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israel vs iran
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israel vs iran

"a military jet on a runway"

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Comments for: israel vs iran
Scheich Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2005 11:13PM

if it has to be, so israel could reach the iran - thanks to some new f16 from the usa!
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2005 11:17PM

why israel is allowed to have nuks and iran is banned ??? just wonderin
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2005 11:35PM

Israel has the best fighter pilots in the world!
Scheich Report This Comment
Date: December 14, 2005 11:58PM

@On December 14, 2005, 11:17 pm avengerx said :
why israel is allowed to have nuks and iran is banned ??? just wonderin

well.. it's about what the leader of iran during the last days told the world.. about replacing the jews from middle east.. that the holocaust is just a story people made up and so forth..
and about the fact, that iran pays the hizbolla a lot of monney to continue their "djihad" against israel..
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 01:47AM

maybe because the muslims want land from iran to spain. only thing standing in their way is israel. they think it's all theirs by some sort of right.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 04:52AM

coupla facts here for anyone who is history challenged....judiasm predates islam by several centuries...there were jews in the middle east for a thousand years before mohammed was even born so the jews have MORE claim to the israel than the johnny-come-lately muslims.

also, the israelis have had f-16's since the '70's...that is right, for THIRTY years...latest american fighter? i guess compared to the wright flyer, it is. sheesh, anyone here born over ten years ago?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 06:08AM

Yea, go Israel go!!!!
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 07:14PM

19711 : ur argument makes no sense , bec jews were not in israel in the 1st place read the old testament and u ll know moses was in egypt , they moved to israel later ....besides judaism is before christianity so why not kicking christians as well from palestine and how about in the native indians who lived in the usa , how about kicking all us citiziens , indians have more right in american than them.......besides , moslims didnt invade the middle east , they are the natives who converted to islam , they were christians and jews before a lot chossed islam and others stayed as jews and christians , there existed arab jews and muslims and through more than 1000 year when the islamic empire existed , no body ever did any harm to them ....see tolrence of islam and the rasicsm of judaism as another adition : u cannot be jew unless ur mother is , but any1 is wecome in islam , no whatsoever discrimination based on race color religion or anything ...faced it bro u are rasicst and oppressors , it runs in ur blood....good luck in the next reply ,
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 07:16PM

f_d : if u know the meaning of the 2 blue strips on the israeli flag and the star between them , ur shitty statment will turn 180 degrees against u .....u still have a lot to learn
Scheich Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 09:47PM

avengerx: please explain the meaning of the elements of the flag.
19711: it's the new f-16I see here for more infos: []
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 15, 2005 11:26PM

there is nothing i can learn from you, your twisted sense of reality and religion is plain comical.
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2005 07:18PM

scheich : i will : the two blue strips represent the dreams of the big israel , they are the borders of what jews want to be israel : the two big rivers : NYLE(in egypt) and dejlah (in iraq)...and in the middle the symbol of judaism , the star jews dream of israel to be from iraq to egypt inlcluding the countries between them so in total they will be : egypt ,jordan ,syria , lebanon and iraq....
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2005 09:16PM

SOLD! they don't deserve to have ANY land anyway!
scheich Report This Comment
Date: December 18, 2005 09:50PM

avergerx: you have some sources where i can read that? i'd like to see it as well somewhere else. thx
fd: shut up
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 03:13PM

