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"a group of men holding large hot dogs"

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Comments for: Compensating
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2020 02:10PM

I could say somethin about this being how sheeple look commenting on other citizens exercising their legal rights, but a comment like that might be viewed as snarky, so ... star wars fighting

quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2020 02:45PM

I don't have a problem with gun ownership with proper use and care, I have a couple myself, but walking around at a peaceful protest with an assault type weapon like you never stopped playing GI Joe is a dick move and looks an awful lot like terrorism in a time when mass shootings have become a regular thing. Rights have responsibilities.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2020 03:32PM

Just a question Qman ... exactly how many people did these lawful gun owners shoot?

One more: How many people were killed at the demonstration?

So your point exactly is what other than stirring up a fuss over people utilizing their constitutional rights in a lawful manner totally lost

pulse Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2020 03:05AM

Does it matter how many they shot? It was a protest for returning to work wasn't it? Nothing to do with rights to carry guns.

Also, how can you possibly get inside a government building carrying assault weapons without being shot? What does that say about security? If you want to stage a terrorist attack, just walk up with machine guns because you'll be let straight in?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2020 08:43PM

Sheesh pulse, how many times are we gonna go round this same bush?

"Does it matter how many they shot?"

Well, I'd think the answer to that question would be a firm yes because the answer is Zero, Nada, Zip.

The point here is these lawful gun owners did nothing at all to harm or even intimidate anyone. Oh wait, I forget some people wanna piss their pants when they see a gun in public. 'Course that's their issue and not a legal or societal precedent. Bottom line, they harmed no one, end of story.

"It was a protest for returning to work wasn't it? Nothing to do with rights to carry guns."

So I assume you inferred by the above statement that because they were protesting while also legally carrying their weapons there's something intrinsically wrong in doing both simultaneously? Not sure what point you're making other than you think they should not do both at once. Might I remind you that's simply a subjective personalized position to hold and not one any law abiding citizen here is required to agree, much less comply with.

"Also, how can you possibly get inside a government building carrying assault weapons without being shot? What does that say about security? If you want to stage a terrorist attack, just walk up with machine guns because you'll be let straight in?"

Here we go again with the whole "assault weapon" BS line of attack. To be classified as an assault weapon it must be a weapon w/a multi round clip capacity and have a selectable fire rate between single rounds, semi-automatic and fully automatic modes of operation. Of course the sale of new fully automatic weapons has been outlawed since 1986 in the US. And, if a person is licensed to legally possess a fully automatic weapon they have to have passed an extensive back ground check, paid a small fortune for the license and then also pay for a stamp that allows them to then own the gun. The price of the tax stamp mentioned varies but hovers around $10,000.00 for EACH fully automatic weapon an owner has.

Given the above it's highly unlikely any of these gun owners were carrying fully automatic machine guns.

In all likelihood they were just gun owners practicing their legal right to carry their semi automatic weapons in public and YOU just don't like that.

Again, that's a matter of opinion and you certainly have a right to hold it. However, your right to your opinion doesn't superceed their right to brandish legal weapons in public either, so just get over it man (*facepalm*)

quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2020 10:19PM

Wearing a firearm to what is supposed to be a peaceful protest is asking for trouble and an attention seeking distraction, and it still looks ridiculous despite it being their right. It's everybody's right to look like a fool but, whatever. They're insecure little bullies, fuck 'em, they're not helping their cause, just making it look stupid. Even your buddies think they're full of shit, Kim.

Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 05, 2020 11:18PM

Qman, I found it such a freeing thing years ago when my give-a-shit finally broke in regards to what anyone thinks of me, my ideas, how I choose to live or how I think.

Anyone who would be "my buddy" would understand the above.

BTW, chest pounding about how you disagree with what these cats did or where they chose to do it dudn make it any less lawful, nor do I imagine they much give a shit what cowering nancies think either.

I'll always agree with anyones right to participate in constitutionally guaranteed actions, even when I stand in total opposition to what it is they're doing.

