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"a sign with a gun and a red circle with black text"

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uploader: pro_junior. date: 2012-04-27
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uploader: pro_juniordate: 2012-04-27
Comments for: no guns...
quasi Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2012 09:37AM

In the U.S. there are about as many privately owned guns as there are privately owned cars & trucks. In 2007 there were 41000 deaths on the roads and 12000 homicides with guns. Ban cars.

There were also about 32000 suicides with firearms that year. Would banning guns reduce the suicide rate? Yeah, right.
Onyma Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2012 11:01AM

"In 2007 there were 41000 deaths on the roads and 12000 homicides with guns. Ban cars."

This is an extremely flawed statistic. People spend several orders of magnitude more time in and using cars than they do using or even touching guns.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2012 11:23AM

Where are the stats about guns saving lives? Stats about air travel deaths compared to car travel are used all the time people to show the safety of air travel so the comparison can be valid to use in gun safety as well.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2012 02:21PM

What is this, #Guns613 now?
quasi Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2012 06:05PM

woberto Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2012 10:49PM

I feel sorry for your children. The USA is ruined. You guys will take your redneck attitudes to the grave and they will be left with a prison-state. Or they'll move to Oregonsmiling
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2012 10:59PM

did Oregon succeed?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2012 11:48PM

I think you mean secede. No, Oregon did not secede from the union but there was a book back in the 70s about that called Ecotopia that was pretty dumb that all the hippies got excited over. Oregon already has enough rednecks.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2012 12:41AM

no i spelled it correct, you didn't get the joke. Dancing Green Banana!
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2012 12:48AM

Yeah, ok, I get it.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2012 02:52AM

I must be getting old, I can't even provoke you guys anymore.
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2012 06:32AM

I live in Oregon and I resemble that remark. So F'yall (*finger4*)
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2012 06:33AM

Err.. not the hippie remark either.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2012 11:24AM

No wobey responsible gun owners teach their children in the proper use of guns, it is a minority of people who use guns improperly and illegal, the vast majority of gun owners never use them in any wrong way. Only magic will remove all guns from around the world and I hate to tell you but guns even find their way into NZ and England.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2012 05:09PM

I don't own a handgun but after this morning's drive through town I'm thinking about getting one just so I can shoot the tires out from under the dillwads who have to drive next to me with the base turned up so loud it vibrates my teeth. How do ya like them apples?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2012 06:34PM

The majority of people in Oregon are regular American folks who mostly mind their own business. The gubmint sucks but that's always the case.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 29, 2012 11:20AM

I think we should pass the open carry law in every state in the US so we can carry gun visibly. As a cop I would have rather seen someone carrying a gun immediately so I could adjust for it when I talked to them. Open carry will not make it like the old west, the old west was not like the movies portrayed it to be either.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: April 29, 2012 12:00PM

I think keeping a weapon concealed is pretty silly myself. As well as letting cops better deal with a situation by having full awareness it puts the criminals on notice as well. It makes more sense to me that concealing a weapon should be illegal as it is something the criminals would do to hide their activities.
DarkKlown Report This Comment
Date: April 29, 2012 11:33PM

Having conceal laws work in 2 ways. 1) Anyone could have a gun. You just never know. 2) Guns are hidden, out of view. Take a look around at youtube and you see just how crazy people get when people with legit licence to open carry do just that. People assume that if you have a gun your a criminal. This is true to the extent that if you remove guns from legit people the only people left with guns are non-legit people. Australia is a great example of this. Lately every few days a report is in the news of a shooting. Yet guns where outlawed just after 1996.

The whole idea behind gun control is that you as a citizen are unable or should be unable to defend yourself. It is a call by a society that citizens should be dependant on the government for help at all times. Which is just crazy because then in a democracy your expected to be educated enough to be able to pick a candidate to represent you for a 4 year term by watching this person for maybe 30mins, maybe.

I think if you want to control guns you might as well tell people they shouldn't be able to vote either. Lets all move to china.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 12:12AM

it is pretty there in some areas
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 12:54AM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 01:41AM

LMFAO! first search result:
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 01:42AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 30/04/2012 01:43AM by fossil_digger.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 03:39AM

Nice shot DK .... mind if I play through .... fore (matrix)

The other side of gun control and removal of rights of citizens to own guns is also the governmental side effect of essentially creating a country of defenseless serfs at the same time.

Our rights to own guns essentially hinged on insuring we as a nation of peoples could never be placed in a position to be defenseless against a corrupt govt., should such a scenario ever come to pass.

