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It's all coming together now
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It's all coming together now

"a man speaking into a microphone next to a flooded road"

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Comments for: It's all coming together now
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 08:05PM

It all makes sense now. Open your eyes people!

There have been more frequent and more destructive hurricanes hitting the southeast US since G.W. took office than when Clinton was the President. And what state has received MILLIONS of dollars of federal aid???? FLORIDA! Who's Governor is non other than Jeb Bush, G.W.'s brother I might add! Coincidince????? I think NOT!!!

And now, Katrina rips through, disrupting the oil production in the Gulf, driving up gas prices and further lining the pockets of the Bush oil empire. And no doubt Cheney's buddies at Halliburton will offer their services (for a nominal fee of course) to help repair all the damage to the platforms, pipelines and refineries. Another coincidince? Again, I think NOT!

For the person who was the mastermind of the government attacks (and subsequent cover-up) on the WTC and Pentagon, manipulating global weather patterns is mere CHILD'S PLAY!!

I won't be one bit surprised to find out next that BIGFOOT is part of Bush's scheme to scare environmentalists away from his logging operations in the Pacific NW.

And I'd be willing to bet that all those cattle mutilations attributed to "aliens" are just G.W.'s way of eliminating some of the competition to his cattle ranching operations! If you look into it, I'm willing to put money on the fact that a "Bush Cow" has never been abducted by the "aliens."
che2183 Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 08:27PM

i'm sure you're very pleased with your idiotic little passage but the fact is you suffering through the same idiocy as the rest of us and will be until you put all that "genius" to some constructive usage. then again maybe you can afford that million dollar tank of gas and are immune to the wars that he furthers.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 08:43PM

You got me all wrong che2183. I'm on your side! Now that I've seen the light, I believe in the Bush conspiracy theories!

Republicans = EVIL
Democrats = GOOD

Thank God Kerry is a bonafide HERO! He'll swoop in and SAVE us ALL!
che2183 Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 09:07PM

i hope you have some sort of assistant or special education teacher to keep you from drowning in your own soup. you are an idiot.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 09:40PM


Bullshit you cocksucker. You lame ass remark about Kerry gave you away for being a NEOcon prick.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:06PM

Boy, looks like somebody has sand in its vagina..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:14PM

Georgw W. will declare Katerina as a terrorist. His father will run up and down the nation calling Katerina as Eeeevil. Rummy will declare Katerina posseses WMD, and may find a good excuse to bring back our troops from Iraq to battle this Eeevil.Now is the oppurtunity to face safe and get out of Iraq.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:16PM

In case you missed it Beast, my posts were very heavily laced with sarcasm.

I think Kerry is a total piece of shit!

And I am personally tired of all the Dems blaming everything bad in the world on the fact that Bush is president. I am not pretending he is perfect. Yes, he has made some bad calls, but the fact of the matter is that he was dealt a shitty hand his first term, because he took office just before a terrorist plot ALREADY IN MOTION FOR YEARS BEFORE THE ELECTION was executed.

Do people really believe that if Gore had won in 2000 the WTC would still be standing and the economy would be perfect?

Or that if Kerry had won in 2004 we would have no soldiers in Iraq, no terrorist threat and gas for $1.20 a gallon?

If they do, then my bigfoot and alien schemes probably make sense to them too.
ToucanSam Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:20PM

anonymous@17333, Your storys a little out there, but Bush is deffinatly not "shootin' americans strait". REMEMBER, IT'S NOT DEM OR REP. IT'S THE CORPERATE PARTY OF AMERICA. CORPS. WILL OWN THE EARTH BY THE END OF THE CENTRY, NOT THE GOVS.
che2183 Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:27PM

the point is agree or not anyone can see that most of the things going on are not good for the world as a whole and to think you are distant enough to poke fun is idiotic. especially in considering this is a natural disaster that has killed thousands and could happen to anyone of us.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:28PM


There was no sarcasm attached to the Kerry comment. I hate Bob Dole but I don't lace him into my comments for no reason.

