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It was cold I tells ya!
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It was cold I tells ya!

"a slide with ice on it"

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Comments for: It was cold I tells ya!
quasi Report This Comment
Date: November 27, 2015 11:44PM

Froze my ass off
pulse Report This Comment
Date: November 28, 2015 02:39AM

Beautiful weather here today; in the 20s, calm, very light sea breeze. Same tomorrow.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: November 28, 2015 03:55AM

in the 20s at night here...but it's the F not the C
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 28, 2015 04:30AM

Rainin like hell and a cool 37(f) here. The water tanks are good n full though, so I should be good till spring ... Woohooo!

I def don't miss payin a damned water bill every month.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: November 29, 2015 09:59PM

Going to be around 90ish in your weird ass temperature measurement today. Looking forward to summer.

Last year was odd, we didn't have a single day above 40 (~104); normally in Melbourne we peak up to approx ~110-114ish in summer, but not a single day got there. I can't remember that ever happening, even as a kid.

I think I'm right in saying we had the coldest winter recorded, too
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: November 30, 2015 12:18PM

Last summer here was a mild one as well with only a smattering of days that broke over 100, yet our last winter was a mild one as well, both much to the chagrine of the electric companies smiling

If I'm not mistaken this year's also been the wettest on record. Just the rain we've had in the last week was more than we normally get in a 6 month average.

Sure am curious to see how all the global warming zealots/carbon credit peddlers are gonna explain the predicted mini ice age some climatologists are predicting around mid century.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: November 30, 2015 12:27PM

Most just say climate change these days, rather than global warming smiling

Colder/wetter is still climate change.

I personally think it's practically impossible that we HAVEN'T affected the climate.. there used to be a hell of a lot more trees in the world.

That said though, I have no idea of the amount, or pretend to know what will happen. And I do enjoy driving.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 30, 2015 12:28PM

It would be alright with me if global warming were true and the temps started getting warmer. I wouldn't mind never having another winter.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: November 30, 2015 12:30PM

Move somewhere warmer smiling
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: November 30, 2015 12:41PM

The wife doesn't want to move to Guam.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2015 03:04AM

Seems reasonable enough that we humans have had an impact on the earth, though the climate science hardly seems to bear out evidence of anything like the claims bandied about. The polar caps aren't melting (growing in fact), no substantive rise in sea levels, nor even the warming trend the warming criers claimed were taking place.

Yeah, 1st it was global cooling, which didn happen so it was switched to global warming, which also failed to have been proven out so now it's called "climate change". Uh, only problem is climate change has been and will continue to be what it is, or more universally known as the seasons!

Like in any thing else, the best way to look for truth is by following the $$.

There's shit tons of $$ to be made and traded in the "carbon credits" shell game, tons more to be made off idiots who will gladly be swindled outta their money buyin bogus "climate neutral" products and of course the international wealth transfer game of poor countries lining up with palms outstretched as they seek to soak the richer countries for pieces of pies they have no reasonable claim to.

Liberal guilt is a miraculous tool being used to swindle, cajole and steal money from people all across the globe, perhaps the most successful scam ever perpetrated.

Anyone who wants to shovel their cash away to others for whatever reason, that's fine, but when you expect me to gleefully join in that venture, much less use fuckin tax dollars I helped pay into as any part of your plan, I just have 3 words to relate ... Go Fuck Yourself :>P
woberto Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2015 07:17AM

More crazy are the people who buy bottle water.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2015 08:21AM

Depends where you are.

In Melbourne, the water is fantastic. Really clean, tastes good. Where my in-laws are in the country, the water tastes like ass. It's clean, but you can taste the chlorine etc in it, and running it through a filter just makes it taste weird. If I lived there, I'd buy water.

But yes, if I'm off at Nandos or something, I'll grab a coke zero over a water.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 01, 2015 02:04PM

Bottled water is a necessity for my daughter who has fibromyalgia. She need water with a lower ph value and only come in some bottled water. Regular tap water has too high ph but it is fine for me though I only drink it in my iced tea which I drink all day long.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: December 03, 2015 05:51AM

Our water here sux, so badly in fact local restaurants always use the fact they DON'T is it for anything but washing dishes as a selling point!

But, in my constant hydration quests, I drink tons of water. Dr Pepper, coffee and even the Monsters I love to slam to get me through my road warrior/urban assault adventures are all ... mostly water. As for the clear stuff, I rarely touch it, though I do make an occasional exception in the case of vodka. winking
woberto Report This Comment
Date: December 03, 2015 09:54PM

So because bottled water is available,
a government, state, county or council can neglect the basic utility service of providing drinking water?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2015 12:27AM by woberto.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: December 04, 2015 12:01PM

I never tried dehydrated water before but I do use freeze dried water all the time in my tea.