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Re: Image comments for Imagine Reunification/Unite Cascadia
Posted by: duane
Date: 21/07/2005 11:09AM
Dude your funny,but Yeti I live in the enviorment that you say is so horrible and you know I kinda like it but I know Im fooled into enjoying myself.In the society I live in its practicle to think I can make enough money to buy a SUV (if motivated enough to not get health insurance and buy the latest X-Box)in your version Im guranteed enough to buy a chevy spectrum but I have subpar health care acrossed the board and board games for all.Im sure you put alot of thought into this but you just dont have the perspective of the common american.I went for years without healthcare,hell I spent three years couch surfing.I know what is going on with kids now days,Hollywood and the music industry have painted a picture and created a subculture and the people who did it used freedom of speech and no censureship to accomoplish it,now you talk of socialized medicine as if the government knows how to manage money and will not be crooked in your system everything you have said is know not worth the page you have wrote it on.You should look at your beliefs you have no convictions exept this government is fascist no matter the election or the freedom of speech in our system,something else is allways better.

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