Holding people accountable for their actions seems perfectly fine to me. Hell, Republicans are beginning to think Bush deliberately lied to the country about Iraq and WMDs.

Bush thinks the American public is here for him and not that He is in Washington for the american public. He grew up with corporate greed as a family value fully acknowledging that Saudis paid him a lot of money for access to his father. Now, the saudis pay his father for access to him.

Well the selling out of America to a country that 15 of the 19 highjackers on 9/11 came from has to stop.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:38PM

"this is a natural disaster that has killed thousands and could happen to anyone of us."

If it happens here, we are ALL in a world of shit. I live in Colorado. If a hurricane hits here, we have a lot more to worry about than the price of gas!

And you obviously missed my point entirely. I had no intent to "make fun" of the hurricane or the people living in that area. My heart goes out to the people who lost their homes and/or loved ones. And even to those who foolishly ignored the mandatory evacuation notices.

I was taking a jab at the liberals who like to blame all the country's ills on President Bush
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:41PM

"Thank God Kerry is a bonafide HERO! He'll swoop in and SAVE us ALL!"

Trust me.... that was sarcasm!

If you want to hold people accountable for their actions, we should go after Clinton for not dealing with bin Laden when he had the chance while he was in office. If he hadn't cut and run in Somalia, things may have turned out a lot differently on 9/11
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:53PM


Another piece of conservative propaganda ? Is that it ? Clinton did go after Bin Laden. Legally.

Bush decided to go after Bin Laden Illegally and if Bin Laden remains free until 2009, as I think the will, that will mean 8 years with Bin Laden not captured or killed.

Now that Bush has invaded Iraq and upset the balance in the middle east, Bin Laden has to go on the back burner. But Bin Laden was never Bush's first concern anyway. Bush made the deal with the Saudi Royals to let him go so he could concentrate on his original goal as president.

Baby Bush had to act out his own selfish interests before the interests of the country. In doing so he broke the law. His underlings broke the law as well. They should be tried as war criminals just like Milosevic.

Not acting according to the Geneva conventions, as a NATO member, makes you a criminal. The world wide abductions, torture, and confinement of innocent people makes is so vile that the death penalty does not seem harsh enough.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:57PM

Well shit. You're in the FBI. If G.W. is guilty of such drastic crimes, why haven't you boys arrested him yet?

Nobody is above the law. Not even the president. Isn't that what checks and balances is all about?
che2183 Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 11:18PM

if we had all these "liberals" Bush wouldn't have won. the average person here knows their quality of life and makes their own decisions. despite what you think just starting this whole thing is making light of the situation. would you show that picture to any of the people stuck down there?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 11:20PM

Can't. They don't have power.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 11:26PM

Besides, the "people stuck down there" shouldn't have been there when the storm hit. They were told to evacuate. It was a MANDATORY evacuation, which means there would have been arrangements made to evacuate those who could not get out on their own.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 12:12AM

Lib's said we went to war for oil and big business I WANT MY FREEKING CHEAP GAS AND OIL and it will be big business that will bring it. We're there in Iraq, why don't we just TAKE THEIR OIL that's what the Lib's said were going to do anyway. LET'S JUST DO IT. Take it all and fill my SUV cheap..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 01:11AM

We are on the brink. War, natural disasters, spiraling gas prices. It's the end of the world as we know it...
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 01:42AM

Looks like the ol' bait-the-easily-aroused-into-lame-"political"-argument worked yet again!! never fails.

For what it's worth, my condolences to all the poor bastards nailed by the hurricane in the South there. Much better luck to you folks...

And if 238240 is right, my condolences to all of you poor bastards, who probably won't have time in the future for pointless arguments on +613. Better luck to you too.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 01:42AM

erp. I meant 223204...
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 03:02AM

Four Major Trends Affecting the World:

1. *The Age Wave* - the increasing average age of the population.

