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Terrorism + Fear = Globalism
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Terrorism + Fear = Globalism

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Comments for: Terrorism + Fear = Globalism
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2007 02:58AM


By Rep. Ron Paul - July 16, 2007

The recent defeat of the amnesty bill in the Senate came after outraged Americans made it clear to the political elite that they would not tolerate this legislation, which would further erode our national sovereignty. Similarly, polls increasingly show the unpopularity of the Iraq war, as well as of the Congress that seems incapable of ending it.

Because some people who vocally oppose amnesty are supportive of the war, the ideological connection between support of the war and amnesty is often masked. If there is a single word explaining the reasons why we continue to fight unpopular wars and see legislation like the amnesty bill nearly become law, that word is “globalism.”

The international elite, including many in the political and economic leadership of this country, believe our constitutional republic is antiquated and the loyalty Americans have for our form of government is like a superstition, needing to be done away with. When it benefits elites, they pay lip service to the American way, even while undermining it.

We must remain focused on what ideology underlies the approach being taken by those who see themselves as our ruling-class, and not get distracted by the passions of the moment or the rhetorical devices used to convince us how their plans will be “good for us.” Whether it is managed trade being presented under the rhetoric of “free trade,” or the ideas of “regime change” abroad and “making the world safe for democracy” — the underlying principle is globalism.

Although different rhetoric is used in each instance, the basic underlying notion behind replacing regimes abroad and allowing foreign people to come to this country illegally is best understood by comprehending this ideal of the globalist elite. In one of his most lucid moments President Bush spoke of the “soft bigotry of low expectations.” Unfortunately, that bigotry is one of the core tenets at the heart of the globalist ideology.

The basic idea is that foreigners cannot manage their own affairs so we have to do it for them. This may require sending troops to far off lands that do not threaten us, and it may also require “welcoming with open arms” people who come here illegally. All along globalists claim a moral high ground, as if our government is responsible for ensuring the general welfare of all people. Yet the consequences are devastating to our own taxpayers, as well as many of those we claim to be helping.

Perhaps the most seriously damaged victim of this approach is our own constitutional republic, because globalism undermines both the republican and democratic traditions of this nation. Not only does it make a mockery of the self-rule upon which our republic is based, it also erodes the very institutions of our republic and replaces them with international institutions that are often incompatible with our way of life.

The defeat of the amnesty bill proves though that there is no infallible logic, or predetermined march of history, that forces globalism on us. smileys with beer
Mr. Smith Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2007 07:46AM

Watch this video all the way through, you stupid anti-conspiracy a**holes!

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2007 09:06AM

Why Iran?!...............easy........

Mr. Smith Report This Comment
Date: September 29, 2007 11:58AM

^^^ Good video. The problem we have as patriots are the idiots like fossildick and jgroans who call themselves patriots but refuse to see what's right in their fat, ugly faces. smiling bouncing smiley

They denounce our videos as conspiracy theories or from a non-Jewish approved websites, i.e., "white power."

Their heads are so far up their asses that they can't see the light of day. All we get is the same mantra from these morons: denial, denial, denial. yawning

They're like a Chatty-Cathy doll, you pull the string and they just have a few responses: Conspiracy theory, it's "white power," it's not kosher approved.

They really disgust me. They're such moral cowards. You think: What's it going to take before these a**holes wake up?

finger smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 30, 2007 10:59AM

maybe you dipshits believe everything you see on the net, doesn't mean i will....ever!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 30, 2007 11:08AM

" What's it going to take before these a**holes wake up?" about some proven facts? eye
rolling smiley