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Stay Tuned

"a group of people running on a street"

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Comments for: Stay Tuned
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2012 11:53AM

They are all crazy over there and our president is as well for apologizing for the film.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2012 03:09PM

Yeah, they're crazy and in the western world the crazies do this shit over sporting events, often even when they win. There are crazies everywhere.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2012 03:11PM

Fucking idiots.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2012 10:50AM

I agree there are idiots who get stupid over sporting events but our idiots don't want to murder everyone from the opposing team's state. The idiots in the middle east want to kill everyone in the US and then everyone who isn't muslem. We have a right to call Mohammed anything we want just as much as anyone else has a right to say God is not real if they want to. We don't have to agree with it but we do not have a right to riot over it or threaten anyone for saying it.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2012 02:58PM

Since Obutthead likes to apologize so much I posted this apology to the muslims on my facebook page last night.

Dear batcrap crazy members of the Muslim faith,

I’m really sorry you’re unable to understand that in a democracy, even one that’s been as diluted as the one in the U.S., everyone is entitled to say whatever they want. Even idiots with no talent are able to make obnoxious films such as “Innocense of Muslims” (see also “Honey Boo Boo” and “Jersey Shore”) without fear of reprisal - it’s called “freedom of speech”. So if you really do intend to form a free nation then you need to grow the kind of balls it takes to listen to something you don’t want to hear and remain calm instead of just lashing out and hurting people like bratty children. You have a choice now to become enlightened members of the brotherhood of man or return to the dark ages of your own brotherhood of repression. So again, I’m sorry you’re being so selfish and mean spirited over something that would just go away if you’d not lend it such notoriety, and remember that if you expect your voices to be heard then you should grant that everyone’s voices be heard even if you hate what they are saying.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2012 03:22PM

that's their scapegoat excuse for a 9-11 riot party
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2012 03:46PM

Very true but if their scapegoat excuse is invalidated then they have no excuse at all for being such idiots.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2012 04:28PM

You can't talk sense to senseless people.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2012 05:54PM

it is amazing that you are not grasping the fact that this started on the anniversary of 9-11? are you that fucking stupid?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 15/09/2012 05:55PM by fossil_digger.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2012 06:07PM

Who the fuck are you talking to? Everyone here knows that fact.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2012 06:22PM

i thought " You can't talk sense to senseless people." was directed at me. i was about to jump down your throat for being the stupidest mother fucker on the planet.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2012 06:40PM

Not in any way was that directed at you or anyone else here. I meant the Stupid Muslims killing people for no good goddamned reason. Kinda what they like to do, isn't it? You can't talk sense to them.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 02:07AM

11th September 1973 is a lot more significant than what you Americans commemorate on that day.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 10:32AM

maybe we should just nuke the entire middle east and then figure out how to get the radiation out of the oil and use it ourselves. Then all the drama will be over and OPEC can't hold the oil over our heads any longer. I am getting tired of chasing that carrot on a stick. Our damned president will never do anything to help America so it is time to dump him and try someone new.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 02:21PM

That's not gonna work JG.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 03:16PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 03:27PM

Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 03:36PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 03:38PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 03:40PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 03:41PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 03:42PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 03:52PM

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 07:35PM

You wanna go back to a monarchy?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 09:14PM

hell no! what the hell would give you that idea?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2012 09:30PM

although....."it's good to be the king".
downdrinking smileythumbs
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 03:11AM

1. It would be wise to know the sources and context you quote not just the snippets that you like. Plato was definitely not pro-democracy but favored a philosophical aristocracy, a philosopher king.

2. Yeah, as long as you are the king... but then you have to constantly on guard against others who would depose you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 17/09/2012 03:14AM by BlahX3.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 03:58AM

just because i like some of Plato's quotes, along with a bunch of other people (some communists), does not mean i completely agree with all of their philosophies. i have yet to find that person.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 04:21AM

Albert Einstein had a good follow up to that one from Plato:

“In a healthy nation there is a kind of dramatic balance between the will of the people and the government, which prevents its degeneration into tyranny.”
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 04:25AM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 04:35AM

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
-John F. Kennedy-
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 10:46AM

Maybe Israel should attack Iran to stop it nuclear progress, Our president will never do anything to stop Iran. Maybe more anti-Mohammed films should be made here in the US to show everyone just what the middle east is and just how non-peaceful their religion truly is.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 12:01PM

In recent years there have been many examples of legislation that has run afoul of support by the people. This of course points to a failing within our system as our governmental representatives are elected and sent to their respective offices to lobby and vote for legislation representative of their constituents will.

