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Sometimes the answers are right in front of your face.
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Sometimes the answers are right in front of your face.

"a comparison of a naked man and a woman"

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Comments for: Sometimes the answers are right in front of your face.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2011 06:32AM

Did Adam & Eve (wow, American names?) have belly buttons? Why?

It is a great simple detail that I'm embarrassed to say I never thought of myself.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2011 05:37PM

I showed this to others (religious types), and all they can come up with is that it is just an artists rendering and was not the real Adam & Eve, they totally skip out on the actual physical question.... it kinda gets them down in their guts. drinking smiley
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2011 05:55PM

Arrogant much Mach? I don't know the origins of the names Adam and Eve, and can't be arsed doing the research, but if they don't have Hebrew origins they would be English names, not American. There is no such language as 'American', although you've nearly bastardised English enough that it's almost a different language.

Many names that you would call 'American' would be biblical names: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Michael, Paul, Joseph, Sarah, Hannah, Mary, just to name a few.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2011 05:59PM by GAK67.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2011 09:45PM

GAK, are all those English names Jewish? I think those names are English translations, yes, I will pick on some here in the US, but, most of your religious buddies go around pretending that the bible was made up for them specifically, let's put it this way, if there was any such thing as all of those mythical fairytales, then this country and the people in it would be one of the first on Gods list to annihilate, some of the most petty, two-faced, materialistic humans on the planet.... oh wait.... those are just natural human traits (SELF)... sorry... sorry everyone... sorry about that....

Just like all of the others, you have side-stepped the main issue, did those first couple of humans that God supposedly made from scratch have belly buttons (umbilical cords) or not?
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2011 09:59PM

The answer to your question is simple really. Nobody knows and nobody cares.

Whether you are a 'believer' or not, it's a minor issue compared to the whole creationism vs evolution debate. If you want to focus on something so trivial, knock yourself out.

As a personal opinion, if Adam and Eve were created as per the bible then no, they wouldn't have navels. It's up to the individual whether they want to believe the bible or not, and no amount of 'debate' on sites like this will change anybody's mind, from either side of the argument.
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 12:02AM

BTW, I never said those names were Jewish, I said they were biblical, and I questioned if Adam and Eve were of Hebrew origin, not whether they were Hebrew names. My point was that they were not American, as you called them.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 12:12AM

if Adam and Eve were the first people on earth as advertised, the origin of their names would be exclusive to themselves.
papaimp Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 01:14AM

As it was told to me, Adam and eve were the names of King James' kids.
Mach Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 03:54AM

Never heard the King James names thing before, but, I don't get too into the whole bible thing as a whole, I have to say, I've read parts of the Bible before, I've read Revelations a few times in my life, I do find it a little interesting but in more of a historical point of view, whether any of it really happened or not, someone did sit around and actually write the stuff, at least that's fact.... You have to admit, the King James version was a re-translation of the scriptures by a group of Royal Experts, or, some guys that sat around and listened to their Royal Kings "translation." Have you ever realized how impossible it is to translate the original scriptures that they approved for the Bible, it's a group of Holy people sitting around and giving their perception of what those original authors were thinking way back then, there is no factual translation possible, you can come up with a good 3-4 different meanings from the same sentence, like some of the Holy people I've heard talking (TV), they sit there and tell you that they are just doing the best they can at figuring it out, or... what they would think that God would want them to be like..... Blind FAITH... a government favorite.

Ok, here's another one.... did Adam get boners before Eve was ever magically created? Why did God give Adam an action called a Boner if he didn't even know he was ever going to create a women in the first place? When she was created, did he "get some" right away? Did Adam slap himself silly? Did God have to show Adam & Eve how to get it on? I never read nothing in the bible telling Adam & Eve that random sex was a sin.

So, we're all incessantly related huh? We are all "cousins?"

Why don't Christian American women ever go off on God for being so chauvinistic, women were created from man (rib), so they owe us, if it wasn't for us they would have never been created, they are supposedly just here to ACCOMPANY us, very secondary, that's it.... they aren't being very thankful.

Did Adam & Eves kids have a "belly button complex," they weren't special like their parents were, so that's why they became so murderous?

I feel so inferior because I have a belly button, I think I'll start a no belly button cult, I could probably make a lot of money.

GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 04:40AM

"did Adam get boners before Eve was ever magically created?" - who cares? Is this really what keeps you awake at night? Surely the question you should be asking is "Did God create man?".
Mach Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 08:49AM

Well, I already know the answer, I'm just trying to get some people that are Christian Extremist to shit-talk until they damn me to hell or something.... I guess what I'm really doing is trying to make a couple of people ask some simple common sense questions in their heads, they may not get serious with those questions for years but it will sit there and simmer until they face it head on.... at least with the ones that have a brain.

Something that makes me really sick is people that sit around and preach their bible crap and then are 110% into going around the world and slaughtering people, saying it is for the good.... killing and maiming little kids is what it is, no rationalization allowed.

Politicians are a good example, not only that, but then, all of those goody good people that go to church follow those hypocritical dicks anywhere.

Blah, blah, blah blah blah, blah blah....
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 11:05AM

"I guess what I'm really doing is trying to make a couple of people ask some simple common sense questions in their heads"

Why? Why do you care what other people believe? Get a life.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 11:34AM

I always liked the idea that Adam & Eve was common to Judaism, Islam & Christianity.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 11:44AM

funny how people think that god is either Jewish, Christian or otherwise, wouldn't it be a logical conclusion that he would be his own religion and all the others are bastardizations of his beliefs?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 12:20PM

While there are a few upsides to having religion in ones life, there are similarly a myriad of downsides to its overall impact in the world in general as well.

With religion as the single most efficient divider of humanity as a whole, the impetus for more wars and aggression of man against man in general and a control mechanism for most of humanity (sheeple just love to be lead and herded), I too always seek to get any and all "believers" to at least inspect what lies at the core of their belief in such implausible constructs rather than just continue to blindly swallow the Kool-Aid they've been consuming.

Thought, real honest thought, is always beneficial and thought regarding why one would choose to continue to embrace a principle that has caused more suffering throughout mans time here on the planet is well worth the effort.

I never expect my own thoughts and writings would ever convert any believers but if I can reach out and get them to at least think a bit about their beliefs and why they choose to hold them then success has occurred.

Something I've wondered is .... if science were to one day definitively answer the question of how the Earth and everything else came to exist, would that knowledge end religion? My thoughts are that no, it would not. The same mindset that allows for belief in such a fantastical and nonsensical construct as religion, without any verifiable proof of it in the 1st place, would seemingly allow for continued belief in it even in light of absolute proof to the contrary. With all religion as "faith based" as opposed to being based upon logic and reason, this seems like a given and the same believers that swallow the construct hook-line-and-sinker today without proof would all too likely continue to do so, even in light of actual proof to the contrary.

Knowledge is power and personal knowledge is personal power, yet giving over that personal power to the overriding control of religion and religious organizations seems more like folly than reason when no concrete proof to support it can be given, meaning one must subvert logic and simply "have faith" in it instead, even in light of its overall implausibility when viewed through the context of reason.

In light of this, it seems a worthwhile venture to attempt to get anyone to at least honestly access their views on the subject rather than just to continue to blindly accept it winking


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 13/05/2011 12:23PM by Mrkim.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 13, 2011 05:20PM

If Jesus died on the cross and spent three days in hell to pay for the sins of the world, then why would we have to go to hell ourselves and pay for them again? God is then, in essence, being paid for our sins twice. With that said, was Jesus' sacrifice not worthy enough? If that is the case, why should we care that he died for our sins if his sacrifice means nothing at all?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 12:36PM

no answers for the unanswerable? come on, you guys are disappointing me. smiling bouncing smiley
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 07:13PM

Finding questions is easy and none of them are anything new. You don't want any real answers anyway, you just want to argue and put someone down. Having trouble catching fish lately?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 07:34PM

not putting anyone down...poking fun at them. that was a circle hook easy release. smiling bouncing smiley
Mach Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 08:11PM

GAK67 Wrote:
> "I guess what I'm really doing is trying to make a
> couple of people ask some simple common sense
> questions in their heads"
> Why? Why do you care what other people believe?
> Get a life.

If I care what other people believe, do I not really have a life worth living?


BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 08:52PM

I do care what other people believe when it concerns matters that affect me.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 09:03PM

thanks for making up my mind what to eat for lunch, the trout was fantastic! (*finger4*)
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 09:13PM

The impact of peoples theocratic beliefs effect everyone which is why it it of relevance to everyone, even those of us who don't buy into it. One of my major rubs with the whole idea of religion is that other peoples beliefs DO effect all of us.