You on the other hand stand ready to demean and debase anyone who fails to embrace your own thoughts on right and wrong and constitutionality plays no part in your decisions hot smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: May 27, 2020 12:34PM

I'm betting nobody had the cojones to call him a dick to his face.
woberto Report This Comment
Date: May 28, 2020 07:31AM

quasi is right, these guys were dicks.
The rest of it is all off topic.
Leave the Q-man alone.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 28, 2020 01:48PM

A man says what he means and defends his own position without any need for externalized backing.

If you're interested in starting a shit show by posting an image like this here, where both pro and anti 2nd amendment factions exist, you'd best be ready to make and support your own views adequately with solid reasoning and legal precedence.

If ya wanna make weak kneed emotional appeals and "think of the children" posts this is not a wise place to do so, or at least if you do, expect to get whatcha get for doing so cool
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 29, 2020 10:22PM

It's okay, 'berto, I triggered the whiners when I made fun of these guys for looking like the dicks they are. Let 'em cry.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: May 30, 2020 12:57AM

The only whiner here is you quasi.
These men went to a peaceful protest and they took some guns with them. So what?

What do you have to say about those "peaceful protesters" in Minneapolis last night?
Are you going to post pictures of the THUGS leaving Target and photoshop some dildos in their shopping looting carts?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 30, 2020 05:39AM

"It's okay, 'berto, I triggered the whiners when I made fun of these guys for looking like the dicks they are."

If citing citizens legal rights to protest, legal gun owners rights, and the combining of the 2 rights equates to whining then all I can say is Q man, your train of logic has run completely off the rails.

"Let 'em cry."

Cry for what? Freedom from the perverted sense of justice you social justice - eco warrior types are willing to bestow upon legal, peaceful protests simply because you disagree with them utilizing their rights in a peaceful manner?

Dude, welcome to the world of the walking, breathing punchline known as the liberally unhinged masses to whom no constitutionally granted rights are acknowledged unless YOU deem them to be such (*facepalm*)
woberto Report This Comment
Date: May 30, 2020 08:39AM

quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 30, 2020 10:00AM

"Squawk, squawk, squawk, whine, whine,whine, you made fun of some scared little boys that need to carry guns in public so you're everything wrong with America." It's like a bunch of old women. Tell you what, I live in a stand your ground state and if they step on my property packing they'll find themselves on the wrong end of a gun. That's what gun rights are for, not parading around wearing them like expensive bling to get some attention.

woberto - Get ready for some long diatribe about why that Forbes piece is fake news.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 30/05/2020 10:07AM by quasi.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 30, 2020 04:32PM

"Tell you what, I live in a stand your ground state and if they step on my property packing they'll find themselves on the wrong end of a gun. That's what gun rights are for, not parading around wearing them like expensive bling to get some attention."

The above says all anyone needs to know to "get" your point while making the case for what I said at the exact same time.

You're in total agreement with the gun laws and rights the Constitution and your home state provide so you choose to support them, yet in the case of others who utilize their constitutional and state rights in a peaceful manner you choose to deride them simply because they don't meet YOUR approval.

This IS what makes you an anathema to our nation Q man. You're only willing to support the rights YOU deem valid which puts you squarely on the side of all the anti-American bleeding heart whiny libs.

Here's a perfect example of a scenario that makes my point.

In the US it's been adjudicated that defacing or even burning a US flag is within any citizens rights. I 100% disagree with any such practice as I find it disrespectful to the flag of my nation. However, I do understand it's within the rights of all Americans to do so and as such I would even be willing to defend ones right to do so simply because it's a legal right of any citizen to do so.

Does this mean I agree with their actions? Nope, it just means that such an act is within their legal rights to do so, even when the act itself sickens me, I'm still willing to support that right.

Does it mean I'm going to photoshop dildos into a pic of them defacing an American flag in an attempt to demean them or their character because I disagree with what they're doing? No

You on the other hand are only willing to support what YOU deem as a persons rights, regardless of the legality of their actions and then openly demean and deface the character of anyone you disagree with.

To 'bertos linked article : had I the time or inclination I could certainly pen an article in absolute refutation to what the author of the Forbes article wrote and base it just as surely on psychological reasoning.

