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Re: Image comments for obamagate
Posted by: pro_junior
Date: 22/05/2020 08:24PM
Date: May 21, 2020 09:38AM

I'm genuinely curious. Why do you think he's done a good job? What are the measurements of success?

First thing that comes to mind is the cut to the federal income tax rate..
"Americans paid almost $64 billion less in federal income taxes during the first year under the Republican tax overhaul signed into law in late 2017 by President Donald Trump, with some of the sharpest drops clustered among taxpayers earning between $25,000 and $100,000 a year" source
At the time all the MSM could talk about was how all Trumps millionaire cronies would benefit and refusing to acknowledge that the cuts helped the little guy more...and then the following year they reported about how so many people received smaller refunds or no refund because of Trump but not explaining that the reason was because they took less money so there was less to give back...duh.

Next is national security..I strongly believe in strong borders. I can not understand people that think it's okay to allow just anyone to waltz into our nation unchallenged...
Consider this...put your politics and feelings aside, and consider this;
You come home from working a long walk into your house and there is a family of four in your've never met them is cooking some of your is in your garage looking through your toolbox and putting wrenches in his are watching teevee and playing vidya games...NOW, what are you going to do about that? Is it okay because they just wanted a better life for themselves and because your house is nicer and you have more food and better entertainment gonna just let them stay? Fuck No you wouldn't. you would call the police and have those trespassers removed.

Also what Kim said...and to some degree what fossil said..

There is a lot of good that he has done and he has done some bad things too..We All Have. Everybody makes mistakes, the difference between his and yours is that there aren't tons of talking heads on the teevvee everyday saying "pulse bad! pulse bad! pulse bad!!!!" instead it's "Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad! Orange man bad!" rinse and repeat..
And don't try to tell me hiS MiSTakeS coSt PeoPLe TheiR LivEs...utter nonsense. He has handled this panicdemic crisis as well as anyone could have. He has been met with resistance, criticism, and ridicule every step of the way by Democrats.
Pelosi March 2020: "Trump closed Chinese flights. Racist.!"
Pelosi April 2020: "Trump should have closed ALL Chinese flights. Incompetent."

The truly sad part is that there are so many people that just believe what they want to and ignore facts.

Do you hate Trump? Or any other political figure for that matter... Ask yourself Why.
I remember the first time I saw Trump. He was a guest on the David Letterman Show..circa 1990 I guess..not sure why he was on, probably to promote his book? Anyway I thought he was about the most arrogant person I had ever seen and didn't like him at all. I never watched The Apprentice or anything else he was a part of...
BUT all that I know about him is what I saw on teevee or the internet. I don't know him. I have never met him personally. My opinion of him is based on things that I know he did or said and not in what other people say that he meant by what he said. I don't need Rachel Madcow, Anderson Cooper, or anyone else to interpret his words for me.

The best they have to offer instead of Trump?

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