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trouble in the trailer park
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trouble in the trailer park

"a man with a mustache and a beard wearing a necklace"

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Comments for: trouble in the trailer park
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2009 12:40AM

missing words are.......wife stabbing his

this mullet actually has a wife and a girlfriend eye
popping smiley and no doubt they were fighting over him.
PrOpHeT Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2009 02:47AM

Looks like Robin Williams and Joe Dirt had a child...

pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2009 03:06AM

apparently Mr. T was in the mix also...
wrgzxc Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2009 02:55AM

Would you believe that he was living with both the wife and vitim? Gaston Gazette Gastonia NC article 6/16/2009
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2009 04:50AM

"vitim" are you the person in the picture? are you mullet man?the
finger smiley
wrgzxc Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2009 05:17AM

to dv8,
Excuse me for making a simple typographical error while using a pda to comment. No I am not the "mullet man", but I do believe he must be one of your relatives to have made such an asinine comment over a simple typo. It fits the persona of person such as you to have even made such a insulting statement. Or better yet are you simply jealous of the man for such a "distinguished" hair style or that your jealous of the man for having both a wife and a girlfriend ?
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2009 07:27AM

your excused! now let me say that i don't give a f_ck about your spelling, you, the mullet man, the stick up your ass for not taking the comment about your spelling as a joke. smoking
vrwc Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2009 02:27PM

To dv8,
You apparently would fit in with fellow in this photo. You show you tolerance and stupidity when you accept the apology and then turnabout and insult in the same posting. I did Not see "the joke" in what you posted. It was insulting and uncalled for. But your type of personality finds it a boost to your poor pitiful ego to insult and belittle other to make you seem witty and smart. I bet you mother would be proud of you for having to resort to profanity and insults. That just shows the low level of respect that you have for others and also the low tolerance you have for anyone willing to call you out for such a comment. You are the one that made the remark but instead of taking the high road and letting the matter end, you respond with more venomous and insulting comments. the comments i made were only a "joking" response to the insult you made concerning your comment.

By the way I did notice that you were the original poster of this photo, Which now reinforces my belief that this person pictured must be a relative of yours that you are proud of cause he was able to get his picture in the newspaper.

And finally to respond in the type of manner you use. F*ck YOU !!! and may all your descendants wallow in the filth of your SH*t.

finger smileythe
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finger smileythe
finger smileythe
finger smileythe
finger smiley

To the rest of the visitors of this web site I apologize for having to respond to this poster in such a manner and hope that I do not cause you to look badly on this site. I have resorted to responding to dv8 in this manner since this is the only type of response that he would with his low level of brain cells would understand and appreciate.I myself have enjoyed visiting this site for the interesting pictures that are posted here. But the intolerance of some have ruined my visits as and I hope they have not ruined yours.


TO dv8,
On a final note.We have both got our insults in and and I will now let this matter end. Insult me all you want further, I will not respond to any more post from you aim towards me and NO I am not scared to trade insults with you,just find it a waste of time and intelligence. I will let the the viewers of this web site see that if you respond with more insults and vile comments just how much of a low life A$$hole you really are.
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2009 12:35AM

person is nuttier than my ball sac!smoking
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2009 12:40AM

Can you waste intelligence? I always thought it was one of those rare things in that the more you used it the better it got.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2009 01:01AM

avengerx is a peckerhead.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2009 02:44AM

too many correctly spelled words to be avengerx...