Once the public will is subverted by legislators in lieu of what they determine is "best for us" instead, tyranny is already afoot, and in the case of some recent legislation been implemented, not just afoot, but moving forward at an Olympian pace hot smiley

Regarding the recent "Muslim Spring" and Obozos having lent the USs' military might as well as covert operatives support to help undermine other countries governments (the end result of which is now coming home to roost with the vengeance I had anticipated), it once more points to his own Muslim underpinnings, which he continues to vehemently deny, though to anyone with more than 2 or 3 brain cells rollin around in their cranial cavity, his Muslim roots seem more than obvious.

The Muslim faith is a plague upon humanity and the continuation of the progression of mankind. If anyone could make a reasonable case contrary to that statement I'd be all ears.

So far all I have heard from Muslim supporters are lies and statements intended to misdirect public opinion and perception of their stated "religion of peace", which again, any thinking human can tell is hardly that in reality (*facepalm*)

woberto Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 01:37PM

I see all of the major religions the same way. It's a population war.
Popping out kids like there's no tomorrow, just so they can become the majority.
There is no hope for Anglo-Saxons with no religion. We won't make it another hundred years.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 08:02PM

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2012 09:48PM

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 01:00AM

Right there with ya 'Berto!

Personally I view all religion as counterproductive to the progression of man in general. Religion as a whole has done more to stymie world peace and the furtherment of science than any other force on the planet (*facepalm*)

Said it before, but it still bears repeating .... if I were like the dude in The Lathe of Heaven I'd do my best to dream of the abolition of all religions drinking smiley

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 04:32AM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 04:56AM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 11:08AM

While I do agree that organized religion is counterproductive and I don't hold with any of them myself, I do not believe they should be abolished. Freedom of religion is everyone's right and should never be taken away. We are having too many rights removed already and to remove this one will allow all others to be more easily removed. To abolish religion would be the other side of the coin with countries who require all to be Islam. If religion is to be abandoned it should be a personal choice and not something that should be forced by government or other people.
lost84 Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 05:41PM

religion is bad and you know it !
1337 Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 05:49PM

the people who run this world do not believe in islam or christ.

now thing for yourself , why is this stuff beeing taught to all the kids ...

understand ?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 07:26PM

It is the lazy and non-thinking way to either use religion for an excuse or as a scapegoat. Both sides are playing the same game.

Think about this, the world is not the same as it was even 50 years ago, much less so than it was 200, 800, 2000 or 3000 years ago. The ideas developed then are no longer valid. The same holds true for philosophy, sociology and politics. It is a very different world. We either learn and grow with it or get swallowed up in it. The same old ideas aren't working. The dead horse has been beaten into a frothing, gelatinous mass.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 09:47PM

Out of curiosity, how many of you have actually seen the trailer on Youtube that is supposedly the big deal over?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 09:54PM

i've seen it (*facepalm*)
woberto Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 10:00PM

I never look for things that are hyped up. I just don't care.
Same for Kate Middletons boobs, and even 2 girls 1 cup.
You know what it's going to be so why fuel the hype?
Poor Mohammed gets picked on much more that Jesus, Buhda or LRon.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 18, 2012 10:26PM

I watched it. Idiotic and poor production. Yes, it portrays Mohammed and Islam in a very bad way but it's obvious baiting and idiots are taking the bait. Any reasonable person would say. "that's ridiculous and you're an asshole for making it," and then move on, as I suspect the majority of Muslims are doing.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 02:18AM

I saw a comedy skit about breastfeeding adolescent children.
It was fuckin' hilarious!
I am fully aware that mothers that do this would be offended. So what?
Am I a bad person?
Should the creepy breastfeeders chuck a riot?
Should it be an election issue?
I don't think so.
But the media would on a slow news day.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 04:14AM

It is the lazy and non-thinking way to either use religion for an excuse or as a scapegoat. Both sides are playing the same game.

I would agree that siding with any religion one has been indoctrinated into is the lazy approach to finding anything resembling the truth. It takes a lot more energy to sift through the fantastical bullshit that passes for faith based ideology embraced by about 95% of the worlds population and deduce it's exactly that, fantastical bullshit.