hahahahahahahahahahhaha....this is really funny ...a bunch of idiots who cant understand way some 1 can talk with u : an old men called fossil_digger , whos probably in the 60 s waiting death spendin his time on the net ....and another psycho called 90130 who pretend he was in the american army and fought in gulf war ....fossil digger hates adc beast just bec he dont agree with them ,,...and now they wanna sue me on my actions , s a tip for u fossil_shit digger : go and do something good in ur life instead of spendin ur time saying bs ...u have an attitude prob besides i wish u remind me of 1 phrase in which i said : i am a muslim ....all what i ve done is just tell u about islam from trustful resources , dont u get it idiot ...u always dont get it ...besides 90103 : have i said : i am a good muslim???...when??/...u dick head......i was hoping to see some humans with brains on this site ...but no s a forum of fools, preverted ,psychos and rasicst ....except for few of course in order not be harsh on u all ....and now fossil_shit crapper : who told u i am into porn , have i uploaded any porn image or commented on one....and i guess if u open : wikipedia encyclopedia u ll know who briana and jenna ....i dont have to watch em ,,....but as for rap well i am into rap ...guess thats none of ur business also ...and concerning cursing , well u need one grandpa , bec u are not polite at all and i reply back with fire when some 1 starts the fight u cant understand anything of what i said : go ahead say ur bs as usual : yaaa , throw him to dogs , ya muslims hahah, ya cool , ....fuck it man , couldnt see any1 more stupid then u except ur mother...who s probably crying in her grave from the shits u do in ur life ...thats why u couldnt have a wife ..u dont deserve to be loved u fasicst rasicst nazi scum cum bag ...faggot .....confusions is what i ll cause to u and illusions is everything u can see too ...and u know what , it has been a waste of time to get to such forum of idiots ...shitty site ......i have a lot more important things in my life to do ...other than spendin the time talkin to a perverted sob .....some people were nice on this site and others were not...complete psycho s : for ex: fossil_shit digger . 90130 , pro_junior and a lot of anonymus shits save ur fuckin shitty comments for urself now , bec this is the last time i ll log into this website full of shits and porn my advice for u fossil_shit digger , is to save ur time cuz i wont read them , i lost any tiny hope of u i suggest to throw u to the ghettos or to gang to fuck u up and whipe ur ass ....hahah, am sure that when u read this comment : u and pro_dickhead and 90130 : will feel so much same that u ll try to cheer up one another ,of course dont cry babies go ahead say whatever u wanna say ,instead of dying from shame ...bye bye ass holes , bye fossil_shit digger ...bye 90130 dick in ur ass ...bye baby pro_dickhead glad u ll read all the shits targeted on u ,while for me , i wont read none of ur silly replies : 1-0 ehh ....hahha ......ya pretty funny ....: AM LEAVIN ONCE AND FOR ALL ...cuz i don give a shit anymore ..about ur fuckin silly idiot opinions bitches....i really dont have a nice time while waiting death old man .....and ps: try to find something else that have more benefit .....finally : FUCK YA ///////\\\\\\\\\\\\\
and dont forget to turn it attacking muslims instead of me ,idiot , ...thats what ur excellent in : generalizing and not takin it personally ......


fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 05:56PM

scheich: go suck avengers dick, punk!
scheich Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 07:14PM

On December 20, 2005, 5:56 pm fossil_digger said :
scheich: go suck avengers dick, punk!

no, but thanks for the offer smiling
scheich Report This Comment
Date: December 20, 2005 07:21PM

AND: avenger_x DID post on nude pics.. well dude.. you are contradicting yourself

[thumb]13251[/thumb] just one example
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 22, 2005 08:51PM

because he thinks women are sluts and whores is contradicting?
scheich Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2005 11:31AM

ah.. who gives a fuck anyway..
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2005 10:38PM

certainly not me
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: January 02, 2006 05:00AM

AVENGERX u r the man.. everything u have mentioned is 100% right. the israelis respect no one, even the US. if its up to them they would kill every non jew in this world,they are worse than the nazis, the jews r the scum of the earth , not the arabs not the americans its them , the jews all the problems in this world r because of them, if there was no israel the entire world be a safer place, do u know why cause everybody will be happy, the arabs will be happy they will stop botehring america, and the americans will be happy cause they dont need to support israel anymore and get it self headaches.
so fuck isreal and their f-16, when the time comes they will fall of the sky like flies.
scheich Report This Comment
Date: January 16, 2006 01:42PM

@2789 oh you poor bastard!