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Child Liberated by American Bomb
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Child Liberated by American Bomb

"a man carrying a woman"

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Comments for: Child Liberated by American Bomb
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 09:49PM

How do you know it wasn't an Iraqi insurgent suicide bomber or roadside bomb?????
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 09:52PM

Because it happened on the first day of US bombing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 10:53PM

things like this are SO speculative and circumstantial... and then it whips others into a frenzy because they take it as fact... despite the goodness of the internet, this is one of the dangers... anybody can post anything, and further "spin" subject matter to a particular purpose or political view... not a judgment, just the way information is "shared" these days...
mexican Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 11:30PM

fucking americans... any way...if this was made by "an Iraqi insurgent suicide bomber" its USA fault!!!! you morron!!! way you dont leave the fuking contry alone... the only thing that you care is the oil!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 25, 2005 11:38PM

What do you use to get around in, Pedro? An old burro and cart?
gladiatrrr3000 Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 01:03AM

Yes, there's no definete proof this was by an American bomb. She could have gotten a cold. Maybe that's just a rash. Who knows?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 01:20AM

Why doesn't anyone post pictures of the thousands upon thousands of kurdish women and children that were slaughtered by Saddam's henchmen? Or pictures of young Kuwaiti men who were dissapeared forever when Saddam's intelligence service took them away from their families after the brutal invasion of Kuwait? Or the Iraqi children who were blown to pieces by "Islamic freedom fighters" while lining up for candy? Or the Iraqi men and women who were blown up while shopping at the market? Simple, because some people have a very narrow politically motivated focus and ignore anything that doesn't support their agenda. On the other hand they flaunt to death anything that supports their beliefs. I have come to the conclusion that people in general are irrational, sentimental assholes who are in no way objective observers of the real world. They let their bias twist and distort their view of the world. Interesting but childish logic that because the Americans invaded Iraq they are responsible for all the disgusting things the criminals are doing over there. Yes they islamic insurgents are criminals because the overwhelming majority of Iraqis view them that way and do not support their actions. These "insurgents" cleary represent all that the average Iraqi and rational people all over the world view as criminal. I would think there is a very good possibility that a very large mob of average Iraqis would love to savagely beat anyone living in their safe democracy that feels they have the right to judge what is happening on the streets of Iraq today.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 01:26AM

One of the few things I have read here that make any come the bleeding heart that posted the pic of the child have to be balanced posted pics of the children's prisons in Saddam's Iraq? Cuz it would have not registered in that simpleton's childlike mind. How many children were brutalized by Saddam? Huh? You don't care? Didn't think so.
madmex Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 02:10AM

SADDAM was bad .SO what! Let him kill them all for i fukn care. I am a liberal and thats my stance. Why do you care about what Saddam did. Only one that had a problem with him was people who wanted control overhis oil. More people die in Afraica, why aint we helping them. if your a Republican then Jesus and Pals are your best supporters. When did you become so weak........Some Rockn Roller you are.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 03:09AM

Fucking Mexicans, dont seem to know what the hell is going on in their own backyard, never mind the world, maybe we should bomb them, ( kidding ) but when I see such dumbass comments like from mexican1685, you gotta wonder, well actually you dont, he's an asshole
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 04:46AM

mexico is a shithole and we have a mexican criticizeing the U.S.? when millions of mexicans swarm here every year? how many americans slip across the border to work and live in mexico? how can any mexican with half a fucking brain say america is fucked up. stupid mexican. stay there, ok?

