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Evil spider
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Evil spider

"a large spider being held by a soldier"

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Comments for: Evil spider
ElmerFudd Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2004 05:36AM

They run 10 mph, jump three feet, are a nocturnal spider, so only come out at night unless they are in shade. When they bite you, you are injected with Novocain so you go numb instantly. You don't even know you are bitten when you are sleeping, so you wake up with part of your leg or arm missing
because it has been gnawing on it all night long. If you are walking around and you bump something that is casting a shadow over it, and the sun makes contact with it, you better run. It will instantly run for your shadow, and scream the whole time it is chasing you.

PS. The one on the bottom is eating the one on the top. These are Spiders found daily in IRAQ by troops. Imagine waking up and seeing one of these in your tent!!
mike Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2004 11:06AM

Is this for real?!
Bobo Report This Comment
Date: April 14, 2004 03:02PM

tia Report This Comment
Date: April 15, 2004 09:43AM

Absolutely ming! Can someone tell me if they are real?
claire Report This Comment
Date: April 15, 2004 02:59PM

They are a load of fucking shit
Peter Report This Comment
Date: April 16, 2004 03:33AM

That's just what the americans want you to think.. in reality they are real and the US wants to use them as a bio weapon...
Turner Report This Comment
Date: April 18, 2004 12:09PM

Dude the spiders are real but the stories are a load of shit. Their real name is "matevenados" more comanly known as "camel spider". They produce no Novocain, can't scream like child, and eat only crickets, pillbugs, and sometimes scorpions. They are also present in the US and Mexico.
Brendan Report This Comment
Date: April 21, 2004 03:01AM

I am afraid to say that you are all wrong, no offence though.
The story is American therefore just a story
Look on the top right of the photo - you will see the palm of the soldier holding these two arachnids and thus give you an idea of scale.
Their max. size (body only not legs) is no more than half a cigarette in length.
As I have studied and bread these arachnids I know exactly what they are. And one thing they are deffinitely not, is dangerous.
They are Solfugae or Solfugids (Eremobatidae)Solfugid means, roughly fugitive from the sun (true, they don't like the sun). They come out at night but really only after rain. Also
commenly know as 'rain spider'(inaccurate name) or Wind Scorpion.
They are actually not spiders at all more closely related to scorpions but niether scorpion nor spider.
They are NON venomous but use speed and an articulate 4 jaw system to eat yes crickets pill bugs and sometimes very small baby mice.
They also do squeak like mice when they are hurt. The soldiers were deffinitely aggrevating them and hurting them otherwise they would not know that they squeaked. This is sad really as they they are very sensitive creatures and harmless
You will also notice the golf tee like stuctures on the underside of the bottom Solfugid, these are hypersensitive sense organs that can detect vibrations hundreds of meters away.
Solfugids also have the ability to climb almost all surfaces (a bit hair raising as my British lady friend found to her horror on her visit to my home in South Africa) - even glass as inside their two front feelers (not legs)or pedipulps are sticky blobs much like the tongue of a chameleon that they use to grab prey and climb smooth surfaces.
They are wonderful creatures when you get to know them and they are harmless but can give a bit of a nip with those powerful jaws - not enough to draw blood though.
My message to the soldiers is:- stop pissing about scaring people and giving Solfugids a bad name.

gehn Report This Comment
Date: April 22, 2004 12:22PM

how were the other people wrong is u said alot of what they others said? tongue
sticking out smiley zing
EY Report This Comment
Date: April 24, 2004 12:43AM

Brendan is partially wrong, no offense though, he stated that the story is American and therefore just a story. people all over the world acknowledge the "camel spider" so therefore Brendan is partially wrong. oh, but no offense Brendan.
EY Report This Comment
Date: April 24, 2004 12:46AM

Brendan is partially wrong, no offense though, he stated that the story is American and therefore just a story. people all over the world acknowledge the "camel spider" so therefore Brendan is partially wrong. oh, but no offense Brendan.
EY Report This Comment
Date: April 24, 2004 12:53AM

Brendan is partially wrong, no offense though, he stated that the story is American and therefore just a story. people all over the world acknowledge the "camel spider" so therefore Brendan is partially wrong. oh, but no offense Brendan.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2004 04:48AM

