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terrorist suck

"a group of men standing in front of a destroyed building"

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Comments for: terrorist suck
darthcraig Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2005 10:52PM

Wow, this is an educated stance. What about the IRA, until recently they have been the biggest terrorist organization. The Catholic church has pulled just as much crap, if not more, in the name of there god. Suggestion, either educate, or exterminate yourself.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 09, 2005 11:55PM

i say exterminate the human race
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 10, 2005 01:44AM

Good post and true! Send complaints to WTC care of 3000 dead Americans NYC, U.S.of pissed off A.
darthcraig Report This Comment
Date: November 10, 2005 03:15AM

I was being sarcastic about the "educated" part.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 10, 2005 05:33AM

Contrary to ongoing reports by mainstream media outlets, WMDs have been found in Iraq, so reports New York Times best-selling author Richard Miniter in his new book, Disinformation.
But if it's not on CNN it can't be true..

John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: November 10, 2005 06:35AM

You'd think that if WMDs were really found in Iraq, the Bush Admin. would trumpet the news from the parapets, it /was/ after all their primary justification for invading a soverign country. This has not happened. I wonder why.

I read the link. Sounds like a lot of hype. So big deal "1.77 metric tons of uranium" was found.. they did have nuclear power reactors to produce electricity. They weren't living in caves you know. As for the rest of the list, they sound pretty mundane. "17 chemical warheads" ... 17?! wtf. That's not much. The US has far, far more WMD action than that. Far.

The whole WMD thing assumed that they had ACTIVE weapons, and they were aiming them at the US - remember? Or at least Israel. ..not just parts sitting around that could be assembled. Don't forget UN inspectors were traipsing around the country; not like Saddam could have actually started anything serious with a bunch of bean-counters counting his beans.

For the record, I don't watch CNN (central news nausea). But no other reputable news outlet is mentioning this information. At least not at this point.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 10, 2005 06:04PM

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 10, 2005 08:16PM

Well it was posted under the Humor cat....
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 10, 2005 09:52PM

just a bunch of pussies
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 11, 2005 01:42PM

First of all there were never WMD's in iraq, WMD's are nukes, iraq has never had nukes, they had biologicals and those only spread over a small radius and thus are not MASS destruction.
second, yes, biologicals were found in iraq, and no the bush admin isn't parading them because they were produced in good ole USA and our jack ass leadership sold the shit to iraq in the first place.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 11, 2005 03:31PM

they had biologicals and those only spread over a small radius and thus are not MASS destruction.

Now it's down to the definition of "Mass". My mass is different than your mass.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 11, 2005 10:37PM

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of PanAm
Flight 103!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World
Trade Center in 1993!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine
barracks in Lebanon!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military
barracks in Saudi Arabia!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American
Embassies in Africa!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE!

REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the TwinTowerson 9/11/2001!

REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were
lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks!
avengerx Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2005 01:35AM

