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stay woke mofos
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stay woke mofos

"a person with a blue background"

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Comments for: stay woke mofos
Penis Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2022 12:35AM

I get it, but this isn't the way to express it......
Peter Puller Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2022 07:04AM

There's a piece missing from the equasion: Whenever a character becomes someone of color not from the source material to drive the purists and right-wingers batty, THIS IS ALWAYS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. Not a real-life person. Applying the 'woke' rant to the biography of a real person doesn't work (Hamilton aside).
The next Ghostbusters will have women, the next Cinderella will be black, the next Captain America will also be black, but at no point will Thomas Edison be played by a Japanese actor and Greta Thunburg's life story's actress will be a blue-eyed light-skinned young woman with a Swedish accent -- and will not be played by a Jamaican.

But to play devil's advocate for a few seconds: What's funny to me is when an actor is cast for a part which is within the correct demographic, but sensitive people will still flip out because the actor is not the EXACT criteria. By that I mean: Thandiwe Newton is light-skinned black woman and appeared in God's Country, and the character she was playing was darker, so people felt that darker-skinned actors were overlooked for her part. I recall some story about a black actor playing Bob Marley having to darken his skin to correctly match Marley's fleshtone, then being accused of "playing blackface" as though he was a white guy in vaudeville. Lin-Manuel Miranda cast plenty of Hispanic actors for In The Heights, and received grief that there weren't enough leading actors who were Afro-Latinx like the people in the neighborhood the play takes place in.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2022 10:16AM

There's a piece missing from the equasion: Whenever a character becomes someone of color not from the source material to drive the purists and right-wingers batty, THIS IS ALWAYS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. Not a real-life person.

Yeah. You'd never find somebody like John Wayne playing Genghis Khan.
Peter Puller Report This Comment
Date: October 17, 2022 05:27PM

pulse: Or Joseph Fiennes playing Michael Jackson.

I should have been clearer about one point because you went in a different direction... There's a difference between an actor of one ethnicity wearing makeup to play an character of another ethnicity (which is nowadays frowned upon, but speaking of John Wayne few and far between were Native Americans in the western movies actually played by Native Americans back in the day), including my stated caviat of people in the right grouping yet adjacent to a real person's appearance, it seems -and- today, nowadays, the trend of retelling a story but altering the characters' embodiments, such as Jaden Smith playing Daniel-san in The Karate Kid, which is what the post was depicting but erroniously about a nonfictional character.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2022 10:37AM

Where do you find these idiots pulse?
pulse Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2022 11:58AM

The bottom of very dark barrels.