Our govt continues to encroach ever further on our rights on a multitude of levels but if outlawing of individual weapon ownership ever came to pass that slippery slope would more nearly resemble the ride down the Great Wall of China Slide shown above (*horse*)

woberto Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 09:31AM

That's funny Kim. You are powerless against your government, even with your big gun.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 11:10AM

We are not powerless against the government. Should it ever get bad enough for the American people to rise up against the government then the American people would band together and rise up. If it ever got that bad then even some military and police would rise up with us. Don't forget what the French partisans did against the Nazis' during WWII, history is full of instances of ordinary people banding together to stand against their oppressors. If we don't have guns then we will use knives to get guns, it's just easier to start out with guns.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 01:27PM

these guys are nuts!! or in complete confidence of their product....HOLY SHIT!. eye
popping smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 03:18PM

It doesn't take a BIG gun 'berto to defend yourself from govt.

But, if the whole citizenry is disarmed what are the odds they could ever realistically stand against an oppressive govt?

There are more privately owned guns in the US than all those held by the cops and military. That definitely does change the odds quite a bit rock

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 04:33PM

why do you think Homeland security need 2700+ of these "Berto?.........what are they preparing for?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 04:48PM

It is not supposed to require any guns at all to make the government work for us but the right to bear arms is there for all the right reasons. Ghandi pulled off a non-violent revolution in India. People still died though. It is a shame that it has to come to the use of deadly force in order to effect change in some cases. I do not believe it will come to that in America. The American people are going to take back the government eventually and gradually. The bi-partisan system has to change and that is in the beginning stages I think. The politicians need to quit fucking around and get to work. Do your fucking jobs like the rest of America does.

I'm curious, where do you get the information saying there are more privately owned guns than government owned guns? I don't doubt there may be, I can't find anything making that comparison.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 05:48PM

Can't remember where I read that stat, it's been a while. Think about it this way though, there's a lot less cops and military than there are citizens and that many gun owners have more than 1, so ... grinning smiley

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 06:52PM

I imagine the military and law enforcement have way more guns than they have people too. Their guns are a lot bigger too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 30/04/2012 07:25PM by BlahX3.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 09:50PM

"take back the government"...
Try voting you lazy sons of bitches.
All that other talk, over the Internet, could get you arrested in China.
Coming soon to America.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 10:15PM

You're that guy who likes to poke a stick into a hornets' nest, aren't you woberto?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 30, 2012 10:40PM

"Voting them out" , while seemingly would be the best alternative, has itself been compromised.

Take a look at the latest round of wikileaks showing ballot stuffing here in the US in 2008 and .... those with a brain expect much more of the same in 2012 hot smiley

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 12:19AM

Ballot box stuffing, although it does exist, is not the biggest problem though. The biggie is nothing/no-one worth voting FOR. Elections are more a matter of voting AGAINST something/someone than otherwise.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 11:06AM

If every voter in America would use their power of the vote to remove everyone in office regardless of who they vote for it would send a clear message to the government and that message would be more important than who wins the election. The election process has become more of a communication tool than putting a certain person in office noq.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 12:23PM

USA and Australia are in similar situations. You can't get out of it in one election.
We stopped caring for a decade and now we are living with the worst governments in history.
It will take another ten years of educated voting at all levels of government, local through federal, before we get good governance again. People have to give a shit.
Passing a test before you vote would be a good idea too (in Australia).
When you go to vote, you must first name two policies of each of the three main parties. If you pass that test, you can vote.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 01:41PM

I'm all for poll testing too. Far too many people without a clue of the candidates actual position on anything clamor to the polls and either vote the straight party line or for the candidate that has somehow won their personal popularity contest without a real clue at all of the effect of their votes, nor do I think they even care.

Sadly here a simple test like what's the line of presidential succession is all that would be needed to eliminate tons of these uninformed voters. If they don't know the current pres, VP and Speaker of the House, they have no business voting anyway (*horse*)

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 04:19PM

There are some self-tests online people can use to see how literate they are about the government. I scored pretty high on one. I also did real well on a similar science test. It's kind of fun.

Mis-information is often much worse than the lack of information. It is very easy for people to make assumptions and decisions based on bad intel. With the media being so untrustworthy it is very difficult to get the straight scoop. I figure if we do the best we are able with what we have to work with that is a good thing. I really try to not assume but I catch myself doing it too sometimes. Must be sort of a human nature thing.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 04:56PM

The internet is a great source of information and and even better source of mis-information which seems to run amok at election time. I've got one friend who is vehemently anti-Obama which I can't fault but he believes every bullshit email people send him about Obama which just makes him look stupid when he forwards it. I don't even bother to look at his political emails anymore because they're so full of crap. He's of the follow the party line and talk trash about the opponent ilk that have made elections something of a joke - no real issues, just bullshit, bullshit, bullshit that keeps the same people sitting pretty no matter which one of their guys gets elected, republicrat or demolican. People are starting to wake up to it but are still in the "I like this guy but I'm voting for that guy so we don't get that other guy" mentality.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 05:10PM

I was readin the other day that viewership of all Tv is down and unseasonably so, so much so that the broadcast and cable channels are truly perplexed by the trend they're seeing.