Psychology is such a malleable basis to form an argument for or against anything that any point can be supported if the right tools/wording are judiciously applied nerd

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 30/05/2020 04:33PM by Mrkim.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 30, 2020 10:35PM

So me exercising my freedom of speech by posting a photo mocking someone doing something uncalled for under the circumstances though it is within their rights and I agree it's within their rights, just ridiculous, warrants a stern talking to while people burning a flag is acceptable though reprehensible. Got it. Love the double standard.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2020 05:19AM

Honestly? Has that thick, humid atmosphere in Fla. really gone to your head so strongly as to make even simple logic so easily obfuscated?

I'll wholeheartedly agree with your right to disagree with how someone else chooses to exercise their legal rights, that's a given. What I take issue with is demeaning the character of people you don't even have a clue about and thinking that's cool and reasonable simply BECAUSE you disagree with how they choose to exercise their rights.

And, before we go any further if you think photoshopping giant dildos into their images isn't demeaning then honestly I can't begin to imagine what you might then actually decide IS demeaning.

In my case, on the issue of flag burning I support their right to do so and as such refuse to participate in demeaning their character though I'm in total opposition to the act they're participating in and yet somehow you surmise that to be a double standard on my part.

Sadly Q man, you're the one exhibiting a double standard, not me (*facepalm*)
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2020 11:48AM

Right, nothing demeaning is ever posted on plus613, my bad for breaking that rule and offending a poor little snowflake Texan.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2020 02:02PM

Ok Q man, here's where I fuckin break my own rules of online civility just for you, you're welcome.

Fuck you you motherfuckin snowback yankee motherfucker. You wanna talk shit? I didn leave my home state and migrate south like you god damned yankee ass snowbacks did.

I was born in the south and I'll fuckin well die here too you fucktard son of a yankee whore.

You snowback dipshits amaze me and I've had my fill of you and your ilk. You stupid fuckers piss all over your own home states, fuck 'em all to hell with stupid assed liberalist directives, unions, and social welfare bullshit to the point they're fuckin uninhabitable for anyone who wants to make a better life for themselves and once you've totally drained all but the last dying gasp from your own native states, like god damned locust, you migrate elsewhere so you can start the process all over on a new host.

And host is exactly the right term for you lib social justice warrior parasite motherfuckers.

You and all the other snowback POS motherfuckers oughta be kissin the ass of every motherfuckin southerner that created the lands you inhabit, be glad that someone cared enough to create a place for you to begin your social drain anew, but I know that won't be happenin, there's not enough god damned functioning brain cells amongst even a million of you fuckers to facilitate such thoughts.

You fuckin libtard, brain cell deprived motherfuckers sicken me to my southern heart.

BTW, snowflake is a term reserved for you anti-American fucks who wanna piss all over our rights, all while spewing vitriol over everything our country stands for and tryin to tell people with reasonable minds that THEY'RE the problem!

You whiny god damned libtard motherfuckers are literally just too much for this country to be able to survive and many of us on the other side of the fence have had about all of your bullshit we can stand.

Fuck everything you support, fuck every socialist fairy tale you dream about at night and most especially FUCK YOU, YOU MOTHERFUCKIN SNOWBACK YANKEE SCUM the
finger smiley
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2020 02:47PM

There he is!
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2020 04:43PM

So sorry for the brain drain it required of you in hammering out that oh-so witty 3 word response.

Send me your address and I'll forward you a cuddly petting puppy to soothe your jangled synapses nerd
quasi Report This Comment
Date: May 31, 2020 07:16PM

Lol, for somebody who's not a snowflake you sure melt down awfully well. Hahahahahahaha.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: June 03, 2020 03:23AM

For starters let me apologize to all the readers here who have come to know my typical MO. The above tirade/reply is not my typical response. Though we as humans all have our breaking point, Quasi surely found mine and the resultant response is poignant in that it shows where that point lies.

Anyone wanting to point towards how we southerners have welcomed the yankee interlopers with welcome arms into our fold while at the same time expecting embracement of the self same garbage politics and policies that ran them out of their own home states into the welcoming arms of the southern states is so full of shit that only a look at their brown eyes is all that's required to understand their BS is less than self righteous.

This will be my last direct response to those like Quasi as all hope is apparently lost in addressing them anyway:

"Best of luck to you choom"

BTW a study of Robert Heinleins works might be helpful in undertstanding the meaning of that message