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b day
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    b day

"a woman standing on a ledge"

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uploader: dv8. date: 2009-06-28
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uploader: dv8date: 2009-06-28
Comments for: b day
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 28, 2009 07:05PM

This pic reminds me of a trip a group of us made to Hooters one night. A buddy of mine had his 3yo boy Matthew with him and about 4 or 5 waitresses came over and we're fawning over little Matthew as he was sittin there in his high chair. Anyway, at one point all these chics were bent over in a semi-circle behind his chair and Matthew just laid his head back and had a grin from ear to ear as he rolled his head side to side takin it all in .... lucky lil puck smileys with beer

Onyma Report This Comment
Date: June 28, 2009 07:51PM

lol At 3 he was probably still thinking "lunch!" Hell, at 39 I'd still be thinking "lunch!" winking
FrostedApe Report This Comment
Date: June 28, 2009 08:47PM

Hot wings, beer, sports, and boobs. Should be a fairly bullet-proof business, right? Ours still managed to go out of business, after only a few years. It was an awesome place for Sunday football, and is missed. I know one of the partners, and he lost a ton of money on the deal. I'm still not exactly sure what happened. He doesn't talk about it. I do know he regretted having anything to do with it, almost before the doors even opened.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 29, 2009 04:58AM

Geez, I just re-reviewed my thoughts on the above mentioned scenario and now I'm genuinely pissed!

I have never ever in my life had 4 or 5 pair of nubile young tits within literally inches of my lips and Matthew managed to pull it off by the age of 3 star wars fighting

dv8 Report This Comment
Date: June 29, 2009 05:30AM

don't be pissed, at the time his dick was only about half an inch to an inch. where as yours.....ok ok i see whow your pissed. sorry!(*facepalm*)