They tried to play it off as the influence of how DVRs/TiVo have changed the way people watch shows anymore. To some degree that's problee logical.

My hope, and I feel a big part being played in that trend, is that people have become increasingly distrustful of the media and have chosen to turn more to the web for their news and entertainment.

Without the web and the availability of international media online as well as many "other" news outlets online, we in the US wouldn have a prayer in knowin what's really goin on.

Maybe the media was always slanted, though I doubt ever so much as is seen today, but, anyone expecting the news to simply be reported sans the slant/agendizing it's given these days and hoping to find anything resembling truth, then utilizing that view alone to help craft their views will be sadly misguided.

It takes a lot more effort these days to dig down and find out what's REALLY goin on drinking smiley

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 05:39PM

I know way too many people just like that Q-man. Every frikking conspiracy and line o' BS they talk like it's gospel. Sometimes the most outlandish ideas are the ones they think are the truest. I have to bite my tongue an awful lot. It isn't that I don't believe just about anything imaginable is possible but that somehow the things such folks believe sure seem on the imaginary side.

The closer information gets to empirical truth the more likely I am to believe it.

I agree completely, the internet is a truly vast informational resource and though it may be difficult to find I think some of the truth is out there. I don't do TV these days and honestly don't miss it other than a few favorite shows and I can watch enough of them online. It's crappy quality sometimes but WTF, it works.

I think in time we will be able to pull our asses out of the shithole we're in. It ain't easy but it has to be done. It'll take time and clear thinking.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 06:51PM

I think a large part of the problem is that issues have become so complex, and the population so huge with so many different agendas out there, that the average person trying to just get by and support themselves and their family just doesn't have time to dig through the heaps of bullshit to get at the truth. Perhaps we needed this time of massive unemployment to give people the time to discover the truth and to find their own voice. I see it in some of the grassroots movements and I see it in the support for Ron Paul among the many disenfranchised folks out there who have grown weary of "the man" and the control he has over us. Unfortunately there is a large portion of the population that believes the path to enlightenment lies through a big screen TV with surround sound an ipad and a new car. Somewhere along the line the American dream went from accomplishing something to aquiring lots of somethings.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2012 07:29PM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 02, 2012 11:06AM

The biggest problem I see with using the internet for news is the fact that with so many unemployed and having to tighten their belts, the internet is usually the first casualty of personal budget cuts. TV entertainment is usually the last to cut because of the rest of the family. My grown kids are a perfect example, their very first cuts are always the internet. After that though they get stupid and cut their cell phones instead of their xbox 360s.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 02, 2012 12:58PM

Can't imagine what I've saved over the past 10 or so years since I decided to stop payin for Tv service.

$$ played a part in that but the mental bludgeoning that passes for entertainment on Tv had a large part in it too. Though I miss the Discovery, Biography, Learning channels and a few others, mostly I see it as good riddance to bad rubbish.

Keepin the net on here ranks right up there with food and cigs grinning smiley

quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 02, 2012 01:23PM

When I lost my job in jan. 2009 I seriously considered getting rid of the internet but then realized, in part because I was still on only $25 a month dialup with an under $50 a month landline, that job searching was less expensive on the net when you figure fuel used and newspapers bought. I had another job from my internet searches in jsut a few months at a time when it was nearly impossible to get a job around here. I had basic cable at the time and that was the first casualty which I don't miss much.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 02, 2012 06:14PM

It's the same thing up here on the other side of the continental US, Quasi.
I have age working against me too and age discrimination is rampant everywhere and mostly unprovable even though everybody knows it is a huge problem that affects an awful lot of people looking for work. Even though employers cannot legally ask you for any information regarding your age or that would reveal your age they still do anyway. If you don't give them the info they reject your application as incomplete. That is some shit that needs to be cracked down on right there. The laws are in place but they are unenforced in the current state of affairs. Disability is another fuck story. Employers are supposed to make reasonable accommodations for people who have any sort of disability but they don't. I do not mean people who are on SS disability but those with medically documented difficulties/disabilities. Equal opportunity laws are ignored.

