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Pack yer things we're goin' t' the beach hyuck hyuck
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Pack yer things we're goin' t' the beach hyuck hyuck

"a group of people on a beach"

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Comments for: Pack yer things we're goin' t' the beach hyuck hyuck
Peter Puller Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2022 01:45AM

Oh look, there's a stinking heap of trash on the beach. And they brought flags, too.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2022 05:47AM

Umm.. why?

No matter your political views, why the fuck does it need to follow you everywhere?

God I'm bored of politics.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2022 10:16AM

It is tiresome, I have to look at this kind of nonsense every time I go to my mailbox or leave my neighborhood. At least it's a warning about who to avoid. I had to suggest (via a polite, anonymous letter to avoid possibly being shot) that the American flag should be flown higher than the Confederate battle flag in my neighbor's yard and at least that switch was made but the hateful flags still remain right at eye level.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 17/07/2022 10:21AM by quasi.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2022 03:58PM

The city and state that I live in is ran by democrats and has become and absolute shithole.
Bum camps all over the place. Graffiti and litter everywhere. Drug use out in the open.
People pissing, shitting, and dropping used tampons right on the sidewalks.
Violent crime and theft is skyrocketing.
etc. etc.

But your neighborhood has hurtful flags?
How awful.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2022 01:23PM

Bum camps all over the place? Sounds like the perfect home for you. And if you think none of that stuff happens in red state Florida where the temperature only occasionally drops to or below freezing you must be using some of those drugs yourself.
Paul S. Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2022 04:14PM

Quasi thrives on hate, everything is hate, the man love to hate. Quasi would rather have everyone suffer to death than have their own perspective on life or God forbid, their own opinion, cause Quasi knows everything and you are stupid for not seeing the world his way. Quasi is the authority on hate. All hale Quasi!
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2022 07:53PM

if you disagree with quasi then you must be on drugs.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2022 08:06PM

Does your neighborhood look like this?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2022 07:07PM

Well Joe Rogan suggested shooting homeless people was an answer but I bet you already thought of that. I guess it makes it easier if you're able to see them as less than human; I just see them as people a little worse off them I am. The average American is a lot more likely to become homeless than to become rich, even with hard work.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2022 03:25PM

Nobody gets rich by working lol.
I have a younger brother that is a homeless drug addict.
He is a homeless drug addict because that is how he chooses to live his life.
Like MOST homeless people he is homeless because he has made poor choices.
We had the same childhood.
I have a home, 3 vehicles, and zero debt.
It's really all about choices.
Turn off the NPR and take off your rose colored glasses.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2022 04:02PM

systemic racism?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2022 03:47PM

If I was your brother I'd probably want to do drugs too. Must've had a messed up childhood - look how your white supremacist ass turned out.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2022 08:44PM

Leave my ass out of this you perverted old bloated groomer.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2022 10:55PM

You're the one who dragged yourself and your family into it. Lame use of the stupid right wing buzzword, too. You are such a proud boy, keeping that oath. Do you miss George Wallace? Have his picture on your wall?
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2022 08:54PM

it's like every day your goal is to be more pathetic than the day before.
mock me for calling you a groomer (but don't deny being one, interesting.) then proceed to call me a bunch of leftwing buzzword/insults suggesting I'm a racist.
If I'm a racist, why is one of my best friends a black guy? Why do I have Korean girlfriend? Why have I dated black, asian, and latino women?
Stop projecting your hate on me.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2022 10:17PM

junior says what?

"Young black boys/men have poor impulse control and are prone to violence."


And, btw, how's showing the 2020 election was rigged going?
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2022 04:46PM

again, pointing out facts doesn't make me a racist/white supremacist. Did you go ask them if I'm wrong?
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2022 06:24PM

I should have been more clear and said "many young black"...not all black men...

