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Missing............ America
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Missing............ America

"a missing flag on a fence"

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Comments for: Missing............ America
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: May 20, 2007 05:13AM

hmmm, and when was america like that described, i've never seen it... could have been like that before '79, but from what i've heard it wasn't... and according to history it never was... but then again i wasn't here so i don't know
90130_ Report This Comment
Date: May 20, 2007 06:39AM

Obviously this idiotic post is saying these values have changed or have been diminished since 9/11. Horseshit.

What about Ruby Ridge and Randy Weaver?

How about the deaths of innocent men, women, and children at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco?

All under Bill Clinton's watch.

That's YOUR America, eh?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 20/05/2007 03:55PM by 90130_.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 20, 2007 11:48AM

That America has never existed. I have heard conspiracy nuts saying that our government has been spying on it's citizens ever since I was old enough to understand the world around me and I am 55 now, you do the math. I have even heard people who believe we are being watched through our televisions. Pe-emptive wars have always been around and we have engaged in them before. America will survive all that is going on today even though things will be getting worse before it gets better. It will get worse with the next administration regardless of who is elected.
G-Man Report This Comment
Date: May 20, 2007 05:55PM

Don't flatter yourself. Nobody is spying on you fags. You're not important at all.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: May 21, 2007 11:22AM

G-Man Wrote:
> Don't flatter yourself. Nobody is spying on you
> fags. You're not important at all.

Just imagine how much it would cost for the government to spy on all of us in the US alone. They just don't care about the ordinary person until they start doing something which raises red flags. These people who believe the government is spying on them are usually the ones who are doing something illegal in the first place. If they were spying on me they would die of boredom.