If all the believers managed to keep their beliefs between themselves and their chosen "gods" it would be a damned sight easier on everyone else winking

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 09:44PM

Haha! I haven't had trout in donkey years. There's a free fishing day happening down river at a small lake stocked to the brim with farmed rainbow trout. Sometimes they get a few brown and cutthroat in the mix. No place to park and the dock is jammed up with kids and their corresponding adults. They even have signs and flaggers on the road for traffic control. I'd take my little kid down there if it weren't for all the hassle plus it's drizzling today. The Baptist church across the road is providing free parking and volunteers to flag, supervise kids, providing rods, tackle and bait to help kids fish so they are at least good for that smiling

Some people believe that all our minds are interconnected because we are all facets of the same One Being. So even if the people who affect our lives with their beliefs would cease to do so in action they would still affect our lives in thought and consciousness patterns and influence our minds to some degree because we are all connected.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 10:45PM

the closest trout fishing here is around 3 1/2 hours NE in Oklahoma, but the chinese buffet close to me has trout, red fish, talapia and crab legs all you can stuff for 15.95. i've been fartin' for an hour now. smiling bouncing smiley
woberto Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 11:49PM

Can any of you prove to me that we are NOT in the Matrix?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 14, 2011 11:58PM

Nope, but if you can make a plausible case for it .... I'm all ears grinning smiley

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 15, 2011 12:49AM

i don't have a socket in the back of my head.......totally lost
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: May 15, 2011 01:13AM

@Mach - the way you put it sounded as though you were obsessing over what other's beliefs are, and if that was the case, then imo your life would be very sad.

@Mrkim - the non believers also need to keep their beliefs to themselves then. Not believing in God is also a theocratic belief.

@fossil - you wouldn't know even if you did - it was only once you were extracted that you knew of the socket.

@Blah - how does my belief on creation/evolution concern matters that effect (affect?) you?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 15/05/2011 01:16AM by GAK67.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 15, 2011 01:21AM

that doesn't make sense. if i were extracted, then i would have a socket. but if i had never been extracted, i would never know if i had one or i'm confused. totally lost
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 15, 2011 02:13AM

Rejection of all theocracy is not a belief structure GAK, no matter how adamantly theists like to make that claim. I suppose if I stated I didn't believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, such non-belief would also be viewed as a belief by your logic. Sorry dude, that just dudn pass the smell test.

BTW, if people kept their belief structures to themselves instead of trying to run the lives of others with them I wouldn't give 2 shits if people worshiped frogs, the sunrise or dog placenta. The main societal problems that arise from theocracy are the dislike or outright hate generated towards others beliefs by differing trains of theocratic belief and attempting to foist theocratic based ideology on others through governmental policies and laws.

Until theists STOP trying to manipulate the world around me and how I live in it they will always be a thorn in my side and I'll damned well rail against theology and ALL believers because of their unwelcome invasion and manipulation of the world around us in the name of whatever god they choose to endorse as their favored imaginary friend the
finger smiley

Mach Report This Comment
Date: May 15, 2011 06:41AM

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum
shows that faith does not prove anything."
- Nietzsche (1844-1900)
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 15, 2011 07:03PM

@Gak - I did not say that is what I believe. As far as evolution vs creation goes your belief could conceivably matter to me concerning public education guidelines and rules and such things people sometimes vote on. I do perceive that the beliefs of others do have an effect on how they communicate with me. As far as the all one mind thing goes, how the hell would I know? I don't hear voices and I'm not telepathic or anything that I've noticed. It's just something that some people say they believe and I tossed it in the mix.

By the way, affect is a verb unless you're a shrink and effect is a noun. I guess for some electric guitar players it might be used as a verb though. Who knows what shrinks and electric guitar players think?
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: May 15, 2011 07:03PM

heh heh...I worship dog placenta...
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: May 15, 2011 09:26PM

@Blah - you must be concerned about a lot then. Every belief a person has, religious or otherwise, will effect what they vote on, what they want taught in schools, the way they act. You seem to be singling out religion or creation/evolution though. Do you get as upset by those on the street wanting to get you to save the whales (or whatever) as you do about religious people? After all they are trying to convert you to their way of thinking as much or more so than religious people.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: May 16, 2011 02:01AM

Sure I am somewhat concerned about things that affect me but what gave you the idea that I was or am upset about anything?

I made a comment in a discussion about religion and beliefs, you asked me a question and I gave an answer to it. I did not single out religious people but the discussion has been (mostly) about religious beliefs. Sorry if you got the wrong idea but I don't see how I contributed anything to that idea.

I'm not even upset that Fossil got to eat trout and I didn't.