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Pray for the Innocent Victims of War
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Pray for the Innocent Victims of War

"a group of soldiers in uniform"

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Comments for: Pray for the Innocent Victims of War
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 05:43AM

Yeah they're so innocent.........everyone of those guys would kill your ass in the blink of an eye given the chance then he'd blow his brains out hoping to make a huge mess an American would have to come clean up later.
joe Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 06:10AM

kill the stupid terrorist fucks! DIE FUCKERS
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 06:39AM

damn republicans. not EVERy arab is evil! if i was one of them i would want to kill the US we are a bunch of ass holes.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 06:52AM

Those people that are on the floor probably executed Iraqi villagers for voting. I read that in one village, the people fought back and lynched a group of terrorists that were coming to execute them for voting. These villagers would probably be disgusted at the idealistic bullshit being talked about on the internet, while they are fearing for their lives from Wahabi Sunnis and Saddams henchmen.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 08:11AM

anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 10:51AM

Good luck iraq! Keep blowing up americans and shooting their soldiers. America is a nation which has ADD, take Sudan for example (one minute its a terrible tragedy and it needs urgent action next minute they don't give a shit). If you keep killing americans they won't stay for too long and you will have your freedom finnaly. I dont know why the arab countries bow down to US pressure and sell their oil on the cheap, if they all got together and keep their own prices they would have america helpless. America is a steamy pile of shit.
USA_SUcks Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 02:47PM

kil america kill usa kill every american child kil every amercan woman them wipe your ass with the usa flag..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 03:53PM

Panzer Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 05:00PM

Regardless of whether America is in the right or wrong, I would just like to say thanks to the uploader of the "Pray for the innocent victims of war" pics. Im glad that the world has another resource to turn to when they need a perspective on war that isnt politically influenced as much as the FOX News Channel or local news stations.
a2s Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 06:13PM

FFS all those American soldiers are doing is restraining them, and we don't know if they're guilty or innocent anyway so stop with all the "pray for the innocent victims of war" bullshit. For all you know they could have just slaughtered a few civillians or blown up a checkpoint.
who_cares Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 06:23PM

god I love it when pics like this get posted...It brings out the love in everyone...I say stop wasting time and start using bullets on those hog-tied fucks...any arabs out there please stand up to be recognized and have you evil minds blown out...I gota slug dedicated for your ass...that goes for all the rest of you anti American fucks out there...have a great day
Black_Trans_Am Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 07:19PM

How can anyone possibly make an intelligent comment on this pic. They may very well be guilty of something. We have no idea about the context of the situation.

As for all of the lame bigoted comments, that is just lame and unproductive. Even if your just joking it stokes the hatred that much more. And if your serious, then there will never be victory or peace. All Arabs are not terrorists and all Americans are not tyrants or corporate whores. Writing that garbage just displays what w weak mind you have. Grow up.
XRX Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 11:26PM

Face it Americans you are the most hated people in the world. It used to be Russia now it's you. The only guilty people in that picture are the Americans. Guilty of being arrogant self ritious pricks. A few thousand americans die in 9/11 and suddenly your freedom is under threat. The only thing under threat was your own deluded idea that everyone loves america so much because it believes in 'freedom'. Freedom as long as you let american companies take your natural resources. Everytime an American gets killed by a roadside bomb I remind myself, hundreds of Iraqis were killed by that soldier. A little justice. Such a religious country, guess that means your all going to hell.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 01:47AM

Face it XRX, you view the world through glasses that are coloured by what you WANT to see and your personal agenda and bias. More than just americans died in the twin towers. People from all over the world worked there. From 25 different nations to be exact. 40,000 people worked there. It was a miracle thousands more wern't killed.
I always laugh when people write that American compamies take other countries natural resources. What FACTS do you have to back that strong statment up?? Are you inferring that the US companies go in and steal the resources, or somehow get them for less than market value? Most countries are very happy to sell products on the free market. It is the basis for global prosperity.
How exactly did you arrive at the conclusion that every US soldier has killed hundreds of Iraqis? Please I am so curious. The US soldiers are doing their job defending themselves and creating a safe environment for a free society to flourish, because a free society in the middle east is very important for the FUTURE long term stability in the ENTIRE region. I hear so much idealistic bullshit on the net from people that think they know what they are talking about but are actually incredibly ignorant of how things actually work. They simply spout off what they THINK they know. The type of logic that says: "the Americans MUST be there to get the oil, they just have to be. I don't know how I arrived at that conclusion but that is just what I believe, because I think I am an expert in geo economics and politics, even though I work at a gas station".
nomo Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 01:52AM

Agreed, XRX, you are pathetic. I hope that you scrap your knee and have it infected by maggots.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 01:53AM

And by the way, if the United States does ever say Fuck this shit and pull out of Iraq, what do you think those road side bombers will do? I am curious what you think because I really feel you are a genius in predicting future political events and planning big stakes geopolitical strategies. Well, I think that those bombers will simply move onto blowing up elected officials and the police and anyone else who stands in their way. Then they will use fear and death to seize power and turn Iraq back into a nightmare repressive mobster run country that executes anyone that steps out of line. But at least the evil Americans will be out of there huh?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 02:16AM

I love hearing about people that have no idea what goes on in a different part of the world. You sit back and watch the news and voice your opinions. It is great to live in a country or world that is free. Why is it free well I am sure you wouldn't understand if it was explained to you so I won't go into either. Just say thanks to the next soldier you see. Pull the curtains from your eyes and don't believe everything that is in the news. Those insurgents are just going after the soldiers. Most of the people they kill are there own people. What idiots.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 05:05AM

I won't say thanks, but I will apologize for the fact that thousands of our soldiers have been put in harm's way for a lie. A blatant, hypocritical lie. Trying to deny it only reveals your ignorance or willful denial of the facts surrounding the way this war was laid on. There were no plans for what to do with the civilians afterward(fact). There were no weapons of mass destruction(fact). The proofs offered to convince the citizens of the U.S. and the rest of the world were proven to be false(fact). bush and co. pushed ahead with this war despite the fact that every branch of national intelligence suggested that more time was needed to establish any credible evidence that there were weapons of mass destruction(fact). No. I sympathize with our soldiers, I grieve for their losses and experiences, but I don't thank them. I don't blame them, either. They're not responsible for the war. I lay the blame directly where it belongs, on the head of bush and his administration. God willing, the next president will have enough stones to see them all hauled into court for their misdeeds.
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 20, 2005 12:28PM

thats so fucking stupid, if sadam did not have wmds then he wanted us to beleive he did hence the threat even france said they thought he had them while selling him weapons and saying we were wrong to want to go to war with them
USA_IS_THE_BEST Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2005 12:50AM

As Tim Allen once said, 'Yea we are pigs, too bad we own everything' now take your 3rd world ass back to the Nike factory and make me some more shoes. And when I have finished banging your mommy and your sister I will send them back to your all dripping with my love juice
duane Report This Comment
Date: March 23, 2005 12:20PM

could not say it better, Tim Allen wrote two killer books check them out"Dont stand to close to a Naked Man"and"Im not Really here" also check out his Impalla ss
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2005 09:04PM

I sense much fear in all of you. Let your anger out, let it rule and go forever to the Darkside!