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Re: Image comments for White Man Speaks
Posted by: Anonymous
Date: 25/08/2005 05:19PM
Anon 166187:

The Eropean colinaziation of the Americas and displacement of the indiginent peoples is by no means an isolated incident. People have been taking land and resources via warfare since before recorded history. Normans, Saxons, Vikings, Goths, Visigoths, Huns, Mongols, Arabs, Jews, Celts, Various Tribes of Africa, Brits, Spaniards, Itallians, Portugese, Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, etc. etc. etc. It is simplay a part of history.

In truth, the native tribes of the Americas routinely fought each other over territory and livestock. In the Central and South American regions, tens of thousands of the captured "enemy" tribe were ritualistically sacrificed by the victorious tribe to their gods after the battle was won.

However, the USA is the global villian because the Europeans who colonized the present day US "brutally killed the Native Americans and stole their land."

What about the practices of the Spanish and Portugese who colonized Central and South America? They killed millions of the native people in search of gold, jewels, cocoa and tobacco. Why are Spain and Portugal not considered evil criminals too?

And what of the Japanese occupation of various countries throught southeast Asia around the turn of the century? They were guilty of brutalization, slavery and systematic genocide, but very little mention is made of it in most history books. Most Chinese people hate the Japanese to this day for the brutalities they endured under Japanese rule. But is that common knowledge? No.

What of the colonization of Vietnam by the "oh so lovable and peaceful" French? They used native Vietnamese as slave labor on their plantations built on land "stolen" from the indiginents.

What do you think the Germans, Japanese and Itallians would have done to the poeple in the countries they invaded in WWII if the USA had not gotten involved and helped defeat them?

It is just one more case of the USA being held to a higher standard than everyone else. Just like the world news spent weeks berating the US because of the brutal treatment of the prisoners at Abu Garib, but how much coverage did the brutal beheadings of CIVILLIANS at the hands of insurgents get? Very little. So the Iraqi prisoners had some embarrassing pictures taken of them. So they had some panties put on their heads. Hell, some college fraternaty hazings are worse than that. Not only did the insurgents kill their captives, but they did it in one of the most gruesome ways imaginable. These people were not beheaded quickly on a guillotine, or with one sweep of an axe. They had their necks SAWED through, slowly, with large knives, and were allowed to choke on their own blood until the spinal cord was finally severd. I have seen many of the videos. These people took 30 seconds to several minutes to die, and were in excruciating pain. They try to scream in pain, but all you can hear are hisses and gurgles, since their larynx has been severed, and blood is being sucked into their opened trachea as they fight for their last gasps of air. Can you honestly tell me that that is not much much worse than the "abuse" suffered by the Abu Garib prisoners? The world media would have you believe otherwise.

Our troops are labeled "baby killers" and "monsters" when a missile goes astray and strikes an unintended civillian target, but the world praises insurgent suicide bombers who INTENTIONALLY blow up crowds of innocent women and children as "freedom fighters." Another case of the double standards applied to the USA.

Maybe people should do some research outside what the liberal media reports, and read some history books before they are so quick to label the US as evil.

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