My opinions are based primarily on my real life experiences.
For example, when I was an OTR truck driver I saw 47 of the contiguous 48 states.
I have been to several major US cities.
The vast majority of the racism I experienced was black people saying racist shit to me and a couple times throwing bottles at me.
Why? because I was in their neighborhood.
Ever been to Compton, California? I have.
It's not the same now as it was in the 80'-90's but I still would definitely recommend staying out of there after dark if you are white.
I also witnessed blacks saying racist shit to Latinos.
And a couple of times I saw whites saying racist shit to Arabs.

That being said, I also had many interactions of all kinds of people that were positive and I do not automatically believe a person is a certain way just because of their skin color. I do keep my guard up though, around all kinds of people.

read this articls that was written by a black man.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2022 12:41AM

I've been in neighborhoods like that when I worked construction, bottles being thrown at the truck as we drove by, guys rushing out and banging on the side of the truck, diving to the ground for cover behind stacks of lumber when gunfire rang out nearby, and I used to think mostly like you do but as I've grown older I've realized those neighborhoods and those attitudes didn't create themselves, that animus expressed toward us isn't a genetic trait. As I said before it's a product of centuries of systematic racism - slavery, Jim crow, segregation, lack of opportunity because so many people believe they're all bad, etc. - that has been expressed toward folks of color, those negative tendencies in that culture a byproduct, an expression of pent up generational anger that they've only recently been able to express, really only in my lifetime. In short, what goes around, comes around and if some of those folks express racism toward whites and frustration at their situation that results in broken homes and violence, well their culture endured that from whites pretty much forever. And while there is a large part of that group that is expressing that anger the general attitude is getting better as more opportunities appear, but it's still an uphill battle as people continue to say generalizations like, "Young black boys/men have poor impulse control and are prone to violence."

Walter Williams was just another right wing hack economist who was looking for a way to blame public assistance for the current cultural problems in the black community, and in the short term it has had a sometimes negative effect of giving fathers the ability to skip out, but the lack of responsibility and pride is what happens to a culture that has had little control over it's own affairs, been pushed around and kicked around, and now expressed in violent and unhealthy ways, something like an exaggerated version of a teenager cutting loose when they finally get away from the control of their parents. The civil rights movement started just a few years before I was born and given the length of time the black community has been kept down it's essentially in its adolescence so, yeah, there will be bumps in the road, but making sure children have food and homes is never wrong and many or most of those children are finding ways out of the hood, the hood that was created by racism toward their families for a very, very long time.

So save your Archie Bunker rationalizations, the notion that most blacks and most Jews are just genetically predisposed to being bad people, and try to understand that after all their communities have been through over centuries right up until now, it's no wonder some of them will see you and me as being genetically predisposed to being bad people when in the end we're all genetically the same and we need to continue working toward jettisoning our cultural animosity and appreciating each culture and each individual for who they are.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2022 05:43PM

tl/dr quasi knows more about racism than a black man

Walter E. Williams (a black man) is a professor of economics at George Mason University, but according to quasi he is a hack.

A Black man is a professor at a University because oppression and racism?

Did you even read the article??

Does your arrogance know no bounds?

quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2022 08:52PM

So the guy who said, "Young black boys/men have poor impulse control and are prone to violence," then rolled it back a little to, "many young black," looses his mind because I think a black economist in deep with the right wing agenda was off the mark and left out the effects of historical events while he said current events don't exist. Well guess what? Many, probably most, black people think he misses the mark too, and that's who your dreaded woke white liberals listen to. I read the article, I know who Walter Williams was, what color he was. He blamed the black culture without a hint of how that culture came to be, said it is not because of racism today (as if it doesn't exist; give me a break) and ignores the centuries of discrimination that made the culture what it is, that created this too often adversarial relationship between the races. Yeah, he was a black man, and apparently turned his back on his own race. His solution? Let 'em rot. He as much as said the advances that blacks have made in the last few decades have been a wasted effort. He and his pal Rush Limbaugh are together again. I doubt that they're in heaven.

pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 28, 2022 08:55PM

this you quasi?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2022 04:45PM
