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Comments for: Religion + War = 1
SkullandChains Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2007 05:47AM

SOMEONE has to root out the evil.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2007 06:35AM

Look in the mirror....
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2007 06:40AM

^^^^^ Really S&K? ^^^^^

Zealots all share the same agenda ..... they ALL know what's best for everyone else and ..... if you have any doubts, just ask one, they'll surely tell ya eye
rolling smiley

Funny how you can imbue some lame-o with an imaginary friend and all of a sudden they think they have the answers to all of mankinds problems ... sheesh angry


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 16/11/2007 06:41AM by Mrkim.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2007 12:55PM

There are plenty of us who believe in God but go about our business and never try to shove it down anyone's throat. The belief is not what makes someone a zealot, it is the organized religion which does it. Leave the church and stop letting the church brainwash you.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2007 04:38PM

But if everyone leaves the church, then, by the next generation most of the beliefs would drift away, no structure and things get watered down. Why do you think they push so hard, guilt, fear, the unknown.eye
popping smiley

Which is fine, believing in Myth gets humans nowhere.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2007 07:56PM

next time I\m walking down the street
listening to the beat
and i see someone coming along with a god
i`m going to walk on by
I`m crossing over. nerd
SkullandChains Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2007 09:21PM

I was talking in terms of the evil in the middle east. You know, the terrorists who drew first blood and who will not stop until they are destroyed or give up. Other than that, I stand by the ol' saying, 'Live and let live'. If someone doesn't believe in god, that's their business. Don't matter to me.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 17, 2007 12:04PM

My sentiments exactly. If someone believes in any religion that is their business until they start trying to convert or kill me. No one has that right.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 18, 2007 02:29AM

IMO you cats with your imaginary friends are at least as dangerous as somone carryin a pistola. I think history will verify my analogy too. More people have died "in the name of religon" than by any other cause proportionately.

The part that really sticks in my craw is this philosophy required by all religons (and hence their supporters) is that one must have "faith" since rational logic can't seem to verify the basic tenets of their conceptual preponderances of a "god" much less the fantastical actions purported of them and their prophets/followers/sheep.

Yep, that'll do it for me alrighty ..... since no one can prove any of these cultish beliefs one must instead have "faith" in them.

Hmmm ... makes me wonder what part of their right brain functions actually DO work eye
rolling smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 18, 2007 11:43AM

"IMO you cats with your imaginary friends are at least as dangerous as somone carryin a pistola. I think history will verify my analogy too. More people have died "in the name of religon" than by any other cause proportionately."

I have a Conceal Carry Permit but I would only be dangerous if I ran across someone who was using a gun to commit a crime. Having a religious belief in itself is not at all dangerous, it is what you do with it which could be dangerous. A majority of Christians keep their beliefs to themselves and never bother anyone with it. So in this case religion is like not wearing seatbelts in your vehicle, it can only harm yourself.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 18, 2007 01:56PM

What a joke. When you believe in nothing you have a belief which is a religion. I have seen far more zealots on here that believe in nothing. They are also the first to throw stone at the people who imagine or believe there is something more than just what you see. Zealots come in all forms. Your need to insult people with belief is a true sign of your mental incapacity. Call it what you want but it sounds like arrogance, ignorance or secular humanism. If you are a good humanist than show your compassion, or are you just another misguided zealot?
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 19, 2007 04:01AM

Anonymous Wrote:
> What a joke. When you believe in nothing you have
> a belief which is a religion. I have seen far more
> zealots on here that believe in nothing. They are
> also the first to throw stone at the people who
> imagine or believe there is something more than
> just what you see. Zealots come in all forms. Your
> need to insult people with belief is a true sign
> of your mental incapacity. Call it what you want
> but it sounds like arrogance, ignorance or secular
> humanism. If you are a good humanist than show
> your compassion, or are you just another misguided
> zealot?

well said,
we must not draw a line with those that "believe the lie of a god they'll never know" - lol
my problem is not with xtians, muslims, or whatever the fuck kind of people that need to have this crutch... it is after all a need... it does help them for now
so long as they don't trie and shove it down others throats or kill in the name of their imaginary friend(s)
this is yet just another way we all are being kept divided
true it is the ultimate goal to do away with all of this pollitics/religion eventually, but for now we mustn't draw lines on that basis
however anyone that is using religion, be it muslim or christian (or whatever... even some atheists could fall into this category) fundamentalist, to terrorise other people(infedels, witches, fags etc., etc. ...) then those should be dealt with(but don't get involved in the "mccrusade/islam" either... regardless of which side you are on in that you are only serving to support the opposite side)
let's focus on improving the social conditions of the world and eventually less and less people will have any need for this crutch
this transition (to the ultimate goal) can only be acheived through a change in the economic system as well as the political system
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 19, 2007 12:47PM

