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All Blue Countries had Death on 9-11 from Terrorism
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All Blue Countries had Death on 9-11 from Terrorism

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Comments for: All Blue Countries had Death on 9-11 from Terrorism
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2006 12:25PM

If they are not helping in the Global War on Terrorism, they really don't care much about their people or their Country..
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2006 07:15PM

I'm sorry 238240, that is a very weak and simplistic argument to make.

Clearly you should realize by now that the "Global War on Terror" (GWoT)is largely a creation to cover the USA commercial and geopolitical interests in Central Asia

(Read: 1. Oil development. Caspian basin, Kyrgystan, etc. 2. Prevent China for securing energy supplies. 3. Generally encircle China with military bases.)

1. A non-state organization, largely supported then abandoned by the USA to fight the Soviets in the 80s, appears to have attacked the USA with fueled airplanes. Despite having leads and hints, the FBI is told by Bush II to 'stand down' on UBL/AlQaeda investigations prior to the attack.

2. The USA "retaliates" by =invading a country= that had nothing to do with any attacks, =but= which is strategic to the military/economic control of the middle east/central asia.

3. After Afghanistan is somewhat stabilized, a huge American-built pipeline goes through. Funny that.

4. Now destabilized, Iraq becomes a radicalizing factor for otherwise moderate Muslims, and a training ground for the next-gen of Islamist guerilla fighters. Nice job USA! USA! USA!

So as you may begin to see, there are many, many complicating factors why other nations may or may not want to "help" with the so-called "GWoT" that the USA is "leading".

Start reading some more history 238240. You might learn something, instead of repeating your boring jingoistic dogma.
madmex Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2006 09:57PM

hurump.....good 1. to much tv for them
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 18, 2006 10:02PM

I will never understand brits
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2006 01:24AM

You are all so wrong. The Alien Masters have your minds controlled and you pontificate about America politics. Wake up and look at the big picture
Duane Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2006 04:22AM

Read one,I certainly hope so.
Everything else,well you you did make it suit your story even though I disagree about the motive but I do see the benifit.
The company that Clinton backed not Haliburton is the company that wanted to put the pipeline through Afganistan,I cant remember the name but it will come to me.
These people you talk about from over in the middle east either allow or want to be dictated to by radical governments religous or not.If this is not true then why dont they want freedom.Why not strike at their heart and put a democratic hub in the middle east.Its that or let the dictators and religious leaders from their dictate to the world whether Isreal has a right to exist,or who the next most powerful country is.
These groups hate us more for what we are(the great satan)FREE! is more like it.
If you like the idea of sitting around with your thumb up your ass then great but dont get mad because there are people out there with a plan.Truthfully I hope your right about the government because that means they are doing their job.
The_Central_Scruitnizer Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2006 11:14AM

But Halliburton's cleaning up with dollar bills along with every other energy interest.

This is an "Occam's Razor" Scenario that exposes the deepest faults of our society.

People prefer the lie to the truth. It makes their head hurt.

If you can drop g's off the ends of your words and misprounounce "Nuclear" (Nuk-Yuh-Lur-Ahh-huut, Ahhh-huuuuttt)you can sell any lie, any place, anytime.

With apologies to the Frank Zappa estate for borrowing thematic lyrical material from "When the lie's SO big"...(1988) and "Dickie's SUCH an ASSHOLE" (1974).


IS that DUMBO I see snorkling for corporate profit goobers there in the distance?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 19, 2006 12:50PM

Please explain to me, if Haliburton, GM, IBM (any large corporation) goes bust or makes a gazillion dollars tomorrow, how does that make your life or mine any better or worse, if we don't work for them. Why should we care one way or the other. Is it because their making money, directly or indirectly from us, so is every business we buy anything from. I just have other things to occupy my time, different mind set I guess. Your time, waste it however you want.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2006 10:02PM

What are you, fuckin stupid ! It makes it worse dumbass, they make big money and control more business, politics, and everything else on the whole planet including THE PEOPLE. Look over at the wealthly sand niggers, they don't give a shit about there people unless they cause trouble for them ( threaten there profits ), that's the thing about this country (Yeah ! USA ) they, yeah they! don't wait for profit problems they think about there big money problems before they happen and then manipulate the people to get more money and power. You should know this already, but here, "YOU CAN HAVE MONEY WITHOUT POWER, BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE POWER WITHOUT MONEY"!!! Click here and read a quote this image should be somewhere here on plus613 but couldn't find it.