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2500 serivcemen have died for Cheney's arrogance
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2500 serivcemen have died for Cheney's arrogance

"a man in uniform standing in front of a flag"

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Comments for: 2500 serivcemen have died for Cheney's arrogance
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2006 08:11PM

It's not JUST Cheney. Lots of stupidity to go around. And now we're on the offensive again. yee-ha.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2006 08:49PM

Cheney was the 1 person that made up evidence.

He "convinced" everyone else.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2006 08:54PM

look, at some point these sand niggers must be dealt with. better now than later. i wish i was a younger man, i would join up in a second to keep peace in the world for my kids and grandkids.

if not now when? if not us who?

in time america will realize what a great service these men did in taking out a goverment like sadaam. i only prey that we do the same in iran.

bless the troops. they die for a noble cause.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2006 09:10PM

"Neh neh Dad, aDCBeast sais something funny again."
"Shit! Dont hear! Dont look! And don't talk about that crapper, baby!"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2006 09:11PM

Dude, bless the troops - their noble death is for an injust cause.

Actually, the mission will be complete when they send Cheney over there loaded with enough beer to shoot everyone in the face ;-)
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2006 09:11PM

" said same...."
"Oh, youre bad baby!"
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 15, 2006 09:18PM

beast should be locked up at gitmo, for this shit
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 12:09AM

but then he would have an excuse to kill himself.
aussie_frank Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 12:19AM

200 people killed in the Bali bombings and Bashir get 2 years jail for his involvement. Theres some figures to ponder over. Indonesia would have to be the most corrupt country on this planet, and I dont say that lightly.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 01:51AM


not really.

1. Why would arabs be pissed that the world decided to give their land to jews that lived 1800 miles away ? Hmmmmmm.

If the US government took a farmer's land in Iowa and gave it to descendants of slaves they would be pissed too. don't you think ?

2. This action has no effect on OPEC. None. As has been reported since the beginning of the high gas prices in the US, the US is the biggest consumer of OPEC oil and its share of OPEC oil is growing.

3. Surround China ? You must have been drinking for this. Maybe you ought to look at a map. If you had said Iran then you would have been correct.

4. There is no measurable oil in Afghanistan. Natural gas. It's only been written about a 1000 times since Karzai (who will be ousted when the US leaves) used to head UNOCAL. The big natural gas pipeline deal was supposed to happen but that got f-ed up by the Bush admin too.

5. This is true but a stupid means of achieving it. It gaurantees that catasrophic events like 9-11 on US soil will occur.

The bad part is that the american public has no clue that a couple attacks on key strategic points could cripple the country making their way of life hellish.

Could you imagine life in america without cars ? There would be a countrywide riots where it's every man for himself.

Negotiating (like with Iran) or avoiding terrorist events by not hiring the Usama's of the world to do your dirty work is the answer.

6. This actually is the biggest cause of terrorism. This is the concept that Bin Laden talks about in his speeches.

I agree it isn't about the vile ugly stuff you state but the government sure allows the american people to run with it.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 05:11AM

Good men that have killed a lot more than 2500 of people that want to kill us..
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 07:50AM


Iraqi's don't want to kill us you fucking shmuck head.

people who want to kill us have a legitimate gripe. We encroached on their world to exploit them.

On 9-11 they exacted the only revenge they could. And a measley 3000 people died.

Unfortunately the Bush Clan has escalated the thing to the next level by saying "you didn't hit us hard enough" The penis is longer than your games. the next step is a nuke strike from them. A real nuke. Not a Saddam phony nuke. A real one.

Chaw on that for breakfast.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 11:36AM

You people are insane. The reason we are in Iraq is simple. It is a central location to be able to prosecute the great holy war that is comming when all the Islamic people unite behind the radical Islamic organizations and call for their holy war. They want to convert or destroy all who are not Islam, not just the US but everyone. The only problem with being in Iraq is that while we are there, the Mexican government is invading the US and you people are too stupid to realize it. We can take care of both problems if the American people would wake up and stop trying to be politically correct and see that it is an invasion.
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 12:29PM

jgoins on this occasion i have to say i totally disagree with all that you are saying here. the reasons are along the lines that anon@136136 has outlined, even if some of his points are wide of the mark.

but as for prosecuting a holy war. now stop and think for a moment man. by being in Iraq the US is stirring up anti-western sentiments amongst muslims around the world. so you are fanning the flames.

Are you saying that that is what Bush wants? That he wants muslims riled up so he can have an excuse to counter-attack or something? Is that what you mean?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 04:28PM


This was jgoins lame attempt to instigate. Let the bitch pass.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 06:39PM

i'd like a statistic on how many families of these dead soldiers think the iraq problem is un-winnable and that their child gave his life in vain.
i bet it is a low %
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 08:10PM


who cares what blind family members think ? It still doesn't remove the fact that Cheney created the false WMD intelligence.

The Bush administration is still pumping the idea that Iraq had a major WMD program or actual WMD. Not surprisingly 4 in 10 continue to believe that before the war Iraq did have at least a major WMD program, including 6 in 10 Republicans. Two thirds also perceive that the Bush administration is still saying that the Iraq provided substantial support to al Qaeda.

The propaganda the Bush administration has been putting out there even after all of the experts that searched Iraq for over a year and didn't find anything is embarrassing.