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 05:28AM


There was no such thing as a child's prison under Saddam. Saddam did not brutalize children. He kept adults that threatened his regime in prison. That way the US authorities aided him in doing.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 05:36AM

I think mexican1685 aught to wake up and smell the coffee, instead of smoking his loco weed. If he thinks the US is so bad and we should get out of Iraq, maybe we should also get out of Mexico and sent ALL the illegal Mexicans back, sort of an ethnic clensing, then see what happens to him and his country. They buy propane from us at 18cents a gallon and we have to pay $30 for a lousy 5 gallon tank. Who is getting the margin over there? What would they do for jobs?, make adobe bricks? The only reason they have not been overrun by the communist element is because they are so close to the US. Otherwize they would be rounded up and slaughtered off like Castro did the insurgents when he took over Cuba. He really sounds like one of those bleeding heart liberals that smoked so much weed his brain can only think that he is the only one with a lick of sense. I have a good suggestion, Mr. Mexican1685, go over to Syria or Jourdan and live there, strap one of those bombs on your goofy ass and go out into town and show those Syrians and/or Jourdanians just how important you really are. You seem to know all about the reasons for all this foolishness, go do something about it. In fact, I can bet you that we could get a collection up to finance your adventure. If you are game, get back to us in this column and show us where the bear shits in the woods!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 05:49AM

You kids don't see the underlying point: It's not "republican" or "democrat"... it's fucking capitalism. It is an economic system based on constant exploitation.

It needs new feeding grounds, always. Sometimes we can stall it, by giving it the "digital market" or new products that people are fool enough to buy, but other times it will infect new parts of the globe in order to make more money.

THAT's the hand that is guiding policy in Iraq.. money.

The "Market" needs money, and Iraq is the key to breaking open the very tightly controlled Middle Eastern economies. Iraq was out and out command-economy under Saddam. Saudi Arabia is state-controlled too. Iran? Same thing.

American corporations want arab money.

All the bullshit about "us" and "them" is largely invented (and manipulated) into keeping the rest of us divided.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 06:00AM

Why don't they show pictures of Americans liberated by brown eyed people wearing bombs??? Only because the liberals and Democrats in America want the America to loose. They have lost the last two elections and they are slowly decaying from the inside, what a bunch of loosers. 86 percent of Americans believe in God, why do we have to listen to a lousy 14 percent. Democrats and the French have a lot in common, LOOSERS!!
When is the last time either of you won a war? Another point, You cannot negotiate freedom. All wars do not end up with the good guys winning, but with the right tools and the right reasons, the good guys will win. If opression was so popular, why don't all you liberals go over to Ruanda? If opression was so popular why did the USSR fold?
It is very unfortunate that children should die in war or in peace. When they die in war, usually it is because of the decisions of an opressive government trying to hang on or to establish itself. I do not see why people in the freedom of America think it is right and proper for the opressive insurgents of the mideast to kill everyone that does not believe like they do. If you think opression is good, I pity your family. I have seen opressive parents die in old age and the family cheers and throws a party in celebration of their death. You want to stop the war? Tell the insurgents to stop bombing and killing and get a job in a cheese factory or something and let the country rebuild. Simple as that.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 06:18AM

Well Anonymous@1485, I have a degree in commerce, and I can definitely say you have no clue what you are talking about. You are one of the many people that "think" you know a whole lot by watching TV or something, but apparently have a very limited knowledge of things like economic theory. With human nature what it is, ignorance always leads to conspiracy theories and "guessing" based on emotional gut feeling on very complex issues. The entire "war for Oil" theory is a classic example. The ignorant simply grasp at the first thing that they feel is going on without ANY substantiation. It is amazing how strongly these people stand by their convictions when they must know they don't have a thorough understanding of the issue. Money isn't the evil you make it out to be. It simply represents a person creating something valuable. Capitalism needs people to create things in order to have the things we take for granted. Otherwise we would still be living in caves. Under capitalism, every free person is allowed to create whatever wealth they are capable of, and every free person is allowed to trade their wealth for whatever they want. Their trades represent an economic vote and therefore capitalism is basically an extension of democracy, in that every single person is free to have their say on the economy through their work and purchasing behavior. Essentially this is a classic argument of individual freedom and state control of the individual. Certain personality types will polarize and gravitate towards both positions. Some personality types feel a need for authoritarian control over everything and others value freedom.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 06:49AM


Anonymous@1485's conclusion is on point even if he didn't explain it well.

