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tsunami aid

"a map of the united states of america"

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Comments for: tsunami aid
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 05:55AM

it isnt our problem. Now look at all the job openings and prime real estate up for sale now. Fuck the little bastards. We have our own problems to worry about...and cannot give every penny to each and every palm that is placed in front of us.
ryan Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 06:24AM

were at fucking war. we cant afford it. people should be giving us fucking money for protecting and helping their sorry ass country when they need it. We are the best country in the world. We are the super power...SO FUCK OFF
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 06:32AM

I would have to agree to both responses.
Bluecooper2002 Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 06:58AM

First off Bush wanted to see how much damage there actualy was before giving more money. The rest of the countries assumed that was all we were giving. Second, we are not only giving money but sending troops, planes and goods to help the tsunami victims.
the_militia Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 07:07AM

I'd just as soon give a bum 5 bucks to buy another bottle of Boones Farm.
gruff Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 07:27AM

Pride goeth before a fall.
Sokratesz Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 10:41AM

This picture needs a little update. We (the dutch) have donated 125$ million already. Eat that, suckers.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 11:03AM

yep them Americans sure are hated around the world. I know people who spit on any American tourists in our country and i have to say i find it quite funny. Heh!
The_Doc Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 12:41PM

its their pig-headed selfish attitudes that sucks the most. when they lost 2 little buildings due to their own negligence, they cried to the whole world. and if your country so fucking good, how come you have a cockhead like bush for a president? i bet if there was oil in that region, the US would be there with a pocket full of money in an instant!
Coldspray Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 01:01PM

You people are a joke. The 35 million was in the first days of the disaster. The US government has now committed over 350 million in relief and that will be matched by private citizens and companies. The US is also sending troops and workers to aid in the effort.
Oh..........this part of the world is also populated by a large number of Muslims. And those generous peace loving, oil rich Saudis have given 10 million. They sure do love there brothers.
Bob Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 01:22PM

the only reason the americans are giving more money now is because they realise that many of the countrys affected are muslim. basiclly they are trying to show muslims they care when in reality its all bullshit. did you hear about the americans who complained about there being 3 minutes silence for the tsunami? they said if sep 11 got two minutes why should this disaster get three. talk about arrogant pigs. if this had happened to america it would have been the least they deserved. what has thailand or any of the other countries ever done to deserve what they got?
SUPERDJ Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 01:58PM

Americans suck dick, Europe rocks! even the Germans are better than Americans!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 02:48PM

Das is good....Hitler iz number one my eyes being in!
Coldspray Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 02:59PM

Bob. Simply are a moronic idiot. No American bitched about the moment of silence.

And NO............I am not American. So piss off.
tard Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 05:09PM

Wait a fucking second...

What the hell is this?

You foreigners bad mouth the USA when we elect our President and tell us to go fuck ourselves because you don't need us...

Now, when something bad happens you bitch and moan because we don't "do enough"?

Fuck off you ingrateful sons of bitches! If it wasn't for us there would be two super powers in the world, the Nazi's and the United States.

MAILERDAEMON Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 06:04PM

Are there only pathetic 15-year-olds here?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 06:34PM

tard@137140wrote "ingrateful sons of bitches!"

you redneck turd lol!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 06:49PM

Edge Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 06:54PM

The problem with you Americans is you think you are so fucking good. That stupid war is your own fucking fault, you started it. There was no need for war. And not giving much money because of your own problems is a lame excuse, The Netherlands have their own problems as wel. I just think it's lame, being the richest country in the world and giving so little money
wiseguy Report This Comment
Date: January 07, 2005 07:21PM

first of all i am an american. i am ashamed at my country for even electing that idiot bush for a second term. ther was no reason to go to war. but i still thinking we are doing a good part in helping the tsunami aid.
Ninja Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 12:52AM

Okay, the war thing is OLD NEWS! So SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THE WAR!!! This particular picture is about the Tsunami. What is it with you foreign fucks? WAY too many of you are some ungrateful little BITCHES! If your country has some huge disaster, you scream for help. WHen we help you bitch cuz you think we should have done more. The tsunami is a disaster that everyone should help in. you SHOULD NOT be using it as an opportunity to bash the US. We have donated over 400 Million now and just the local Houston rock station alone has come up with a quarter million. We have donated more than any other country. Instead of bitching, why don't some of you grow some balls and donate to help the people of the disaster. I challenge every mother-fuckin country to out do us on Donations, and have PROOF! Not just some little bullshit picture, I'm talkin about proof from a respectable news sight. When this is all done and over with, if the US is not one of the top 3 donators, then I will shut up and never say anything again about you people whining like little babies about us.
Ninja Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 12:57AM