yo fossil digger yawning
smileypen ur ears well and hear before u enter hell : u said it bro marines in lebanon ....what were they doing there ...taking a lunch then going back home (fuckin fagot) saudia arabia ...what were they doing ...ya right keeping our oil safe for ur ass ...what was the uss cole doing in yemen , having a swim, gathering samples for a marine bio lab...what re american soldiers doing in iraq??? selling mars and pringles .....what are they doing in afghanistan playing american football ....many muslims had died in wtc attacks and many muslims re killed by al qaeda ...take jordan for ex not forget the palestinians who are killed evryday by : the american apatchi , the american abrams tank , the american m-16 , israel have the right to own nuclear weapon but any other country in the world dont .....what is being american in ur opinion ...i think it s being a rasicst , gay , drug dealer , raper , and commiting crimes ....faces change : be4 that u whites were rasicst against blacks , then against russians and now against muslims ......this is the american democracy ....all the world hates hitler bec he is a rascist , soviet and eussian resistance were fair ....but palestinians who have nothing but their bodies to defend themselves are terrorists ...ya right it s israelis they re killing , jews and christians are sacred they have the right to live ...muslims are scum bag , were created by an alien other than god ....they dont have feelings they dont have emotions they dont think they don love they dont hate they are not humans ,,,well consider us animals and defend for our rights .....muslims are not animals they re even lower .....why just bec they were created like that ....while u unwillingly found urself christian or jew in the states ...tell me what have u done so u was created in the us .....ironically nothing and yet u consider urself to be better , why ? bec u r a christians or jews u ll go to heaven ...well let god decide after we die ...why putting urself in his place tell me all the muslims killed are nothing for u and bec 20 or so muslims did do the wtc attacks u consider 1.1billion musims as terrorists and dnt deserve to live ....who are u anyway to have the right to decide ..........i used to love america dream was to go there ..i was fghiting with my freinds who talked bad things abut the usa ...but nw after all the new nazis am seeing on this shittty site ....i m hating some americans and yet not all cuz am not a mothafuckin rasicst .....go head treat street viloence and drugs and rapes and crimes as they take the life of americans more than wtc +iraq+anywar evr in history ....u americans most of u listen to one side of the story and yet u claim to be democratic ....i fuckin hate liars u either re democratic or dictator ...make up ur mind ....fossil diger what do u knw abut muslims what do u knw abut islam in the 1st place ....what do u knw other than the stories fanatics tell ya on tv ....have u evr gone to a muslim country and saw hw they think ...hw they re oppressed ...hw u re attacking them just bec they belive in a religion ...being a muslim nwadays is being a terrorist ...why what crime have i done ,,,,what bad have i done ..i ve never harmed anyone even by words since i was born .....if christianity and judaism is abut deleting the other well let it go to hell , but they are not not not not not not not not ...nor islam .....dnt u see fagots the prob is in us humans ....we just go mad and start judging and sterotyping after seeing a sad story abut an israeli SOLDIERE killed while he was chasing bare-hand palestinian kid ....ya right i forgot we muslims dont have the right to live .....YO ALL LISTEN WELL , IF U BELIVE IN GOD , THERE S GONA BE SOMEDAY IN WHICH THE TRUTH WILL E REVEALED , THE TRYTH THAT WE HUMANS HATE NO ONE BUT OTHER HUMANS , WE HUMANS LOVE STEROTYING BUT TO JUSTIFY ITT WE USE RELIGION LIKE ": DO IT FOR CHRIST ...CHRIST WILL LOVE YO IF U KILLED A MUSLIM ...OR IN MUSLIMS : KILL A NON-BELIVER AND U LL GO TO HEAVEN , FORGETTING THT IN ISLAM THIS IS ONLY AGAINST WHO ARE FIGHTING U ....JEWS , THEY TEACH THEM THAT U CAN KILL RAPE STEAL ANY1 AS LONG HE S NOT JEW ....THE PROB IS IN US THE HUMANS .....HOPE U READ THIS AND THINK FOR ONCE WITH UR BRAIN BEC VILOENCE WILL BRING NOTHING BUT VILENCE AND THE CIRCLE WILL KEEEP GOIN ON AND ON TILL WE ALL DIE : FOR SOME PPL TO HAVE MONEY AND OIL ....REALIZING THEY USED US AND WE GOT : NOTHING
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: November 12, 2005 05:38AM

238240 said :
Now it's down to the definition of "Mass". My mass is different than your mass.

For the record, lets just call biologicals "WMDs". And yes, Iraq had some; and yes, because we sold them to Saddam back in the 80's when he was our puppy of empire.

Remember the news reports that suggested the Iraqi army would use biologicals against the US troops? And then they didn't. Was that because it was a better P.R. image? Or because they didn't have anything ready to fly?

Say, doesn't Israel have a number of suitcase nukes? Aren't they WMDs? And Pakistan? They have WMDs. So does N. Korea. And India. And China. And Russia. (France, Germany, UK, etc.)

But wait, we are planning on invading either Syria or Iran, neither of whom have nukes. And we just got done invading Iraq and Afghanistan, neither of whom have nukes.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2005 05:42AM

Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have.
Ronald Reagan
radjordan Report This Comment
Date: April 06, 2006 02:12AM

avengerx, brother i salute you for every word you have said. i am a muslim circcasian, living in an arab country. muslims or arabs in general are kind and generous in nature, respectful to any forigner on thier land. and i witness to that. who are u to judge us, who are u to speak about islam and arabs this way without any clue of what u r talkin about... i am gonna report this site to some islamic hackers, ket them hack the shit out of it, respects avengerx.
Dunbar Report This Comment
Date: April 24, 2006 02:00AM

...the French riots were not conducted by terrorists. To say that they were is pretty damn racist.