American corporations want arab money.
fuk_bush Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 06:50AM

r u stupid yankee doodle fucks suggesting that american bombs dont kill children, do u believe your smart bombs know the differance???u dummies still believe 911 was a terrorist attack ,it was the biggest insurance fraud in history ,building 7 sez it all .....america u suck the biggest cocks of all!!!!
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 06:52AM

ok......Thank you dick head, that was from a God - forbid.....INFIDEL!!!!!
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 08:58AM

Don't use my name "79212". I can place my own thoughts w/o your input!
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 09:00AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 04:14PM

aDCBeast@11515, it is so simple to just say "American corporations want Arab money" isn't it? It is more difficult to actually back the statement up though. The more education one gets in such matters, the more one starts to realize that issues like these cannot be reduced down to black and white like you are doing. The issues are enormously complex and the average person just cannot fathom it, and therefore compensates by filling in their huge gaps of knowledge with conjecture completely determined by their political and philosophical leanings. First of all, from a geopolitical strategy point of view, it is very prudent for our leaders to encourage those that control a VITAL world resource to trade it for fair market value. There is NOTHING MALEVOLENT about that. If they did not do so they would be simply be incompetent and remiss in their duties to protect and improve our society. (thank god people like you are not making the big decisions for our societies) Demanding that someone trade at fair market value is not stealing. If so, then I guess the western world has been stealing fairly priced Toyotas from Japan for far too long. Of course the difference between Toyotas and oil is that oil is a scarce non-renewable resource that is the backbone behind a modern civilization. Most people do not understand how incredibly important energy is to their own standard of living. It goes WAY beyond making our cars move. Modern industry is the largest consumer of energy. The modern world cannot afford to allow extremist sociopathic tyrants to control and blackmail society with this vital resource. So I see nothing wrong with encouraging moderate, reasonable, and rational regimes in oil producing regions, the ends being to obtain oil for FAIR MARKET VALUE.
mexican Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 04:30PM

hahaha yeah of course... its incredible how blind are all the fucking "americans".... i dont know why im saying "americans" because the word "americans" is for all the peoble of north, south and the center of the continent "america". not just US....

"Anonymous@6029" if all the illegal Mexicans are returned to our contry. your country will be fucked up!... the mexican people have a very important role in your economy... you shoud read before you "talk shit"... and you shoud START thinking... "way all the world hate your country?"... thats becuse you do shit arround the world... you do some good stuff too... but mostly you do shit!!!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 04:56PM



A president that uses the military in an illegal occupation and takeover of a country to line the pockets of his daddy's friends is wrong.

The true "nice going dumbass" will come in a few years when Iraq breaks out into civil war because Iran wants to Annex southern Iraq. And the US will be powerless because the Russians and Chinese will be defending Iran.

American corporations want arab money. Thank you for simplifying the more complex statements I made earlier. Rush Limbaugh thinking is lame.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 05:20PM

"On August 26, 2005, 12:28 am aDCBeast@11515 said :


There was no such thing as a child's prison under Saddam. Saddam did not brutalize children. He kept adults that threatened his regime in prison. That way the US authorities aided him in doing."

You are more ignorant that I ever supposed. There WERE children's prisons in Iraq.

Have you ever heard of Google? Next time you want to be an ignorant jackass, try Google first.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 05:46PM

Anonymous@95205 said:
- "Capitalism needs people to create things in order to have the things we take for granted. Otherwise we would still be living in caves. Under capitalism, every free person is allowed to create whatever wealth they are capable of, and every free person is allowed to trade their wealth for whatever they want. Their trades represent an economic vote and therefore capitalism is basically an extension of democracy, in that every single person is free to have their say on the economy through their work and purchasing behavior. Essentially this is a classic argument of individual freedom and state control of the individual. Certain personality types will polarize and gravitate towards both positions. Some personality types feel a need for authoritarian control over everything and others value freedom."

This is all very nice and ideological, but irrelevant. The fact is that the underlying mechanism of a positive-interest exchange medium requires that some people will lose out.

Basically, the economic system we have inherited (from the midieval age of expansion and exploration) forces either bankruptcy, or requires slave-type labor.