As for using it as a scapegoat, well really, how hard is that when nearly every war ever fought has roots in religion? Even if one claims that statement itself is an untruth (though facts do prove otherwise), how hard is it for anyone to see how much ill will and derision amongst mankind differing religious factions add into the mix?

Lastly, no, I'm not playin the same game as faith based folks do. They only disagree with differing religions, while I disagree with ALL of 'em as ludicrous fantasies embraced by people with nothing more to base their belief on but faith. I'll take fact over faith every time.

While I can't provide factual evidence there is no god, that's really not required as I'm not trying to claim there IS one, much less one that can NOT be proven to even exist that I will still blindly accept the existence of simply ON faith alone, that's the believers job, not mine (matrix)

Think about this, the world is not the same as it was even 50 years ago, much less so than it was 200, 800, 2000 or 3000 years ago. The ideas developed then are no longer valid. The same holds true for philosophy, sociology and politics. It is a very different world. We either learn and grow with it or get swallowed up in it. The same old ideas aren't working. The dead horse has been beaten into a frothing, gelatinous mass.

While the world and those in it are constantly changing, philosophy from many hundreds of years ago is as valid today as it's ever been, while I'll agree to sociology and politics as more evolutionary in scope as society itself changes.

While many religions have been bent to more neatly meet the changing mores and lifestyles of their believers, most do so as a way of drawing more folks in than as a way of evolving in the core beliefs they hold true and even then, most of any such changes are embraced by fringe factions of religions while most hardcore believers tend to hold to more rigid ideas initially set forth by their chosen faith.

If there's any dead horses to be considered here I'd say religion IS that horse, 'cept that sadly it AIN'T dead (*facepalm*)

To JG, it would seem that perhaps you haven't seen The Lathe of Heaven (and if not I'd recommend the original version over the newer one). In the film if the main character dreamed of something, when he awoke, what he dreamed was how the world was and it was if it had always been that way, so no one knew any different.

In that sense, my statement of the "abolition of religion" would not be depriving anyone of their faith, but simply mean that in everyones minds, religion had never existed at all, which I would see as the best possible scenario winking

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 11:05AM

But if it were as if religion never existed then there would be nothing to be abolished so your satisfaction would never exist. While I do believe in God and Jesus I do not believe in any organized religion and there are those who would like to outlaw any form of religious belief even merely the belief in God. I don't believe in the Islamic religion but I do not believe it should be outlawed and I would fight against any such law against any religion simply because there are freedoms which should never be taken away. Which freedom would everyone fight to keep, freedom of speech, right to keep and bear arms or freedom of religion? Do we have any freedoms left? We should all fight for our rights and freedoms even if we do not use them or we will lose them.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 12:42PM

JG .... in the movie only the main character remembered how things had been before his dreams changed them, hence my satisfaction would be known, at least to myself.

If you believe in the concept of Judeo-Christianity then you do in turn also embrace organized religion, whether you choose to do so in private or by visiting a temple to do so publicly.

I didn say I wanted to outlaw any religion, nor do I take issue with anyones right to worship anything they so choose to, with two caveats.
So long as ones chosen religion poses no threat to anyone but the believer themselves, it's all good.

If ya wanna worship 2 headed snakes and believe accepting personal daily bites from your serpent god is the path to enlightenment, it's all good from here.

However, if your belief also proposes that others must accept the same bites, your faith has then crossed a line that I see as unreasonable.

The second one is that if your faith proposes you should harm others who don't embrace your faith, again I will say you've crossed one bridge too many for me to view your faith as reasonable drinking smiley


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 19/09/2012 12:51PM by Mrkim.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 01:53PM

Damn, Kim, if I didn't know better I'd think my youngest kid was yours; he sounds just like you. Were you in Florida in June of '89?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 01:56PM

does he crave hot peppers?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 03:08PM

I respectfully disagree with you Kim. Wars do not have roots in religion, they are fought over wealth, natural resources and control. Religion is propaganda used to convince people to fight, kill and die for those in power.

I think you misunderstand what I meant. Using religion as a reason to hate, discriminate or deride others is the same on either side and is based on the same thing; hating what and who is different. It doesn't really have to do with having or not having faith but of making that difference and the difference between belief systems mean more than it does and using it to justify wrong actions. It was not an accusation but an observation.

