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Saddam Husseins lover gets the rope .
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Saddam Husseins lover gets the rope .

"a man with a noose around his neck"

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Comments for: Saddam Husseins lover gets the rope .
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2007 06:40PM

Fine! As long as G.W. Bushfuck is next. I can feel the co-efficient of evil dropping in the world just thinking about it......
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 03, 2007 09:00PM

NOTE: The above reply is an ERROR!
Don't think so snorky.... Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2007 12:23AM

Go back to your rubber room Dumbsfeld.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2007 12:40AM

Whaaa! It's Bush's fault! Get a life you fucking foaming at the mouth dumbshit. Bush inherited all the horseshit your asspal Clinton created in the 8 years he spent fucking around and getting fucked in the Whitehouse.
Check it again, snorky (TNG) Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2007 12:42AM

King George the first was in charge of the CIA when they set all that puppet government shit up before, (remember the SHAH?) with a little help from England. Google for images of "Donald Rumsfeld shaking Hussein's hand" and grow the fuck up. Some of us have been here longer than fifteen minutes have some memory of all this happening before.

Is it Vietnam yet?


Says you. It always was, you numbnuts. If you're in a uniform reading this in Iraq, I sincerely hope you make it back safely but make no mistake: YOU WERE CHUMPED. (So was fitty percent of the rest of us, but it was the gullible fitty.....)

We should keep our nose out of other the sovereign affairs of foreign governments. Then maybe our buildings wouldn't get blown up by obsessed egomaniacs trying to draw our attention away from our own self-obsession.

Original sin. It is a bitch.
Anonymous III (The one and only) Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2007 12:45AM

Have you checked what the deficit looks like with IRAQNAM and the Pentagon included? (not one dime of which has been factored in and won't be until BUSHFUCK is out of office)

Republifucks. They lie because they wouldn't know the truth if they told it by accident. Which they won't do either.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 04, 2007 01:56AM

Voters elected so many Democrats at the mid-term elections in November because the Republicans were doing such a good job, everyone figured they deserve a break.