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Da Truff
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Da Truff

"a billboard with a red and white sign"

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Comments for: Da Truff
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2006 11:27PM

Really kind of pales to blowing up buses full of civilians to strike fear.Everything is so one sided.If the U.S. has touched it its evil but if the Islamists have its a dozen roses.I say find out who the terrorists were and go kill thier families that should stop alot of the terrorism in the future.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 02:56AM

When they attach the electrodes to YOUR weiner, then maybe you will get it. How many Iraqi civilians have we killed? How many crippled kids? Google it. Every one we torture, kill, or maim is a lifelong advertisement against us, breeding more terrorists or insurgents. We need to get the fuck out of there NOW before they sneak across our borders with a nuke or biological weapon. If a thousand Mexicans a day can do it, so can they. If they will take the time and effort to become pilots, don't you think they would learn spanish?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 03:11AM

im not sure pulling out will make them happy, i think they plan to nuke or biologically attack us no matter what we do. We could have avoided ww2 entirely had we not given into hitler in the beginning with the british appeasements. The fact these extremist muslims are crazy motherfuckers that have always had religous reasons to kill us and now they might have some political reasons as well. I suggest we use our superior manpower, technology, finances, and military to simply kill every last one of those who threaten us. Yes my solution is ugly, but it will be a whole lot uglier if they manage to attack us again. Its not a whole lot different than what we did to the nazis - look in every closet and underneath every rock and kill or imprison them.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 03:24AM

They had better be some big electrodes.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 03:25AM

lol,I have a big weiner.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 05:41AM

Duane, you braggart !;>winking

I hafta agree that attempting to appease Hitler only prolonged the inevitable while allowing him to continue building his war machine unabated. How hard is it to apply the same reasoning to todays situation ?

Sorrowfully, I think it's all gonna get a helluva lot worse before it ever gets better :>disappointed smiley

And the "1000 Mexicans a day" deal just makes me want a secured border even more, just as it has for nearly 5 years now.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 10:39AM

MrKim did I happen to mention I have millions of dollars and Im a secret agent.I kinda look like Brad Pitt(with a big penis).lmaowinking
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 12:12PM

Well it's at least comforting to know you're on our side dude :>winking
smiley BTW, with all those millions, how 'bout a little loan buddy ? ; >P LOL !
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 03:38PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 19, 2006 10:12PM

I wish sad
smiley.Nah,I like my weiner and would not trade it for the world.........oh shit Im GAY!hee hee.NOT
I just like most people have just enough of everything to make me happy.Not that I would not except more money though.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 20, 2006 01:34PM

15577 you are a complete moron and a total waste of skin. Your solution IS what the nazis tried. And yet you think its a good thing. oh my gawd.