I also disagree with you concerning philosophy. It is human thought and by no means sacrosanct nor eternally valid.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 05:31PM

I do not agree that believing in God or Jesus automatically aligns you with the entire Judeo-Christian theology at all. For me it is a personal matter and based on my personal spiritual experiences which have absolutely nothing to do with anyone else at all. I reject church dogma as contrived and manipulated material. I do not accept the Bible as the infallible inspired word of God either. Based on that alone I cannot be rightfully considered a Christian by definition. It makes no difference in my relationship with God at all.

I have the same sort of beliefs concerning Buddhism. I do believe in the Buddha nature of the mind but I reject the dogma of their organized religion too and therefore cannot rightfully be called a Buddhist either. That in no way effects my relationship with my own Buddha nature either.

I could go on similarly about other spiritual teachings I have experience with but I think this is enough to get the idea across. I am a human being who thinks and has a spiritual nature. Reason and faith are not at odds within my own mind. There is certainly much I do not understand and I don't see the need to understand everything, that is a completely futile endeavor. That said there is always more to learn and understand and I do not turn away from acquiring valid knowledge either. The organized dogmas that draw an outline of God's so called plan and how things really are according to them are nothing but the height of human arrogance as far as I am concerned. I believe but not in a belief system.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 06:47PM

i'm a kind hearted agnostic Buddhist Anarchist with a kung fu grip. drinking smiley
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 06:59PM

Would that be Rudys Kung Fu Grip beer? drinking smiley

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 07:19PM

that would be the 2 finger adam's apple remover grip
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2012 11:03PM

Tiger's Claw? That requires the thumb too. I sure hope you don't actually go around doing that to people.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 20, 2012 12:20AM

melons of all sorts
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 20, 2012 12:40AM

Back to the top, JG show where Obama apologized for the stupid film. It didn't happen and I suspect you just think it did because Romney said it did. Look at the facts, not the party propaganda. There are fact centric sources still out there if you're able to recognize them.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 20, 2012 10:41AM

It was our embassy which apologized for the film which means the buck stops with Odamna. []

It is true one can believe in God and not follow any organized religion. I believe God has many names and is the same God in all religions. As for the Bible I do not believe it is a strict word of God book of laws but merely a guideline for life and should not be taken literally.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 20, 2012 01:42PM

I pretty much agree with you on the God thing but you probably know that.

The stupid thing about the film is the fuckhead that made it isn't an American in the first place. The stupid thing about the protest is that it was a cover for a planned assassination and the film was simply an excuse. The stupid thing about the government is, well, shit, there's a really long list there. I don't think the "apology" wasn't especially out of line in the interest of diplomacy but it was blown out of proportion by the Romney camp. Such things seem to happen a lot in campaigns.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 20/09/2012 02:38PM by BlahX3.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2012 09:44AM

We should never apologize to anyone for our freedoms in any way. Especially to the middle east as apologies are seen as weakness.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2012 03:01PM

It depends on how you interpret what was said. I don't see the statements as apologizing for American liberties but for the insults of the film and there is a big difference.


"An 1898 American legal textbook on defamation provides definitions of libel and slander...

For certain criminal charges of libel, such as seditious libel, the truth or falsity of the statements was immaterial, as such laws were intended to maintain public support of the government and the truth of the statements merely eroded public support more thoroughly. Instead, libel placed specific emphasis on the result of the publication. Libelous publications tended to "degrade and injure another person" or "bring him into contempt, hatred or ridicule." "

It is obvious the film fulfilled that result and is therefore libelous.

As far as it being a mid-eastern attitude of seeing an apology as a sign of weakness you're wrong, that is definitely not unique to their culture.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 21/09/2012 07:10PM by BlahX3.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 21, 2012 08:03PM

Come on you guys, put on your thinking caps. Educate yourselves, you can poke holes in my argument if you do a little research and understand what you read, just make it good enough to at least look like it will hold water smiling
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 11:32AM

It was an apology regardless of how it was worded and it was an apology for our first amendment right to free speech. If the film was libelous then it would have to be brought up in court not on the streets. There have been numerous films made poking fun at all types of people and organizations in the past and Americans never riot and kill people for them.

