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Google Search - "Worst President Ever" Check out the results!
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Google Search - "Worst President Ever" Check out the results!

"a cartoon of a man on a stool"

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Comments for: Google Search - "Worst President Ever" Check out the results!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 03:33PM

OMG - it never occurred to me, until now, what became of President Regan's chimp ;-)
madmexrva Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 05:14PM

This one of the greatest presidents ever.He ran every other company he owned into the ground and his stint as a governer in texas was a joke. He's proof that rich families own our goverment and empting our coffers of money for the poor and unfortunate and Vets. If that makes me Libreal so be it. Because i am not sure what it means to be a republican.Can you tell me?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 10:17PM

Sorry BigBrute, but I have been around for a while and to me, James Carter is to date the worst president ever since the 1950's, you may not be an American but History will judge the outcome not a screwed up cover.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2006 11:00PM

Jimmy was the worst? I just don't recall him running up the debt by trillions of dollars; invading multiple countries; and systematically removing & violating constitutional rights. Must have been all that Billy-Beer that I was drinking.
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 01:00PM

AnonymousCoward@121121, what was so wrong about Carter? You can't just say "he was the worst" and offer no backup or evidence.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 06, 2006 06:49PM

Ashamed to say I use to believe in Bush, got caught up in all the hype after 911. I truly beleive that Bush is the worst President in my/our liftime. Carter-the worst thing that most will say is he gave away te panama canal-big deal-can anyone tell me if they've lost a son,father,brother, husband to an IED over that.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2006 06:03AM

Dumbass 121121, Carters time in wasn't good but it was nothing like Bush's, when Carter became President the economy and other stuff was already screwed up, when Bush came in we had Money - No Wars - Oh Yeah and I Could fill my gas tank for about 18 bucks now it's 50 fucking bucks because of another one of his under the table deals WITH the same pieces of shit that try to FUCK America!