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now this is a congratulations card!
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now this is a congratulations card!

"a group of people standing next to a large sign"

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Comments for: now this is a congratulations card!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2008 05:49AM

smiling bouncing smiley suckers smiling bouncing smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2008 11:56AM

Yes there will be change, higher unemployment and a destroyed economy. Not to mention more government handouts for minorities.
madmex2000 Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2008 02:02PM

we got that already and obamas not even in office yet
Monster1 Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2008 03:56PM

AH! Yes, President Hussein sounds OK to me, why ?
We'll if I had a chance I'd tell him that no American noticed that he had the MSM rooting for him, calling him the Messiah-crap and whatever; No American noticed the blatant bias and irresponsible journalists kissing his ass.
Also, no American noticed that he is a man with no word or honor, a no-good-for-shit-asshole that gave his word to his opponent to use public campaign financing and instead used illegal money from muslims & terrorists from around the world, I respect McCain now more that ever cause he did keep his word and honor and President Hussein did not.
I do believe that President Hussein would have won the election if he had followed the path of honor and decency but he chose not to, he chose to lie and cheat.
I'm just one American that knows, do you ? ... drinking smiley
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2008 07:01PM

well, just because you all can't deal with the situation and bitch little 3 yr old girls all the time about a guy who hasn't even taken office yet, I hope it turns to absolute shit for you and that you die of starvation in the streets while the French and the muslims and all the other people you constantly insult and deride stand back and do nothing to help you.

I just want you to be proven right for a change. The negativity is beginning to get me down. Maybe some of you, jgroans especially, should go out on Saturday and enjoy yourselves instead of sitting around whining, waaaaah, Obama's gonna do it! Isn't he? Waaahh!
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2008 07:29PM

what's even funnier is someone defending the policies of a person that hasn't decided what his are. smiling bouncing smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 14/11/2008 07:31PM by fossil_digger.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2008 08:20PM

Considering z has never stepped on american soil,why even reply to his nonsense?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 15/11/2008 04:14AM by ORLANDO399.
Monster1 Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2008 09:21PM

Just to clarify my position z,

I have no problem with President Hussein, Sen. Hillary or any Democrat, I do believe that in a Democratic system there has to be alternation in order for democracy to prevail, take Mexico for instance, you have one party being in power for 70 years.

My problem is cheating to win an election and here in the US you can see the blatant corruption that exists in the MSM, hell even SNL had skits denouncing that shit, perhaps that's why we see their rating numbers getting lower and lower.

History will judge President Hussein and the Media, as far as I go I have actually made money out of the biased MSM, a while ago I was watching tv during lunch hour with co-workers and bam here comes the gov. Spitzer shit on tv and somebody said "those Republicans MF" and I asked him how come he knew it was a Rep. if the MSNBC guy didn't mention any party afiliation! he said only the Rep. did shit like that so I told him here's $100 and I bet you that Spitzer is a Democrat cause the news guy did not put a party label on the guy.
Those are the best $100 I have made and best yet everybody there noticed that the MSM lies to their faces. drinking smiley
quasi Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2008 02:30AM

Perhaps zxz555 has a point; let's eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we shall die. Or is that just a suggestion to just ignore it and it will all go away.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2008 12:03PM

Z, we went through 8 years of people like you whining over Bush's election and you don't want to hear any from us over this one? If nothing happens and he makes it to office then he will have no opposition to his power from congress and we will see just how bad it can get in this country and even the world. If our economy tanks it will be felt around the world. When he causes unemployment to reach all new highs because of his taxes on the corporations. Corporation do not let anything bother their bottom line, if taxes go up then they all trim the payroll to offset it. Then when the minorities start getting even more handouts then they do now we will see whites paying for it even more and that will cause even more racial divisions then there is now, maybe even war in our future. Even if things don't get as bad as I think it will things will certainly get much worse then they are now.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2008 01:27PM

but forecasting things are going to get worse right after a total economic collapse across the western world is a bit like claiming to tell the future about the past. Who got you where you are now? Focus there and not on ruining the good intentions of those that came after.
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2008 03:28PM

There are alot of whites manipulating the welfare system also jgoins.eye
rolling smiley
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2008 03:48PM

Who got you where you are now?

Maybe ya dont truly understand this z but the lefties have had total control of the senate,capital hill,and the pentagon for the last two yrs.The extreme job loss,companys running out of business,and gas prices have occurred during this time frame.The democrats are just smarter at brain washing people,they pass these irrational bills and when they dont work,they blame bush.Just like now,obama will focus on pleasing the [what ya gonna do for me crowd] which shamefully is a majority of the american pulblic.Is that gonna help the economy?"of course not".Is making our military weaker gonna help?"of course not".Military power keeps those who have personal agendas at bay.Also it was the democrats[CLINTON YEARS] that did force the banks to make these high risk loans that people can not pay now.I am a republican but im not for all the republican agendas,they also make alot of bonehead moves.I just go with the lesser of two evils.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 15/11/2008 03:53PM by ORLANDO399.
PostMaster Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2008 07:43PM

To all the psychics here predicting gloom and doom, I have a few questions:
1. Where were you in 2000 and 2004 and why didn't you warn us back then?
2. What are the Lotto numbers for the new drawing?
ORLANDO399 Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2008 07:48PM