Jay Leno brought up a good question, if they hate us so much then why do they have so many of our flags to burn?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 01:55PM

"It was an apology regardless of how it was worded and it was an apology for our first amendment right to free speech."

That is ridiculous. Of course it matters how it was worded. It apologized for the ABUSE of our freedom of speech but not for that freedom itself.

"If the film was libelous then it would have to be brought up in court not on the streets."

There still may be court action over it. Besides that the violence didn't happen in this country. Our laws do not apply there.

"There have been numerous films made poking fun at all types of people and organizations in the past and Americans never riot and kill people for them."

Again, it didn't happen here. Your argument is invalid. Aside from that Americans have indeed rioted and done violence over a great many issues so again your argument is invalidated.

"Jay Leno brought up a good question, if they hate us so much then why do they have so many of our flags to burn?"

Just a joke, not a valid question and really has nothing to do with it.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 02:04PM

the video is a non issue....period!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 22/09/2012 02:05PM by fossil_digger.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 02:30PM

Yes, it is an issue Fossil because of the events it set in motion and the issues and questions those events raise.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 02:41PM

it's nothing more than an excuse for the current administration to use to divert attention from the real deal....the U.S.'s policies in the middle east, nothing more. any mention of the video being the problem only fuels the false flag propaganda being spewed. if you think otherwise, you are a fool.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 02:56PM

Thinking someone is a fool for thinking differently than you do makes you a fool.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 03:14PM

facts are facts fool
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 03:32PM

Facts are indeed facts and I am not a fool. You often don't bother to cite facts, you often blurt out opinions with no backup and it makes you look foolish. I don't really think that you are a fool and it puzzles me when you do that. I do think you make assumptions and form opinions (or at least state them here) based upon those assumptions and I think that is foolish but even smart people do and say stupid things sometimes.

I don't doubt that the administration manipulates and distorts information for political reasons. That is nothing new at all. Those who protest against such manipulation and distortion most often do the same thing themselves. It's the same game.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 03:45PM

links are rarely facts in my or your eyes, so what would be the point?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 04:14PM

The point is thinking about things and talking about them. I often feel like it is a waste of time too but it seems better than just giving up and throwing up our hands. There is a chance we might actually come to some sort of realization if we at least try to educate ourselves and prompt each other to do likewise. Even if the goal is out of reach I think we should still at least keep it in sight and keep trying anyway.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 04:19PM

of course i have opinions, most are highly researched, but i will rarely post my sources as some are not "reliable" to others.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 22, 2012 04:47PM

Well, you know by now that I don't go in for the conspiracy kinds of things but actual academic and scientific sources are more meaningful to me. However I actually question that stuff too. Conjecture, speculation and assumptions don't hold much weight in my mind and I do have to admit that some sources I tend to dismiss as political banter and distortions of information and are nothing more than propaganda. That doesn't mean that they have nothing valid to say at all and I have to watch myself to keep from doing that sort of thing. I have to remind myself at times that the thoughts and opinions of others are no more or less valid than my own but I think that questioning something that appears to be conjecture, speculation and assumption is a good thing to do. I don't just automatically believe something is true because I want to believe it is true.

Free speech is a bitch, isn't it? Free thinking isn't that difficult though.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2012 11:27AM

The film is not an issue it is humor and nothing more. Are we to say Islam is off limits for humor? Then so to should all religions be off limits to humorists? Race is already off limits for humor unless the comedian is of the same race. If we keep whittling away at our freedom of speech then we will eventually lose that as well. This film was merely the excuse they used over there but if the film didn't exist they would have used some other excuse to riot and kill people. The people of the middle east do not like any who are not Islam and America is the largest of the infidels they wish to destroy.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2012 12:33PM

I agree with you but just because something is possible doesn't make it a good idea. In the case of the film I don't necessarily see the maker's intent only as humor. It was intended to offend Muslims.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2012 12:31PM

if Muslims weren't so easily offended then the makers probably wouldn't have even tried.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2012 01:35PM

fuck the Muslim riot mentality! you have the right to be offended...that's it. you do not have the right to riot, burn down Christian churches, kidnap or kill people of other faiths, try them in a Sharia law court, threaten to wipe Israel off the map ( which they will never irradiate their holy land, so that's a joke of a threat) or any other totally brain dead action on the name of your false prophet (whether you consider him real or not).