2. *The Information Revolution* - data everywhere faster.

3. *Global Climate Change* - Katrina, the fact we've had 2 Cat.5 hurricanes earlier than ever before, the disappearance of species, etc., etc.

4. *Increasing Monetary Instability* ... "there are many more people now who have an interest in profiting from instability; previously, they had an interest in stability. If you have an unstable system, it is just a question of when it will fly off the handle. It will blow apart at the moment when the US dollar experiences a crisis. When the dollar crisis occurs, the world will have no system left."

"The biggest concern today is the growing constituency for instability."
-—Paul Volcker, ex-governor of the US Federal Reserve, in Changing Fortunes.

"Instability is cumulative, so that the eventual breakdown of freely floating exchanges is ensured."
-—George Soros, the largest currency speculator today, in The Alchemy of Finance.

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 03:07AM

They all kinda compound on each other, unfortunately. And since all currencies are basically tuned to the dollar, if/when it goes, so goes much more.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 03:40AM


We (The US Government) are going to take Iraq's oil. However, the American taxpayers are still going to pay what the speculators on Wall Street want you to pay.

It's called getting fucked on both ends. We paid 500 billion for a useless occuptaion of a country and we get to pay a 2nd time when we purchase products at the store.

Isn't NEOcon economics fun ?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 08:47AM

That "we" says it all. Just remember, folks, beast is in charge and he knows better than you what is good for you.
TrueBlue Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 09:14AM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 01:08PM

But that's journalism, TrueBlue. Beast will never believe that.
che2183 Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 01:49PM

it's amazing the way you people sit on your pedophiliac, convict run island and pretend you're so much smarter and immune to the world's problems.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 07:52PM


Yes I do. And you better remember that.

And what does the "we" say little person ? We, united states citizens, paid 500 billion for a bs military action that was a waste of money and lives. How is that for "we".


What's to disbelieve ?
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 10:46PM

Why do you waste your time here, Beast? Oh. Never mind.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 02, 2005 04:20AM

The "Beast" may be in charge,but it's not in the Oval Office.It's a shame that Bush had to step in the fecal matter of eight years of a real red-neck.
Anarchia Report This Comment
Date: September 02, 2005 06:03AM

The Iraqis - even those who were willing to cooperate with the United States - wanted, at least on paper, to build a Scandinavian-type welfare system in the Arabian desert, with Iraq’s vast oil wealth to be spent on upholding every Iraqi’s right to education, health care, housing, and other social services. “*Social justice is the basis of building a society*,” the draft declared. All of Iraq’s natural resources would be owned collectively by the Iraqi people. Everyone would have the right to work and the state would be legally bound to provide employment opportunities to everyone. The state would be the Iraqi people’s collective instrument for achieving development.
As direct occupiers, the US enacted laws that give /foreign investors equal rights with Iraqis in the domestic market/; permit the full repatriation of profits; institute the flat tax system; abolish tariffs; enforce a strict intellectual property rights regime; sell off a whole-range of state-owned companies; reduce food and fuel subsidies; and privatize all kinds of social services such as health, education and water delivery.
3rddegreewitch Report This Comment
Date: September 02, 2005 05:16PM

why did this happen to use!!
NoMoreRunning Report This Comment
Date: September 02, 2005 10:29PM

Anarchia - absofuckinglutely... Freedom, rebuilding, justice - in Iraq that's all just talk. America wants a vast military base in the center of the middle east and they're willing to spend the blood of their own soldiers and as many arab lives as it takes.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 03, 2005 12:52AM

y dont u go back to your fires... the natural disasters is what he is talking about.. not specifically the hurricanes themselves. use your brain... if u still have one.
Anarchia Report This Comment
Date: September 03, 2005 03:42AM

People don't seem to realize that it's not "Republican" vs. "Democrat"... it's People vs. Power-holders. Historically this has been the government. Nowadays it is a government/corporate alliance.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 19, 2005 07:27AM

Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!Praise George Bush!!!