exterminated before MAJOR halm was done, thank God.
Like I said, most of these have gone but photo`s survive!!
gruff Report This Comment
Date: November 02, 2005 02:51AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 02, 2005 03:50AM

circa 1940. so WTF are we supposed to do about it now?
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: November 02, 2005 08:16AM

OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Photo-shopped!!!! Hate to break it to ya, Gruff, There were some mean Europeans at one time!
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: November 02, 2005 05:41PM

Call for Peace Now!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 04, 2005 02:17AM

hey john, there can NEVER be peace as long as there are civil rights violators loose in the world. n.korea, etc.... on and on and on. we have alot of work to do, and it's not going to happen any time soon.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2005 05:55AM

Lasting peace has never been negotiated! It has always come at a price. Would Hitler negotiate? Would the Japanese Emporer negotiate? Yeah, after we nailed him a couple times with a couple nasty bombs. If someone wants your turf, be it your lovedones or your property or your fortune (big or small) they will keep trying to take it untill you beat them up. Concider the bully on the playground that takes kids lunch money, when does he stop doing it? Either when one of the picked on kids knocks the crap out of him or a person in authority listens to the kid or happens to see it happen and chooses to do something about it on his own. Now is it right for a third nonrelated party to come in and help the kid who gets his money taken all the time? Liberals would say no. Leave it to the parents or to the school. Obviously the school is not interested or they would have done something about it by now and the parents don't believe the kid or don't care that much. Now what? How are you going to negotiate peace. The bully is not interested in quiting because he wants the cash for his pet projects therefore is not interested in negotiating. This is what the liberals are all about. Do nothing. Whine. Plead, please don't beat me up. Just like the Jews in this country. They keep voting for Liberals and wonder why the UN is trying to wipe out Israel. The Blacks in America are doing basicly the same thing. They keep voting for Liberals, yet the liberals have never appointed a black person to any cabinet position in the white house. The average black person will vote for a liberal because he thinks that he will get a handout or a good government job instead of voting for a party that actually creates the jobs. Do yourself a favor, no matter what color or race you are, vote for and promote the groups that create the free enterprise jobs and support your countrys decisions to kick the bullies butts. If you don't, the bullies will be kicking your butts or your childrens butts. Your freedom was bought with blood for the last 200+ years and it will always require a maintainence fee of blood.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 09:42PM

looks like this nazi is wearing a soviet artilary officers uniform and about to shoot an asian woman dressed in usual peasant garb including black slippers. the photo apears to have been cropped (trimmed).the rifle apears to be an m-1 u.s. issue.
Garthiam Report This Comment
Date: April 22, 2006 09:05PM

Yeah,the soldier does look like he could be a russian.The reason it may be a little out of focus or blurry is because it is only part of the whole photo.(approx.1/6th)The larger photo shows 3 possibly japanese soldiers on their knees to the right of this chop.They were waiting for their turn?I seen the larger photo only once and this chop photo is the more popular version that is always circulating.Why???
Garthiam Report This Comment
Date: April 23, 2006 10:51PM

---The weapon does look like a mauser,but I'll still stick to the idea that the uniform does look russian WW2 era.