What was so bad in 2000-2006?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: November 15, 2008 10:34PM

9-12-21-33-36-46.....they've never hit, but they have hit 4/6 for 75 bucks. grinning smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 16, 2008 12:19PM

The failure of the lenders was caused by all in charge over the past 20 years or so not just Bush. The welfare manipulation is done more by blacks than whites because whites are discriminated against in the welfare system. As of right now the economy is not very bad off and can be saved but it can get much much worse if it is not done right after Obama takes over. Our economy could tank completely to the point where our dollars are only used as toilet paper. If unemployment is driven even higher by Obama's tax the rich policy then the economy will feel it even more. I am not rich by any means but I do know that rich corporations will not let taxes affect their bottom line. I taxes are raised for them they will have layoffs to compensate for the loss. You people need to open your eyes and see how things could get worse instead of thinking things are as bad as they can get now.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 17, 2008 12:39AM

well, just because you all can't deal with the situation and bitch little 3 yr old girls all the time about a guy who hasn't even taken office yet, I hope it turns to absolute shit for you and that you die of starvation in the streets while the French and the muslims and all the other people you constantly insult and deride stand back and do nothing to help you.

Z man, as a total outsider to the issues goin on here, I value your opinion and by all means support your right to it, but ... I ain't buyin it.

See there's one major problem and misconception tied to it and that is, the American public elects leaders to go to bat for them and then they trudge off to Washington and just seem to do whatever the hell they choose, regardless what their constituants want, which leads to the second part of the equation which is the actions of the US government are viewed internationally as the will of the citizens, which by and large is false.

Now then, the US citizenry have shown themselves time and time again as the ones who come to the aid of those all over the world in times of need, even when it puts some of them at great personal risk. Most every humanitarian undertaking in the past 100yrs has either been started by the US citizens or if not they damned sure were always major contributors to such aid.

The US gets hit by hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, economic slowdowns/layoffs, etc. and tell me when has any fuckin body done a god damned thing but sit on the sidelines and snicker about our miseries? Name it if you can find ANY attrocities any nation or group has come to the aid of the US other than 9-11 .... go for it! Then take a look at every international disaster you can mention and I'll damned sure bet the US citizenry was either involved in helping or at the very least raised shitloads of $$$ to help out with!

Shit like this is EXACTLY why I support the concept of isolationism for the US. We have hundreds of thousands of people starving and gettin by livin on the streets (most, not all by choice), our educational system sucks donkey balls, we need affordable health care and there's tons more issues I'd rather see us spending the billions of $$$s we annually spend all over the globe proppin up shit that means zippo to the average citizen and that $$$$ WE pay in so the government can misuse at will could be much better spent HERE angry

Lastly, I'll talk shit about our pres. elect any time I so choose, and I can assure you, I'll likely choose to do so often winking

jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 17, 2008 11:49AM

Mr. Kim I agree we have better uses for all that cash within our borders and we never get any gratitude for any help we give other countries. All we ever hear is how mean or evil we are never thank Mr. USA for your help.
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: November 17, 2008 12:11PM

As i have said before, the Americans i have met have all been likable people with few exceptions, but if you wonder why the US is not liked, well just think of the bully at school complaining about not being liked.

Sure, the US and all developed nations give generously to causes around the world, but sometimess (like the middle east) they are not wanted, the American way is forced upon them for profit. Saddam Hussain was an ally for a long time remember.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 17, 2008 01:49PM

I get your point about bein the bully Z, but like I mentioned, the actions of our government are seldom in tune with what the people here want.

I whole heartedly agree we should get outta the middle east and for that matter, remove our troops and dismantle our installations everywhere and assume an isolationist policy, as much as can be in todays global economy.

We would do far better to adress the issues within our own borders than tryin to solve the rest of the world problems, which we obviously can't do, nor are we welcomed to do so.

I'm so tired of my country beein seen as an international bully, most especially at a great cost to our citizenry who wind up dead at the hands of people all over the world and of course our national budget in keeping up such activities internationally.

The catch 22 of assuming an isolationist posture of course is that in a short period of years some international meglomaniac would begin domination of some culture/country(countries) and we would then be expected to step in and help keep the sheep safe from this new wolf. Then if we didn't we'd get blamed for NOT saving them ... see the conundrum?

My opinion is to just do it anyway and let the chips fall where they may. Our borders and our contry need protection from the wolves of the world too, and OUR people need help with a myriad of issues within our own borders that to me take precedence over tryin to solve everyone elses problems winking

zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: November 17, 2008 01:54PM

i think a lot of people in the UK and elsewhere in Europe think the same, that we have our own problems to solve before we go help everyone else. It's really a question of scale, given 10 years what can we do at home? What does that leave us for helping others? That is what they need to ask. Sometimes you have to say no to help if you will suffer because of it. Whatever happened to teh good ol' days of CIA covert assassinations instead of sending thousands of troops? !
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 18, 2008 12:12PM

Isolationism is ok but what do we do when we are concentrating on our own issues and some insane person or group takes over a country like Russia for instance and pushes the button? It would be a good idea to take care of our own but we just can't ignore the rest of the world either. Isn't that how world wars started in the past?

As for being a bully, if we had truly been a bully we would own all the countries we defeated in wars instead of giving it back to the people. Maybe we would be better off if we owned Japan now instead of building it up and giving it back.