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Re: Image comments for Australia. Last shop for 620 miles.
Posted by: Mrkim
Date: 21/05/2023 01:07PM
Please pardon my error pulse, that number should be annually, not monthly, so good on ya for catching that thumbs up

Those of us in my generation can recall as a kid there was a mostly uninhabited spanse of 30 miles between Dallas and Ft Worth which today has completely disappeared due to the continuing urban sprawl. All the outlying suburban areas have exploded similarly making one huge sprawling mass of humanity.

Coming in from the east on interstate 30 headed due west at 60 mph from the furthest outlying suburb of Dallas it takes close to 2 hrs. till you'll get to the furthest edge of Ft Worths suburbs.

If ya wanna keep harping on the per capita data I'll cede your point but the economic reality still remains that when comparing strictly GDP data, well ... smoking smiley

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