This is because interest money has to come from somewhere. Some have the power to make interest payments work for them, and their investments gain them extra capital (that they didn't actually work for, btw), while other people are on the ass-ream end of interest payments.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 06:13PM

Let me offer a simplistic example:

10 people in a tiny village barter. Chickens for beans, knitting for pots, etc.

But barter is limited, each person has to have what the other person wants.

Walks into town an interesting person. He says: "Here, let me help. Each of you take 10 of these 'coins', and they will allow you to trade with each other for anything you desire."

This is great, the 10 villagers can now simply 'buy' whatever they want, and the method of exchange is greatly enhanced.

The stranger says, "I will return in one year, and I want each of you to bring me 11 coins. The 11th coins is a token of appreciation for the technological improvement I have made in your lives."

In one year's time, the stranger returns.

Where does the 11th coin each person must produce come from?

This is the mechanism of positive-interest. Some people get screwed. This is the essence of capitalism.

I'll bet your Commerce degree never touched on that fundamental problem.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 07:44PM


"It appeared to be" appeared is someone's opinion. Not fact.

LOL !!!!!

Propaganda. Like I said. There was NEVER a children's prison under Saddam.

Maybe you shouldn't you google any more. It's proving you can't figure out what is fact or fiction.
usa_sucks Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 08:08PM

ok... let me under stand...

""You are more ignorant that I ever supposed. There WERE children's prisons in Iraq.

Have you ever heard of Google? Next time you want to be an ignorant jackass, try Google first.""

if i found something in google it has to be true??? if in the news said something it has to be true?? because in the news and in google, they said that the USA are murdering peopple around the world... why you dont try... or, or, or just see the news around the world you fucking idiot!!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 08:16PM

aDCBeast, I think you are nitpicking to prop up a very dubious viewpoint and you are missing the point. Saddam was without question a sociopathic Stalin-type brutal dictator. Without question, he had put to death many good people, including children. Again, people like you only point out the little evidence that supports your theories and ignore the overwhelming majority of evidence that goes against your theories. In stastics terms, this would be called making judgements based on "outliers" while ignoring the modal or most frequent data. Obviously this will lead to extremely flawed determinations. This is typical of people who have an agenda and are determined to see what they want to see in the world. This can hardly be called an objective viewpoint. Just like people who point out the rare events of accidental bombing deaths while ignoring the thousands of lives saved by the elimination of a sociopathic regime.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 26, 2005 11:32PM


That simply isn't true. Or most accurately, Saddam was not as bad as the US propaganda machine made him out to be. Saddam was always at the mercy of the US. Meaning he could be taken from power in a moments notice.

You have to remember. If we blame Saddam for keeping the kurds and shia in line by means of torture (Saddam did live mostly on myth and tales to prop him up) that you would be blaming him for doing the the US government wanted and instructed him to do.

That should not be a revelation. You do know that the shia are the same strand of islam as Iran. And the clerics that Iraqi shia listen to are Iranian. Saddam stabilized the region be not allowing shia (Iraqi and Iranian) to control 50% of the worlds oil supply.

That is why allowing the shia to control Iraq now is a blunder on Bush's part. The shia have no reason to share with sunnis. Sunnis remember all too well how shia tortured them earlier this century.

Muslim clerics will pressure the shia to be annexed to Iran very soon. Hence a civil war. And possibly US intervention on behalf of the "insurgents" we are currently fighting.
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2005 07:54AM

Hey, I "Googled" "aDCBeast", and all I got was a return that said "traitor". Wow, go figure. I want to know where you live you piece of shit, speak up!!!!!!!!!!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2005 05:25PM


Wow.. did you think of that all by yourself ?

my office:

935 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC

Come on down.
McSugarman Report This Comment
Date: September 05, 2005 10:21PM

slslea Report This Comment
Date: September 10, 2005 04:18AM

Kick his ass dcbeast. O yeah that was proboley a suicide bomber that hurt that poor little girl.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 28, 2005 09:39AM


No. She was killed in one of the first days of the american invasion of Iraq.