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The World is only 5 to 6000 years old....
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The World is only 5 to 6000 years old....

"a close-up of a sign"

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Comments for: The World is only 5 to 6000 years old....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2006 08:36PM

Kid, you're an idiot.

Dinosaurs lived in the Cretaceous period, millions of years before the first humans ever walked the Earth. But the existnce of dinosaurs and the possibility of evolution does not preclude the existence of God.

If you had irrefutable proof that God existed, then you would never have faith -- you would only have cold, hard, scientific fact. This whole purpose of this life is to test your faith. If you believe in God at the end, then you get eternal life in heaven. If you lose your faith or choose not to believe, then you either cease to exist or you live in purgatory, or you get re-incarnated -- or you go to hell -- or something else happens to you, depending on your beliefs and how you've lived your life.

Now quit being blasphemous and behave yourself. You can ask God all these questions yourself once you die.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2006 10:42PM

Maybe a dinosaur ate that apple off the tree, why did God blame Eve..... Because whoever made that stuff up, first of all, was a Jew and what better way to make sure the women stay down in their places than to blame them for sin in the world. Works for me... Were did the population come from, how do you get a world full of people from one couple, incest!..... it's called Evolution. The pope will tell you there was no such thing as cavemen.... oh forget it, just believe and don't ask any questions, that's why God made you.... blahblahblahblahblah...etcetcetcetcetc....

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2006 12:50PM

The bible said God created the earth in 6 days but nowhere does it say how long God's days were. As far as we know on of his days could have lasted more than 20 million years during which time the planet evolved and different forms of life were tried.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: December 16, 2006 03:52PM

Life is not for a test of faith, it's for the development of it. Other than that, I agree with you.
messyflatmate Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2006 11:27AM

> But the existnce of dinosaurs and the possibility of evolution does not preclude the existence of God.

That's right. Common sense does that.

> If you lose your faith or choose not to believe, then you either cease to exist or you live in purgatory, or you get re-incarnated -- or you go to hell -- or something else happens to you, depending on your beliefs and how you've lived your life.

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2006 11:58AM

If I beleive in God when I die and he doesn't exist, then no harm done, but If I do not believe when I die and he does exist then very much harm has been done. Believing in God is not harmful to anyone. It is how far you take that belief during your life which can be harmful to others.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 19, 2006 05:30AM

j, you said a mouth full there, if there would be a God do you think he won't know the difference between you being a true believer or believing just to keep yourself covered just in case, that explains why you follow Bush, just to keep yourself covered, just in case. Talk about a blind follower.

Do you worship, let's say, the top ten Gods in the world in your basement, just in case, you never know, you'd better cover your tracks.

Do you have a pagan christmas tree in your house, God won't like that.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2006 12:40PM

I believe whole heartedly in God and Jesus Christ. There is only one God known by many names. I believe in Bush becasue he has done the same things I would have done in his position. I don't support him as much because he has been backing of too much lately though.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2006 11:35PM

the dems. actually have it right. send in more troops and git-r-done!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2007 11:42AM

"I don't support him as much because he has been backing of too much lately though." - jgoins

Backing off my ass, it's not backing off it's saying you're going to do something ( sales and marketing) and then go ahead and do what you really wanted to after you got your way.

He tells (promises) the people he's going to...... whatever (illegal aliens for instance) then when you give him support he takes that support and does what he knew he was going to do the whole time. Then smiles (smirks).