i piss on Muhammed and his goat faced momma. (*finger*)
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2012 03:00PM

Sure it is stupid of them but it sure doesn't make any sense to provoke them.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2012 04:42PM

what are they gonna do burn and stomp on some flags? maybe burn their own shit down? maybe they'll try to attack another spy base embassy? oooooooooooooooooooo
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2012 04:42PM

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2012 05:39PM

Kill more innocent people.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2012 04:27AM

spys are not innocents
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2012 10:19AM

Certainly is odd how often we hear about that "religion of peace". Strangely enough, it's usually preceding or following some act of violence (*facepalm*)

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2012 05:36PM

I don't think that is strange at all, it is an important time to accentuate peace when there has been violence.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: September 30, 2012 10:59AM

Sorry I've been gone so long, gall bladder removed week in hospital.

There will never be peace in the middle east, they don't know how to do it.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: September 30, 2012 12:15PM

refer to my comment in this thread for a reality check: []
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: October 01, 2012 02:55AM

I hope your doing well JG.

Just because they don't know how to go about it doesn't mean they can't learn.

FD: an opinion is not a fact nor reality.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/2012 02:57AM by BlahX3.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 01, 2012 03:25AM

simple reality, Blurf, whether it's YOUR opinion or not, it is reality.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: October 01, 2012 06:13AM

Just because we believe something is true does not mean that it is reality. Thinking it only makes it so for you.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 01, 2012 11:23AM

After all these centuries peace has never been learned in the middle east so what make anyone think they ever will learn. Put a man in the middle east with a loud speaker saying Mohammad is a child abuser and a man in the US saying Christianity is full of pedophiles and see which one lives longer.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 01, 2012 01:07PM

Any society that accepts intolerance of free speech as righteous action simply points to it's lack of overall intellectual capacity. One that does so with intolerance based on religious reasoning just brings that fact even further to the forefront (*horse*)

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 01, 2012 01:34PM

radical Islam wanting to implement a world wide Islamic Caliphate is a fact, Blurf, no matter how you try to sidestep the truth
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2012 11:36AM

Here in America most of us support our troops even though we are not members (not counting the peace love hippies). Would it not be logical to assume that in the middle east it could be the same with radical Islam being compared to our military in that most people in the middle east support radical Islam even though they may not be members of it? I am not saying Radical Islam is like our military but only that it might get the same support that our military gets with us. In that sense then most of the middle east may well be radical and there is no real way of knowing.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2012 02:18PM

That's good thinking JG. Anyone who believes that someone with a gun is fighting for them is pretty likely to support them. They need educating eh?

Christianity has a long history of trying to implement theocracy though violence too, and for long periods of time accomplished just that in Europe and much of the Mediterranean. Historically speaking, Islam is a relatively newer religion and maybe they will grow out of that shit in time. I certainly hope so.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2012 02:34PM by BlahX3.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2012 02:41PM

Blurf, Islam has been fighting against the Christian and catholic crusde for 1000+ years. (*facepalm*)
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2012 06:04PM

No shit Sherlock. It takes two to tango. It hasn't been a one way street either ya know. On the surface it seems like the majority of Christians have grown past the Crusades phase. Or have they? Some say they haven't.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2012 06:56PM

i was replying to; "Historically speaking, Islam is a relatively newer religion"............
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2012 08:29PM

It is newer. What point are you trying to make?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 02, 2012 08:47PM

that it matters not how new it is. what matters is that they have been at war with Christians and Catholics for 1000+ years, and it will most likely go for another 1000 years.
why do i have to spell it out for you every time? you're not stupid. (*facepalm*)
woberto Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2012 02:11AM

An eye for an eye doesn't work with Nations or religions.
You can never trace these things back to any one action.
You need to break the cycle.
Start by nuking Israel and the rest of the middle east back to the stoneage.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2012 11:09AM

Because we support our military the middle east consider all of us enemies and the radicals will attack all of us, but yet we try not to target innocent civilians. When we do occasionally kill innocent civilians our people back here protest, but when their "military" kills innocent civilians they celebrate in the streets. So how are we supposed to have compassion for the people when we see little or no objection to their killing of our civilians?

I don't like agreeing with wobie but with the exception of nuking Israel I do agree a little. But let's just start by killing Iran and see what happens then.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 03, 2012 09:29PM