Some of the american public are getting it. 60% of america thinks bush lied about WMD in Iraq. However republicans are so afraid of being wrong about a reason for the occupation that they live in denial willing to go down with the Bush\Cheney ship.

I say be a man about it and accept the punishment for getting 2000 servicemen killed for no reason.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 09:42PM

Who cares. Fuck all them camel riding bastards. They sould just leave that piece of shit country and worry about guarding our boarders.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 11:10PM


We should be guarding the border from the millions of white illegal immigrants entering the US ?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 16, 2006 11:23PM


Since I didn't answer your question earlier. Do families believe Iraq is unwinnable and their loved ones died in vain.

The Iraq situation was never a win\lose situation. Ever. It was always a strategic move to take the land from Saddam who dislikes Israel and Iran who dislikes Israel.

The US will fight a war against many nations in the region that desires the state of Israel dissolved pre 1948. Some of those nations are currently allies with the US. They won't be at that time.

So to sum up, these servicemen did die in vain because diplomacy now could have averted the coming war in the region. Sadly, these men were treated as a commodity.

Parents don't want to believe this so they live in denial. They go through the phases of grief and their view of the Bush admin changes.

The Bush admin can't admit this so they lie. And do it poorly.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2006 03:04AM

i cannot casualy dismiss the lives of our brave soldiers as "commodities".
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2006 07:35AM

"Dad, aDCBeast says...."
"Fuck it!"
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2006 11:28AM

Our actions and our PR machine have delayed the Islamic holy war but that will not last forever. Their religion dictates that they must convert or destroy all who are not Islamic and in the back of their minds this is what they wish to do. Some are actively trying to do it and in time the rest will join. No we are not in Iraq to fan the flames but I believe the administration does recognize the extreme possibility of it happening and are there to deal with any action coming from it.

adcbeast, flush.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 17, 2006 08:07PM

jgoins ... more manure from your hands.

There is no coming holy war. that is the prattle of the stupid like yourself.

I would welcome a war to scourge the earth of morons like yourself though.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2006 03:29AM


I only hoped that the Bush admin could not have casually dismissed the lives of good servicemen. But what would they know about service in a heavy combat zone ?

I have a few fellow servicemen that I visit in Arlington as a result of the Bush adminstrations imcompetence.

To know their lives were traded worthlessly for a false cause pisses me off. I think it's clear it pisses many americans off.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2006 04:17AM

This must be the only forum you feel you can be heard, outside your little DC cubical, have at it..
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2006 05:01AM

i just will not ever buy into the "false cause" arguement.
what has been achieved was said to be impossible. the future of Iraq is in the hands of the people.
the unfortunate part of the whole monstrosity is that the Iraqi peoople are not ready to be free. they cannot settle their own differences.

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2006 05:03AM


hey B, did ya see dis?....:~}
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2006 10:57AM

adcbeast, flush
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2006 06:47PM


where is the holy war jgoins ? When is it coming ?

Is the holy war going to be lead by the Raelians or David Koresh (Branch Davidians) or the Amish ?

Keep flushing. Maybe one day your crap will go down the comode.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 18, 2006 07:43PM

where is the holy war?
where have you been?
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2006 12:00PM

The holy war will be lead by the Islamic people and sooner or later it will occur. The people of that religion are not intelligent enough to place their religion into the secondary position where religion belongs because when it is primary they all become fanatics. Fanatical religion is destructive no matter wich religion it is.
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: June 21, 2006 12:32PM

jgoins - "where religion belongs because when it is primary they all become fanatics. Fanatical religion is destructive no matter wich religion it is."
- yes, so true. totally agree with you on that. Wish I had a suggestion on how to deal with it.

its a shame about the remark about muslims not being intelligent enough, you do your self a disservice with such generalisations.

our crusaders some centuries ago took the sword to those unchristian believers. should we say that all westerners are unintelligent because of the actions of those men?

messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: June 21, 2006 12:46PM

jgoins, in that thread that beast links to just above -- i am puzzled that you agree with 208121 but not with Toucan? To me they seemed to be on similar ground.

Both saying that we have to stop this addiction to increasing use of oil and that population growth means that any reductions in use count for nowt
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: June 21, 2006 08:21PM

What happened several centuries ago has nothing to do with today for us. The problem with the Islamic people is that they are still living centuries ago and have not loosened their hold to their religion which brings about my comment on intelligence. If they choose to follow their religious leaders to the point of killing others because they are told that is what God wants then they haven't the intelligence to think for themselves. No need to try and draw any parrellels to us because the ones we have here are a very small minority but the ones they have there are and ever increasing minority (for the time being). We should all think for ourselves and not allow any religios leader to tell us what the Bible or the Koran says or means.
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: June 23, 2006 08:57PM

Totally agree that islam is in the same space that the west was, severalcenturies ago. Its interesting that Islam was founded roughly 600AD so there is a parallel.

Have you any evidence that the proportion of religious bigots is higher there than here? I mean, the USA seems to have a fairly high percentage of religious nutters (compared to other western countries).
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: June 25, 2006 08:30PM


So you have a problem with the idea of religious freedom. Even to practice a religion that has real punishments.

Do you fight against fundamentalist religions where you live ? If not your argument is hollow.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: June 13, 2008 05:05AM

4090 now