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get that brother that you've been wanting for a long time.
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get that brother that you've been wanting for a long time.

"a group of dolls in different outfits"

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Comments for: get that brother that you've been wanting for a long time.
Katsuraki Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 03:28AM

Boom. This rocks.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 23, 2005 08:38AM

they all look like mongoloid
hosbro Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 12:26AM

u get more child support for a special needs child....terrible the truth behind the humor though....women who have no initiative (i.e. no advanced education) can pop out a baby from a college grad and suddenly he's living like he's making minimum wage while she is taken care of by any and every public help system there is...she can go to college free (with government help) and get all kinds of aid, even child care help so that she doesn't have to spend her child support money on day care...where I live the mother is automatically assumed to have custody if there is a break-up even though the father may be a better parent....the women use the baby as a bargaining chip in the battle to get back at the man for him leaving her fat, lazy, bitchy's all good till that EPT says positive so if you are young RAP THAT WILLY everytime.
hosbro Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 12:28AM

not saying the child doesn't deserve it ...the mother doesnt
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 08:17AM

interesting rant there, hosbro. So let me see, the child *does* deserve govt/society help, but the mother raising the child *doesn't*. Hmm. Isn't that a bit counter-intuitive? I mean, the mother is directly responsible for the feeding of a child, a future member of society. Shouldn't she get as much help as possible, so that she can focus on raising the child right? Doesn't saying the child *does* deserve care and attention mean that the blood mother should have the ability to give that care and attention?
Don't want a kid? use a goddam condom/ already. It's not difficult.
hosbro Report This Comment
Date: February 24, 2005 07:07PM

you obviously haven't been in this situation yet if you are a male....I busted my ass to go to college while my ex stumbled through high school barely making it through...we separate....she gets the kid...she gets all her money plus about 6k of mine ....mind u the 6k she gets is tax-free...i've already paid the taxes on its more like 8 or 9 k the end of the year she claims earned income credit (because she has no initiative to better herself), head of household and the kid....I can claim nothing...she gets back all she pays in and a coupla thousand if she has a good accountant....meanwhile I'm living offa my money less the 25% she takes and the 28% the government takes.....doesnt seem quite fair....everytime I go to my ex's house there is something new...a tv, an entertainment center, a new washer and dryer, a new computer...meanwhile I'm saving my spare change to go out on 50 cent beer the mother doesnt deserve a computer the daughter is too young to use or an extra tv with built in dvd just because she's too lazy to get up and move to the bedroom at night when she's through watching tv...u just don't know and yeah I'm ranting ...ranting and bitching have become my therapy so fuck u for commenting on something u know nothing about...yeah she went through pain getting my baby here but she only "paid" for 9, 10 months or pain continues for 18 years...21 if she goes to college....the system is messed up and people should change it but with the transfer of power (i.e. money and votes) to our new special interest minority group (single mothers) it won't happen till politician quit being pussy-whipped and fight for our cause (screwed over men fighting daily from becoming dead-beat dads due to a fucked up system)....oh yeah I forgot ....fuck u......
p.s. fuck u
p.p.s fuck u
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 02, 2005 03:47PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2005 05:43AM