P.S. Excuse any typos. I typed this with a broken forearm and anyone with one who has ever had one knows what it does for dexterity of the fingers, so anyone that goes " durr your a moron cuz of (insert typo here)" can kiss my ass.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 01:36AM

why does it seem that until you need something from us, we are arrogant pricks that dont care about anything else in the world but ourselves, but the second something big happens anywhere, all eyes are on us to throw money at it to fix it, and it has to be more money than anyone else. we do have our own problems that require money, and i dont think anybody from any other country needs to micro analyze our country's finances. by the way, i am in the military and have friends over there helping out right now, and they arent complaining about having their cruise extended, they just want to to those who dont think we are doing enough, Fuck Off!
ryan Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 02:12AM

Maybe the muslims will learn a lesson about who to serve. God knew we were busy in Iraq and Afghanistan so he handled this one.
lyric101 Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 04:28AM

Ryan - you are a first class fucking moron. You are so stupid you actually make me feel sick. The day you suffer a meaningless and lonely death can not come soon enough.

Firstly - you can stick your God up your ass, you sound just like the Muslim fundies you hate so much.

Secondly - The majority of people killed in the tsunami where not muslims. They were Sri Lankan Hindus and Thai Buddhists. Only Indonesia is Muslim (The country where the US is currently pulling out all the stops in a positive gesture of goodwill towards Islamic nations everywhere).

But to your narrow xenophobic racist mind anyone who is remotely brown and foreign is a "terrorist" and deserves to be drowned.

If your God did actually exist - he would damn you to the eternal pit of hell for being such an utter wanker. In the meantime you can rest assured that people talk about you behind your back, and snigger. All the folk you think are your friends are in reality just people that tolerate you. And your mother wants you to leave home...
Matt Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 07:29AM

i think all you guys need to chill, why are you all going on at each other, if america gave you $35 million you wouldnt say no.. im british we have raised over $200 million so there is plenty of money going to the people who need it. and i wouldnt say that the nazis were a super power, they didnt last long after we (troops from around the world) invaded europe. america have got lots of there own people to look after, does anyone know who much money the thai goverment have given?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 09:36AM

i eat potatoes!
alex Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 10:41AM

God bless America! I want cornbread with red beans and rice. Ya got any peach cobbler? I'll take a rootbeer with that please,extra ice. Thank you Mam.
hosbro Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 02:55PM

last time i looked Australia was ahead in this race followed by Germany, Japan then the U.S....the race is not over yet... []
OVERIT Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 05:33PM

Why is it that people turn this into a competition? Why does it matter who donates more money. These people just need help and it doesn't matter where it comes from. Look at me I'm the most generous country. No look at me I'm the most generous country. Get over it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 08, 2005 11:37PM

We must not allow a missle....I mean...generosity gap!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2005 12:28AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2005 07:12AM

duuuuuuuuuuuuude Report This Comment
Date: January 09, 2005 11:27PM

whoever made this left out a zero, bush pledged $350,000,000 not $35,000,000

idiots (bush included)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 10, 2005 03:27PM

And the size of the country has to do with what... ?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 11, 2005 06:13PM

You give what you can afford. America is different in how we look at situations, perceive need, assess problems and react with help.

Seems like these people whining that America isn't doing what everyone else believes is "right" are the same people that say we have no right pushing our beliefs upon others.

Every time there is a dispute over politcal beliefs, it appears to be Americans vs. Europeans over a subject of 3rd world problems. Maybe you Europeans would prefer we let you handle these affairs? Maybe you should appoint the French as your military advisors!
Wyrdblind Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2005 04:30AM

you blamers need to stop the noise, we are doing what we can... while you sit and point at us thee Americans who did not all vote for Bush [I did not] injustices proceed in your own countries as they do in mine- you may sit and type out remarkably ignorant Bullshit about the USA while most of you have not been good to your fellow man beyond telling someone the time!.. I do not have overzealous pride of my country and I do not believe any other country or Govt. is lesser important than my own. This is not the time to blame and separate, this is the time to work together, the Asian children die and Americans lose their freedoms to right wing fanatics.. I see no blame- only people in need of other people, brothers and sisters in a world they all must share...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 25, 2005 06:29PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 14, 2005 11:05AM

not ignorant, not jealous, I only always been scared of powerful idiots