We don't seem to have much problem doing without TV stuff. It'd be nice to have but we have lots of tapes and DVDs to watch. Some we haven't even watched yet. The internet is awesome for information, I must agree with you on that. There sure is a lot of complete bullshit out there but intelligent people can usually tell the difference between most BS and true info. I am learning to not pay as much attention to headlines and more to content and if something interests me I seek other sources because the media is a manipulative piece of shit, no matter if it's on TV or online. At least on the `net you can find other sources of information if you work at it a little.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 03, 2012 11:11AM

If it ever comes down to it we will give up cigarettes and use that $400 a month for cable TV but just hope it never gets that bad. My TV and internet will be the last things I will cut and mainly because both are same cable company. If need be my PS3, PS2 and all games will be sold before other things. this is what my kids would never do. I have been able to reduce my cell phone bill by half by making my kids get their own and disconnecting their numbers. I did away with my land line years ago in favor of cell phones. The way I look at things is "life sucks then you die",
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2012 02:32AM

A lot of folks only use cell phones now but they aren't any good during power outages.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2012 09:54AM

After the hurricane here nothing worked but we got cell phone service back before landlines.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2012 11:07AM

True cells won't work during a massive power failure and land lines will for a while, can't remember how long though, but land lines will not work either if the central office is under water during floods or lines broken during earthquake. I can also use land line if need be from a phone company pedestal with a butt set. Used to work for GTE and have complete understanding of the lines and wiring.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2012 12:23PM

just hook ya up one of them progresso soup can lines. clown
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2012 09:56AM

During an emergency I doubt I would ever want to talk to Progresso.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2012 05:17PM

The telcos here have generators to keep the battery farms charged up and working during power outs. It's part of the emergency services stuff that gets funded with help from the gubmint I think. Several years ago we had power out for over 4 days. The only things that worked were land line phones and one little AM radio station.The hospitals, cops and fire depts have emergency generators here too, of course. I always have a hard wired phone to plug in for such things. It's a cheap piece of shyte but the fucker always works.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2012 07:04PM

For a couple of weeks after hurricane Charley it was necessary to drive to the next county to get gasoline (and face long lines doing it) because thhough the stations here had lots of it in their tanks they had no way to pump it with the power grid down. Now I believe it's mandatory for fuel stations to have back up generators so they can keep pumping, though I think it's just another crock-o-shit government regulation despite it's usefulness in a power outage. It's usually decades between hurricanes hitting here and buying & maintaining a big generator like that may not be cost effective for the possibility of a once in a lifetime occurance. That said, I have small generators for both mine and my mom's house, by my own choice, just as it should be for any business not involved in emergency healthcare.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2012 02:57AM

Oh, that's so great that the govt would help subsidize stuff for us ... oh, but wait, the govt dudn have any money except for the money they take from us, so that means they make the new rules requiring such stuff and then partially or completely fund it with the money they took from us.

Oh yeah, and then these businesses have to maintain these newly required systems in perpetuity, shouldering the costs of the new regulations ... oh, but wait, they just pass those costs on to their customers in the form of higher costs for their goods and services.

The reality is mandated govt regulations are just a form of indirect taxation, without having to call it that of course, which is great for the politicians since they don't have to own up to having passed the costs of their regulations, subsidies and inherent additional costs for good and services on to the electorate/consumer.

Iddn politics Neato (headexplode)

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2012 10:54AM

Everything in business gets passed down to the customers, except their windfall profits.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2012 01:29PM

Windfall profits exist in many varying scales and while some may seem egregious it all balances out over time.

If you found an X-Box you could snag for $5 and turn for $100, that's certainly a example of a windfall profit, putting a smile on your face, $$ in your pocket, food on the Goins table, etc. .

Later when you snag another one for $50 that you still turn for the same $100 as the other one, that's an example of a more typical margin, generates no ear to ear grin, but still keeps the Goins enterprise goin, food on the table, etc. .

In all businesses windfall profits are a nice benefit but usually are not the bulk or majority of a businesses sales and really just serve to help keep things goin along.

They also help businesses to fund humanitarian functions like organizing workers groups to develop highway clean up projects, fund Christmas parties and company outings, make raises and bonuses possible and keep a companys doors open so its employees can even have a job.

This is not to say all windfall profits are corporately moral and benevolent as surely some are, while others aren't, but to make the case that they are not inherently a bad thing and a part of all business, even yours cool

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 07, 2012 12:07PM

While I may occasionally make nice windfall profits but it is nothing compared to the profits oil companies make which is never passed on to the consumer. I don't believe the cost of a barrel of oil today supports the high price we are paying at the pump at all. Seems to me our price should be less than $2.00 per gallon.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 07, 2012 05:06PM

you cannot blame the gas companies for oil prices, they buy it from Wall street
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 07, 2012 05:11PM

It depends on which gas companies you are talking about. The Big Boys ARE part of Wall Street. The local distributors are at the mercy of larger scale fuel pricing like the rest of us.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 07, 2012 07:47PM

gas stations are basically franchises of the gas companies, so they are at the mercy of said big boys futures. they can however stock up (if they have the tanks) when the price is lower.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 08, 2012 11:10AM

Oil company executives are to blame for the high prices at the pump because they only care about increasing their bottom line profits. Oil prices are not higher now than they were back when gas prices were under $2.00 per gallon and I doubt the cost to produce the gas is much higher than it was back then so why are we paying so much at the pump? I think if they brought the price down to $2.00 per gallon people would drive more and buy more gas thereby increasing their profits even more.