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Comments for: Angelina
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: February 29, 2012 06:21PM

Funny. It woulda been better if she flashed her tits instead of those skinny legs with knobby knees. Her legs are not flash-worthy IMO.
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: March 09, 2012 01:44AM

Angelina Jolie 'struggling' with Oscars humiliation
by: Staff writer
From: Herald Sun
March 08, 2012 3:12PM
Angelina Jolie said to be "horrified" by Oscars humiliation
Thigh-high dress became internet sensation post-awards
Actress considering sacking stylist for poor wardrobe choice
ANGELINA Jolie is reportedly struggling to get over the humiliation of her disastrous appearance at the Oscars.

The star is said to be "horrified" that her stylist chose a dress that "swallowed her up" and forced her stick out her right leg so she didn't look like she was wearing a "bin bag", a source told British magazine Closer.

Jolie attracted worldwide ridicule after her appearance at the 84th Academy Awards in February. Her right leg took on a life of its own and it didn't take long for spoof images to sweep the internet.

The actress is reportedly considering sacking her stylist Jen Rade for choosing the disastrous Versace gown.

"Angelina is horrified at the reaction her Oscars dress received. She pays her stylist Jen a lot of money to pick things that will make her look drop-dead gorgeous, but she felt the dress swallowed her up and she had to stick her leg, or it looked like she was wearing a bin bag," a source told Closer.

"Now she's being laughed at when she's worked so hard on her look. She feels like a joke and is worried her reputation may have taken a hit."

Jolie was reportedly so upset about the instant mocking that she avoided the Oscars after-parties.

"Ange briefly went to George Clooney's post Academy Awards dinner but left early on as she was still upset," the source said.

"She bitterly regrets wearing the dress and is just hoping the next time she's on the red carpet, she makes headlines for the right reasons."

The actress is also terrified that she has lost her trademark cool, the British edition of Grazia magazine reported.

"Angelina can't believe that she is now the butt of everyone's jokes - and on such a global scale," an insider told Grazia.

"She feels completely humiliated. She simply can't believe that her appearance backfired so spectacularly. Angelina never looks uncool - ever."
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: March 12, 2012 03:30AM

Yeah, poor gal. Seems to me this kinda shit comes with the territory. You got famous so now more people get to pick on you. Call the wahmbulance.