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Don't blame me, I voted for McCain
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Don't blame me, I voted for McCain

"a blue and red sign with white text"

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Comments for: Don't blame me, I voted for McCain
Lexx Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2009 10:18PM

The current administration is kinda like going into a 7-11 and buying an 89 cent Big Gulp, giving the clerk a $100 bill and getting nothing back in return.

It makes me say "where's my change? When I gave you all that money it was my understanding that there would be some change!"

You just can only tax the upper 10% income bracket so much even when they have good tax attourneys.

All this does it reduce their capital enough to where they can't afford to expand their businesses and hire more employees.

If you really want to stimulate the economy, boost the stock market and create jobs you CUT the taxes for the rich, instead of making it look like you are punishing people for being successful.

The dems think they can play Robin Hood and use the wealthy to pay for everything when they should realize that if they cut taxes and help the rich get even richer instead of trying to take 15-20% of everything they have; in the long run that brings in more tax revenue.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 18/10/2009 10:19PM by Lexx.
duane Report This Comment
Date: October 18, 2009 11:52PM

on YES!!!! He is going to screw it up worse before it's over. He gives away sovereignty soon in Copenhagen in a few weeks. thumbs
up Hey everybody go green.
Mint Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2009 01:07AM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2009 02:43AM

poor clueless mint. (*finger*)
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2009 11:02AM

How would a one world government be better when even the UN fails to do anything about places like North Korea and Iran?
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2009 01:21PM

I used to wonder if the US could survive this lunatics possible 8yr run in the WH. Now I wonder if we'll be able to survive even 4yrs!

Though it's way too soon to predict the outcome of the next round of national elections, I can at least hope he won't see another term. Then again he was elected for all the wrong reasons and hasn't delivered on any of changes he promised while the changes he's offered are all extremely detrimental to the economy and the country as a whole so far,

Maybe he won't receive the same support in the next time at bat, but who knows, stranger things have happened (*facepalm*)

SkullandChains Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2009 02:23PM

For the first time, there will be no "cost of living increase" in 2010, for people on social security. I'd like to know who's responsible for that. Barack? I feel sorry for the elderly and disabled people. Cost of living is going up. They deserve the increase.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: October 19, 2009 02:58PM

But .... he's authorized givin 'em all a whoppin $250 instead which works out to $4.80 a week!

Admittedly since there is no inflation and hence no supposed increases in the cost of living, no COL increase is really required, but, that's really a pretty insulting figure to hand out to all the retirees on the rollsthumbs


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 19/10/2009 07:55PM by Mrkim.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: October 20, 2009 11:05AM

The may not be inflation elsewhere in the country but there sure is here. Rent used be be an average of $400 per month around here but now the average is over $750 per month because natural gas has been discovered in the area. I could really use the cost of living increase.