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Comments for: doomed
gladiatrrr3000 Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 05:19AM

Ripublikans suk! ROFL!

Am I funny yet?
No, wait, I didn't put it in a picture.
90130 Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 05:20AM

I want that sticker!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 05:34AM

So true, so true!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 06:01AM

You mean the US didn't learn from history that superior power in the Russians failed to achieve victory in Afghanistan during the 1980s ?

The US failed to learn from History that nation building is wrong and doomed to failure ?

The US failed to learn from History not to use mercenaries to fight for them because they might use what the US taught them against the US one day ?

It seems NEOCons can't learn from history. So I guess the next round of elections are going to be huge democrat landslides.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 06:42AM

i knew this one would get you. so easy to make you blurt crap. all the country dividing comments from dems. are dividing the country AND THE WORLD, when we should be putting our heads together and FIND A SOLUTION!!!!!!!!! quit worrying who's right and who's wrong and FUCKING GET IT DONE!!!!!!!!!!! fuck history and create a better history to come. i really don't understand how anyone could possibly think that the direction the middle east is headed in, is not for the better. the whole region has been screwed up for a thousand years! the progress made in the past 10 years in phenominal. the democrats are the deadist, but the republicans are bleeding about the head and face, because of all the dissention. i hearby am starting up the fossil party. VOTE FOR ME! i guarantee a better way of life and an existence that far excedes any reality you can imagine. peace, happiness and the fossil way!
almighty_fossil Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 06:45AM

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 01:10PM

All the crap the Democrats are spouting have just assured my change to Republican party. I am sorry I was ever a Democrat and will be changing my party officially today. I no longer want ot be associated with a party which can do nothing more then play party politics with it's comments and never offers up any solutions to any of the problems it rails against. The Democrats I run across on the internet and the Dems in office only complain and never try to do anything constructive so I will be leaving and good ridance to a limp dick political party.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 02:33PM

join the fossil party
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 03:25PM

No, join the "GRAND OLD PARTY" shithead.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 06:55PM


If you didn't have a closed mind you wouldn't have one at all.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 07:00PM


Why should democrats work with Repugnants here in DC ? The Repugs will play a political game and claim the ideas were solely repug ideas.

As long as the repugs have the ball they have to run with it. And they have to take all of the criticism that goes with making mistakes.

This is what politics is all about.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 07:43PM

The USSR military in the 1980's was all hype, they were not worth a fuck! aDCBeast is still a dumb ass and wants to save that nigger tookie too!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 12, 2005 08:04PM

why should we work together? because working to prove the other wrong just strengthens the worlds opinion on our divided sense of reality. therefore we will never regain our respect in the world community to dissolve human rights atrocities and their instigators. granted i have contributed to this same accusation on this site, but only to prove my point. what has all this bickering done for us? zip! Nada! if the reps. and Dem's. put politics(personal) aside and start policing the problem, we can achieve world peace. then no one will be able to say we did wrong . only minor infractions. i have refrained from including philosophical quotes and phrases to try and complete my mission at a level that everyone can comprehend. sometimes philosophy is quite vague and could be interpreted in several different ways, just like religion.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 04:45AM

absolute brainwashed dickheads, america has no fuckin history lmfao, loosers and wishfull thinkers. Nothing more. fuck off and go eat some super sized shit like your overgrown egos, bunch of twats. stick to something your good at like disney shit and killing your own presidents, instead ov playing at wardogs, everywhere you go you get your ass fucked, usless fuckers. your going to leave iraq, just like you did Nam. With your tail between your legs. and the whole world is going to laugh at you and your big hard fuckin counrty. sad prospect huh..get used to the idea..cos as sure as shit it commin.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 04:51AM

I'm not sure anything we do would sway world opinion or gain us respect in the world community, although we can't be total isolationists, some countries will never like us even if we bend over and grab our collective ankles. We should not be fearful of American Exceptionalism. We "are" the greatest and most powerful country in the world and it came at the price of many brave American soldiers over the years. I lean toward the fuck'em all attitude which I know is not realistic.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 04:57AM

115199 you just made my point,,and this country earned the's not brag if you can do it..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 05:08AM

Losers and wishful thinkers are those that were not born in the greatest country in the world. The average America born person spends spit amount time wistfully thinking about any other country in the world. I doubt those in other countries could say the same about their yearning to be in America.
Ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: December 13, 2005 09:40AM

Anonymous@238240, what other countries? (hahaahahahh)
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2005 01:46AM

115199, yada yada yada, where are you from? let me guess,surrendering coward of France?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 02:55AM

The big n powerful sheriff badge the US enjoy or at least are led to believe they enjoy is nothing more than a temp thing. within the next 10 years your big n fuckin hard country is going to end up chinas, whippin boy. you can tell me I'm wrong. but your un-intellectual shallow view's wont stop shit, but it might make you feel a bit more secure about the great shiny future you haven't got to look forward to. Theres one big fuckin age old problem with being at the top, somebody somewhere is limbering up to knock you off your fuckin pedastal,... i get sick of hearing how much they love and worship everything American, but in the same breath American car sales have plummeted, cos the " patriotic " Americans, are buying jap cars, because there cheaper to run, and more reliable than the ego trippin small cock big flashy shit, the " patriotic" Americans build. like i said...absolute brainwashed fuckin dick heads. The Americans are nothing but hot air...look at us, look at us, were super dooper, we are the nation to beat all nations, said the ford worker in his Toyota *smirks*. hope and prayers wont stop chinas economic growth, try stopping buying there cheap n nasty shit patriots. cos its the American people who are buying, your pouring billions of American dollars into the place, not because you love old uncle SAM, but cos your greedy fucks who cant resist something cheap..and its spread to your ideas and patriotic ideals, look around your land of the free and brave house, if you don't live in new Orleans. or your poor or black. and count all the shit from Asia you've got in your home. your probably even reading this on a Chinky made monitor. if you moronic. people like you are feeding the enemy...way ta go USA USA USA. .. now I'm off to go fuck a camel. see y'all and remember...Have a super sized nice day now ya hear. lmfao...loosers
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 10:28PM

yhanks for proving just how insignifficant your country is.....lmfao @ all you anti-american wusses! then when you have a problem, who you gonna call?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 10:28PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 17, 2005 03:20AM

Hollywood you daft American cunt, the ghost busters are yanks tit...and your asking us who the fuck your gonna call.?? like i said fossil, brainwashed American dickheads. or was that humor, stick to entertainment, your ace at panto n shit...hey you even got a CIA puppet as a president...hey hold on Saddam was another brainwashed CIA puppet dickhead. man, what an out and out fucked. i post an intellectual reply, and the best the uncle SAM comes up with is who the fuck ya gonna call, a nigger ray parker shit track from a hasbeen movie from the 80s. ...what you like at pumpin gas, cos your devoid of any intelligence.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 06:02PM

was that english, or do you go to the same school avengerx does?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2005 08:46PM

who will you call? the french?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha loser!