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$80,000 per song
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$80,000 per song

"a man and woman speaking into a microphone"

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uploader: dv8. date: 2009-06-19
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uploader: dv8date: 2009-06-19
Comments for: $80,000 per song
dv8 Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2009 07:11AM

MINNEAPOLIS — A replay of the nation's only file-sharing case to go to trial has ended with the same result — a Minnesota woman was found to have violated music copyrights and must pay huge damages to the recording industry.

A federal jury ruled Thursday that Jammie Thomas-Rasset willfully violated the copyrights on 24 songs, and awarded recording companies $1.92 million, or $80,000 per song.

Thomas-Rasset sat glumly with her chin in hand as she heard the jury's finding of willful infringement, which increased the potential penalty. She raised her eyebrows in surprise when the jury's penalty of $80,000 per song was read.

Outside the courtroom, she called the $1.92 million figure "kind of ridiculous" but expressed resignation over the decision.

"There's no way they're ever going to get that," said Thomas-Rasset, a 32-year-old mother of four from the central Minnesota city of Brainerd. "I'm a mom, limited means, so I'm not going to worry about it now."

Cara Duckworth, a spokeswoman for the RIAA, said the industry remains willing to settle. She refused to name a figure, but acknowledged Thomas-Rasset had been given the chance to settle for $3,000 to $5,000 earlier in the case.
PrOpHeT Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2009 02:02PM

If only I could sell my collection for that...

I could bail out a bank or auto manufacturer.

Average Joe Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2009 10:59PM

I am willing to cheap in to help her pay her fine. If she went on TV with the name of a Paypal account I would donate.
Just on general principle. I feel that money would be better spent than giving to some charities.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2009 11:44PM

i can't see that this is a valid conviction, the info is free and on the net, if they want to get someone, go after the people creating torrents and the torrent search sites. but to convict someone for free internet usage is idiotic. not to mention, they will never see that money from anybody. this girl may have had the shittiest lawyer in history. smiling bouncing smiley

now if this girl were to sell her
"music". then she should do lots of time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 19/06/2009 11:45PM by fossil_digger.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: June 19, 2009 11:48PM

you may ask. why don't thsy go after napster, rtc....? because they have great lawyers.....duh
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: June 20, 2009 01:54AM

$80,000 per song??? Fuck Off!!
so if I steal a car and get caught do I have to pay $73,000,000 to the owner of the car?