Either way, I don't want one crawling into my bed at night, dangerous or not.. just the sight would probably give me a heart attack smiling
pulse Report This Comment
Date: May 01, 2004 04:50AM

Btw, most useful/interesting information Brendan, good stuff
Tanith Tyrr Report This Comment
Date: May 02, 2004 07:24PM

Solfugids are quite real and quite harmless. Like many arachnid hobbyists I have kept them as pets. I would very much like to have some specimens as nice as the ones in the photo! They are not venomous, nor do they attack humans. I imagine they could give a pinching bite in self defense if you were not gentle with them, but I have handled them quite freely and never been bitten. I have never heard them make any noise. They readily take crickets in captivity. Solfugids make excellent and harmless pets for folks who enjoy keeping arachnids.
dhh Report This Comment
Date: May 21, 2004 04:49PM

Kept them as pets?! Hate spiders.
mike Report This Comment
Date: June 04, 2004 11:08PM

i live in california and i have one. its not nearly as big as those but they do live here to i caught it in my house. but they do look scary.
anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 03, 2004 12:36AM

Thanks Brendan for the information. This is more than likely a picture illusion making the spiders look much bigger than they are, or possible photoshop which I coul have easily done. After doing a little research, Brendan is exactly correct, they feed on more insects and other arachnids than he mentioned, but more or less he is right. If you see one of these, there isnt need to be frightened, stories are made up, if they were truly flesh eating overgrown spiders, it would probably be all over the news.
Egg Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2004 05:54AM

A friend of mine stationed in Iraq keeps a hockey stick next to her bunk especially to deal with these things. I believe her exact words were, "Ew! EW! EWEWEWEWEWEW!!!"
Brett Report This Comment
Date: July 08, 2004 06:12AM

Peter ,thats a retarded statement.Oh hell american people have spiders.(please)
plew Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2004 05:04PM

ORZ Report This Comment
Date: October 13, 2004 12:28PM

Just be happy these soldiers aren't holing up a ZERGLING (you know, starcraft from way back when). Then we would all be in trouble.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2004 06:01PM

you guys are a bunch of idiots. Trying to use this picture illusion to try and scare people. Which ive seen picture of bites so i dont know what to think. But i do know that making these spiders sound like a man eating tiger is bullshit.
And theyre not really that big.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 14, 2004 06:03PM

You all are trying to fool everybody into thinking these spiders are more than they really are. And when everybody finds out the truth you are the one thats going to be fooled.
Sokratesz Report This Comment
Date: December 23, 2004 09:06AM

anthony Report This Comment
Date: January 26, 2005 09:34PM

they rock and yes they are real...a friend of mine from the 2nd INF division tried to sneak one into the country but the climate change killed it in a week.
pat0650hotmailcom Report This Comment
Date: February 16, 2005 09:10PM

My question to all concerns the agressiveness of these "camel spiders" as they are known to the veterans of South West Asia. I had one of these things chase me all over a parking lot one night in Saudia Arabia until I jumped up on a Deuce and a half to escape it. BTW, the screaming like a child that Elmer Fudd mentioned is exactly the sound I was making the whole time. They do not move like a traditional spider, herky jerky; these things track like a RC car, smooth and non-stop. My screaming like a girl on the school playground brought out a couple of the guys who weren't arachnophobic and one caught it with his gloved hands as it ran right up to him! He dumped water on it....and no died instantly! The scale is about correct in that photo: body 2-3" legs are longest at the front up to twice the body length. When we would move the shipping containers around out in the storage areas we have seen MUCH larger.
dave_wroe Report This Comment
Date: March 19, 2005 12:28PM

poo nob cock penis
I_was_there Report This Comment
Date: April 13, 2005 09:05PM

I can't bel;ieve this photo made it onbto the web. I was actually there when it was taken and I can tell you that these 2 Camel spiders were actually about 4 inches long. If you look at the plier portion of the leatherman which is holding them you can get an idea as tyo just how big they were. After all, if they were small and insignifigant, would we have photographed them?
Jonathan_Miller Report This Comment
Date: March 31, 2006 02:18AM

Hell i wouldn't dout that the United States would use these Camel Spiders as a bio weapon, hell they use everything else as a weapon don't you think?
Educator Report This Comment
Date: October 24, 2007 02:09AM

Educate yourselves. In addition to pron, it's what the Internet was made for.