Good point Shadez. Even people who believe in nothing are in fact believing in their own religion. As long as they leave others alone they can believe any way they choose. I have one question though, when you mentioned "xtians, muslims" above why did you use "x" instead of the word "Christ"? Just because you don't believe doesn't mean you can't use his name. Just because you believe he never existed dosn't mean the word no longer exists. What is the deal here?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 19, 2007 02:48PM

Uh dude, you have fallen into the same mistaken ideology most everyone believing in some religon believes about athiests in that you feel we believe in something when most of us believe in nothing in the form of a higher power at all!

Often times "people of faith" feel that because one believes there is no god, then those people must by some strange thought process align themselves with something anti-religous with the common association being made to something like demonic worship.

This is absolutely illogical when we typically state a belief in NO religon, not that we align ourselves with an anti-religous demogogary by defualt but that we just don't believe in ANY religon.

This of course leads most "people of faith" to put athiests into a category which makes us the least trusted (and most misunderstood) segment of people on the planet. We are typically treated with disdain, disgust and viewed as untrustworthy by people of all religons simply because we are not accepting of their seemingly illogical theocrasies.

As is normal in the world, free thinking is not really deemed acceptable if one chooses to go against the more common philosophies, and most especially when such philosophies are related to religon eye
rolling smiley

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2007 12:31PM

I am not saying that if you don't believe in God you must worship demons. What I am saying is that not believing in God is in itself a belief and one could call it a religion as well. If I don't try to make you believe in God then you shouldn't try to make us quit believing. OUr belief harms no one, it is what we do with our belief which could harm someone like the Islamist do. Your non belief harms no on and it is what you do with that belief which would harm someon.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2007 02:38PM

Hmmm, I fail to make the association in how not believing in any god at all can be called a religon by any stretch of the imagination. Athiesm by nature is non belief or acceptance of any religon, plain and simple.

I never request that anyone stop believing in their chosen deity, rather that they try viewing the world of possibilities from a perspective outside the bonds of the mindset I feel is typically constrained by the philosophies of religous thinking. I do hope you understand there are differing possibilities from the ones you believe and hold so dearly as truths, most especially when such "truths" require blind acceptance through faith when they become inexplicable by other means.

If you feel only other religons than your own can be harmful I suggest that you are partaking of the very dangerous fruit of religous discrimination, which is only one of the many such pitfalls of religous "right thinking" and have led to the slaughter of people holding different religous ideologies throughout time.

My own lack of religon can't possibly be harmful to others. However, my feelings are that many folks of faith can be very harmful to other folks holding different views of their particular faith as well as those like myself simply because we believe differently.

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2007 04:22PM

i think that all i'm going to say on this is:

i find it hard to believe in anything one bit without a shread of evidence of its existence.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 20, 2007 11:32PM

Unless you start to deem them dangerous or lesser than. For that matter if you go as far as what I've read on this page that they should be phased out of society you could cause harm.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: November 21, 2007 03:44PM

Mrkim Wrote:
> Uh dude, you have fallen into the same mistaken
> ideology most everyone believing in some religon
> believes about athiests in that you feel we
> believe in something when most of us believe in
> nothing in the form of a higher power at all!
> Often times "people of faith" feel that because
> one believes there is no god, then those people
> must by some strange thought process align
> themselves with something anti-religous with the
> common association being made to something like
> demonic worship.
> This is absolutely illogical when we typically
> state a belief in NO religon, not that we align
> ourselves with an anti-religous demogogary by
> defualt but that we just don't believe in ANY
> religon.
> This of course leads most "people of faith" to put
> athiests into a category which makes us the least
> trusted (and most misunderstood) segment of people
> on the planet. We are typically treated with
> disdain, disgust and viewed as untrustworthy by
> people of all religons simply because we are not
> accepting of their seemingly illogical
> theocrasies.
> As is normal in the world, free thinking is not
> really deemed acceptable if one chooses to go
> against the more common philosophies, and most
> especially when such philosophies are related to
> religon eye
rolling smiley
> smoking

It is hard to explain but I agree with MrKim. By not having a belief most people who do assume you to have an opposing stance when in fact it is not even a rejection at all, just that one does not partake. To believe in scientific theory (the universe), that neither good nor evil are inherent but that of course kindness should prevail and that we are just a form of life on a planet in space does not make a person dangerous. I just happen to be here, trying not to kill anything. Contributing when the opportunity arises. smoking