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Vote Less by Banksy
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Vote Less by Banksy

"a wall with a cartoon of a man holding a sign"

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Comments for: Vote Less by Banksy
Katsuraki Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2005 12:30AM

82%- Britons saying the Iraqi war was pointless. Kind of says a lot about these guys, eh?
Stiffler Report This Comment
Date: March 29, 2005 06:43AM

Says more about democracy in our so called free countries.
FuckMuppet Report This Comment
Date: March 31, 2005 11:20AM

Most of us Britons who have given up on the vote,(I still vote, but often wonder why), are just sick of constantly being lied to by those who say they have our best interest at heart. We are no longer represented by these out of touch fuckwits who trot out the same old shit every election year. What's there to trust? We became the whore of the world under Thatcher, and are still paying for it. Blair is just pimping the whore in different clothes and helping to bend her over to just about anybody who has enough money (Hello America!). Not only that, our country is slowly being pushed by these same cretins into such a ridiculous level of political correctness that the same day the press mob a famous paedophile on his release from prison, we jail a teacher who was driven to protect herself from a bunch of fuckwits - because she used a poxy airgun.
When black boys fail in school we have a problem communicating with a so-called minority group; when white boys fail at school we have a bunch of lazy white boys, who in turn look up to these failing blacks and speak in the same pseudo-english. I'm one of only 4 British born males in a street of 86 families, most of whom don't speak my language. We offer asylum to anyone, even if they preach hatred to the hand that feeds them. This country doesn't belong to me anymore, but I have to keep my mouth shut or I'm seen as rascist.
I work an average of 10.5 hours a day, but can't afford the permit that would allow me to park the car I can barely afford to run in my own street. The council tax me so much that I can't get the money together to leave the hallowed soil of my forfathers, who now turn in their graves and wonder what they fought for...
FuckMuppet Report This Comment
Date: March 31, 2005 04:41PM

Yep - I know that should be forefathers, I was rushing this shit...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 31, 2005 10:44PM

FuckMuppet, for what it's worth, I hear ya; we get the same political bullshit here (U.S.) as well. It's all a big political game. Same shit...different pile.
FuckMuppet Report This Comment
Date: April 01, 2005 03:56PM

Amen, 157192 - I know you got your own troubles. It was all getting me down yesterday!
Nik Report This Comment
Date: April 16, 2005 08:20PM

I'm also a brit, who served in the forces for 9+ years, and I agree with fuckmuppet 100%. This government who 'wouldnt put up taxes' have increased council tax on an empty property from 50% to 90% of flat rate. that means that I have to pay more for my place when I'm not in it and using the system, than when I'm living in the place. Well I'm voting withmy feet, I'm emigrating to France. Property is cheap, my council tax is £150 a year instead of £1000, and for less than half the average house price in the uk, I'll have two cottages, two barns, two ponds, with fish, an orchard, and 25 acres of arable and woodland, all for £95k. Then theres all the other ripoff taxes, parking, speeding, congestion, road and fuel, I now cant even park in front of my own house or garge without being fined. [Speed ferries do a one way trip for 17 quid at present[april 05] You can rent a place in rural france for 50 quid a week. I've been self employed as a jobbing builder for 25 years, but it costs me £1000 a year for an accountant to do my taxes for me to stop the system from ripping me off. The system protects the freeloaders and punishes the workers. Well thats my gripe for today april 16 05, NOTE; Since this government has been in unemployment has gone UP by 0.6 million and over 1 million manufacturing jobs have been lost. Those re-employed from skilled jobs, what can they say? 'You want large fries with that mate?'