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Conservatives Beginning to See the Light
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Conservatives Beginning to See the Light

"a man in a suit speaking into a microphone"

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Comments for: Conservatives Beginning to See the Light
madmex Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 03:25PM

about fukn time and conviently before elections for them.
i_hate_you_cunts Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 06:24PM

What is wrong with this clown?Do you call controlling a whole country losing?Fuck I hate politicians and I fuckin hate you madmex.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 09:54PM


The US isn't controlling anything in Iraq.
AEoN Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 12:24AM

Hagel and McCain are both moderates looking to gain votes for the future.

Maybe he's right. I guess it should only take a few months to build a new government, constitution, and army.

If you believe that, I've got some ocean-front property in arizona I'd like to sell ya. Ha ha ha LMFAO!
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 12:34AM

Its all about the next election,no where else has so much been expected so fast.It takes time to do what needs to be done even without all suicide bombers screwing things up.We will win and that is your ultimate fear is'nt it Beast.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 01:02AM

"Win".. what does that mean in Iraq, exactly?
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 04:30AM

Well said, Duane. Let's not forget how long after the US's independance from the tyrant England it took to establish the Constitution. We gained our independance on July 4,1776 and didn't ratify the current Constitution until September, 1787...11 years. Patience little ones.
i_hate_you_cunts Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 06:35AM

WTF are you talking about?Who has to ask who for permission to enter any major city?mmm.thought so.

And my name is "i_hate_you_cunts".Get it right,cunt!Or I'll make a few alterations to your name(DiCkBeast).
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 07:03AM

The US military asks various Iraqi militias if they can enter a province. tehy have to get the mafia's ok before entering. That means you are a bitch.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 10:01AM

Look tiny balls,you bitch because we kill the freedom fighters(your definition)then you bitch because we try to co-exist.To be right honest I kinda agree.We should roll over towns and villages the way napoleon did,if they resist they get crushed with no regard.I say bring back the flamethrower and napalm.It would only take a few towns before they got the message.The only reason they are getting anywhere is because they are rutheless and that is all they understand.We would do the world a favor by using them for target practice.Take the prisoners at guantanimo and cut off theyr'e heads and put them on stakes outside all our millitary bases in Iraq.If we know where a mosque is that preaches garbage about resistance lets wait till its packed and blow it up.I feel so much like hitler right now,I also say lets tar and feather people like you for being so fucking stupid.Just kidding MuaHaHaHaHaHa!!!!
shoobadoobadoo Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 12:01PM

You got your arses kicked in vietnam, you LOST that war. You tried to occupy a country, fight an entire people and they slaughtered your troops for years until you eventually crawled off home, pulled out, and stayed at home licking your wounds for 20 years.That was with flamethrowers and napalm and all sorts of other shit.

Why is Iraq any different? You are losing troops in Iraq faster than you did in Vietnam over the same time frame. You have better weaponry, better coms and intel. Yet you're still losing. Why? because the Iraqi people don't want you there. They hate you and want to see you dead. This is never going to change. You're not "liberating" anyone.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 02:13PM

America won in Vietnam. We declared victory, and made a strategic advance to the rear.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 07:14PM

Shoo Fly,when you come from a real country we will listen,untill then all I hear is blah,blah,blah.We are not loosing because I go off body count,thats all that matters.How many dickweeds get sent off to meet Allah.You are a dumbass,we have lost around 2000 in 2 and a half years,we lost over 60,000 in veitnam in 10 years or somewhere in that area.We fight by rules that is the only reason we have problem in Iraq.Become more ruthless then them and that will solve the problem.Kill all captives and blowup all militant mosques.Not just in Iraq but in Iran and Syria, we do not have to hold land it can be done for target practice.Kill a suicide bombers familly and treat them like Sadam did then you get respect.If we acted like animals we would not have these problems.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 08:19PM

duane the tard.

We didn't fight with rules until 1910.

The Iraqi Freedom Fighters do not have comparable weapons. So they are left to use guerrila tactics.
AEoN Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 10:08PM

shoobadoobadoo@43170 I didn't know that
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 11:55PM


Bullshit. the CIA and DIA say Iraqis in large part want us to leave. The US being there puts there life in jeopardy.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 12:34AM

He gets his information firsthand Beastlover,where do you get your info from.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 04:05AM

Iraq will have a civil war in the coming years.

Will the US fight on both sides ?

duane the tard

I gave you the source.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 08:25PM

After 2 1/2 years in Iraq:
a)the war is over
b)Saddam is history
c)the USA is doing police work and cleaning the Country of Terrorists.

duane Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 08:54PM

Hell yeah!!!!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2005 01:37AM


1. there never was a war
2. Saddam is gone. But no one is in his place causing instability.
3. The US is killing anyone who does not go along with their plan to control Iraq.
4. Civil war in the coming years and the US will team up with the "insurgents" they now are fighting.

Hoo Ah !
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2005 07:45AM

Beast, I must know, what is your race, what is your age, are you in school, and if so, where? You have the most outlandish ideas and crazy responses. I'm amused. that's the only reason I ask.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2005 04:07PM

French,13,3rd grade,home schooled.
i_hate_you_cunts Report This Comment
Date: August 28, 2005 11:59PM

The US "asking" to enter anywhere is like Mike Tyson "asking" to borrow DC's mom:he's not gonna say no,is he?

And there's nothing wrong with #3 on your list.Just doing exactly the same as every other group on the planet;only we're better at it.You're just jealous your team is a bunch of fucktards...
i_hate_you_cunts Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 12:06AM

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 05:14AM


born, raised, live now, Washington DC.

ba and jd.

Trained: Ft Benning Ga.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2005 03:36AM

DC beast what id is fort benning closely associated with (hint ft stuart ga), what is that id's nickname, what is fort bennings motto, and what is the meaning of Hooah (HUA for those of you who know the truth). Don't mean to be such an ass but i am finding it hard to believe your were in the army at all. If i am wrong and you prove me wrong, my apology and i guess i'll just have to accept that there are people in the military that are serving solely to undermine America.