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Comments for: no help
Republifucks Report This Comment
Date: April 01, 2005 02:22AM

Like George Carlin said (about military intelligence) 30 years ago: The concept is oxymoronic.
Stiffler Report This Comment
Date: April 01, 2005 03:02AM

Bush and his cronies needed a scapegoat for their WMD's fuck up and the CIA is apparantly it. It was only a matter of time before this bullshit hit the news wires. I've been wondering who would take the fall.
Anthony Report This Comment
Date: April 01, 2005 05:26AM

I just read about some interview Colin Powell gave in Germany. He was really embarassed about going to the United Nations with faulty information. Powell said he was “furious and angry” that he had been misinformed about Iraq’s stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and said “It was information from our security services and from some Europeans, including Germans. Some of this information was wrong. I did not know this at the time,” he told the magazine. Hundreds of millions followed it on television. I will always be the one who presented it. I have to live with that.”

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 01, 2005 06:21AM

Yea Anthony I read that too but this report is why I posted Four-and-a-half years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the US intelligence community remains in many ways a bureaucracy in chaos.
The CIA, the FBI, and other agencies involved in espionage and intelligence analysis are still adjusting to such major changes as the the new National Counterterrorism Center. As yet, there's no new director of national intelligence in place - nominee John Negroponte's Senate confirmation hearings don't begin until later this month.And now forceful criticism from a new source is stirring the intelligence pot again. A presidential commission on Thursday outlined 74 more changes for a community it says knows "disturbingly little" about the threats facing the country. The latest panel to offer its say on US intelligence is officially known as the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction. Headed by Senior US Appeals Court Judge Laurence Silberman and former Sen. Charles Robb (D) of Virginia,The panel's report is harsh in its judgment of the performance of US intelligence prior to the war in Iraq, saying it was "dead wrong" in most of its judgments regarding Saddam Hussein's purported weapons of mass destruction.

Implicitly, the report absolves the administration of politicizing intelligence prior to the war, saying that CIA briefers told the White House "what they believed."

The panel also studied current US intelligence about the WMD programs of North Korea and Iran, among others. While the unclassified version of its report says little about this subject, a cover letter addressed to Mr. Bush states that "the bad news is that we still know disturbingly little about the weapons programs and even less about the intentions of many of our most dangerous adversaries."

Stiffler Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2005 04:34AM

The CIA told the White House "what they believed" and this boils down to paranoia on their part. No matter what the UN or anybody else said, the US was going to find out for themselves, in their own way, come hell or high water, what was going on over in Iraq. I want to know, now that there is nothing there, who is going to pay for this massive gaff?

If this was any other country that did this the US would be all over them like a cheap suit, pointing it's big, holier than thou, finger at them but since the US has done this themselves they no doubt will sweep it under the rug like it's no big deal.

This kind of thing falls under foreign policy which is what pisses the rest of the world off about the US. Then the American people wonder why it is that they are so unpopular with the rest of the world.

Just because you have the most to lose doesn't give you the right to treat the rest of the world like shit.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2005 05:24AM

well said Stiffer